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Warning …. The bad part of being a DJ


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2016
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I'm not saying you're obligated to fvck every pvssy that presents itself to you, but only the ones you really dig.

Read OP's story again, this was one pvssy he really wanted to bang.
Let's wait to hear how this played out in 2 weeks.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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^Yes, OP give us an update.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
You couldn't have worked on the proposal the next day?

Sometimes a little flexibility is called for...or perhaps not putting it off til the last minute next time so you could have some flexibility?
My calendar is insane. I'm one of the obsessive compulsive people that schedules everything. But to answer your question, yes I suppose I could have changed plans, and worked on this Sunday, but my Sunday was filled because it's usually the only day that I can spend time with the kids, and skipped a workout day. Every time I do something like this, it always goes sideways where something has to give. Especially with proposals, which wasn't due until today. But I always finish these 2 days out. Get some sleep and the next day go over what I worked out... almost invariably I'll find something I missed... it really is a two day process if you want to minimize risk. If you screw up a proposal... man that could cost you real money if you missed a requirement or benchmark timeline that you can not meet. It's especially important now with all the godd@mn inflation, everything is costing more, and if you are going off costs of goods and services for something even 2 months ago, you could find eat into your profit margin by 8%, which can be the difference between making and losing money.

Sometimes it is better to pass on a contract proposal if you don't think you will make money from it, then to bust you @ss and not even break even. Women are actually are the same... and it's like putting in too much effort on a chick that isn't going anywhere.

Really I'm not willing to take the risk of on a chick I just met. I get the feeling that she's perfectly fine, but she could be some bunny boiling lunatic, you just don't know... there is a process for screening women... and abandoning the the process in the interest of expediency often leads to trouble. We'll see how it goes in a couple of weeks, I can be patient. If she is interested this delay will only help me... I've learned that from experience.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
DJ or not, part of being masculine is the ability to be flexible and adapt to the given situation.

When a pvssy presents itself to you, your most important priority right at that moment is to FVCK it good, which OP didn't.

All the self-talks about sticking to priorities and whatnot are self-soothing and mental masturbation at best.
I was like this when I was younger.... now getting laid just isn't as important to me as making money.


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
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Miami fl
Mike I thought you were married lol what ever happened to the girl?


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Every now and then you meet a woman that just knocks your socks off. This happened to me at a friend’s wedding this past Saturday, where I met MM. She was just freaking awesome. Things were going well, dancing and having a great time, she is the complete package. But the problem was I had to get back home and work of a proposal. The temptation was to get a hotel room, stay until we got kicked out of the reception and spend the night there instead of driving two and a half hours back home to work.

It is times like this when I wished I could ignore reality and toss everything out the window believing that love was augury, and just roll with the experience. I got her number, will make a date when she gets back from Minnesota in a couple of weeks and see where it goes. Doing this, of course, has its risks… it could work out, but, the chances are that some other dude (because they were orbiting around ready to pounce) will spend time with her at the reception and bend over backwards to be around her… and the window of opportunity will close.

Driving back, because I had almost three hours thinking about this, wishing I lived in a dream world and surrender to magical thinking. But I had work to do and that was more important. When things like this happen it is critically important to you sanity and well-being to remember that reality is what it is, and wishing things were different can and will fvck up your life.

Respect playboy.

Your reaction is natural though jaded. Not your first rodeo.

In retrospect, if she's all that awesome ie not a modern women, prioritizing purpose over puss could actually be a benefit. 99% of what men are competing for modern women.

In my teens or early 20s, I would have hammered it out to the bitter end. As I got older, like you, other priorities take precedence.

Keep moving. March to the beat of your own drum. Obviously shoot your shot in a week or so. Possibly the approach you took shows a man of purpose and WILLINGNESS TO WALK. you and I both know if she's a modern women especially in attendance of a wedding and pending he age, he behavior is likely to be expected.

There's nothing to lose but shoot your shot. Let the chips fall where they may. Obviously go get more girls between now and then.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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I've had that happen too, sometimes even separated by months like after a ONS or something. Again my point is moreso that OP didn't specify much what he did to show how high her IL was, so, I was making a point that that what you're saying is only true if a) your SMV is very high/higher than hers and b) you make a real lasting impression. I agree that high IL women basically never forget about men (literally that's what alpha widowing is) but you're also painting this to be black and white as if the interaction with the girl was the best case scenario. Lukewarm or moderate interest will not always keep them around for 2 weeks.

I'm not in scarcity bro message me and I'll show you a pic of a smoking hot 21 year old latina I just banged
Send it.

99% of modern women are jump offs. There's still a 1% chance of the alternative. Given the probability, OP placed priorities on bank vs a girl he may or may not see again.

At 21, I am letting it play out. Hell mid or late 20s I likely do. After 30 it's old hat. Not my 1st rodeo. The cost evaluation isn't there and if she's a jump off, she's gone before the weeks out. In which case, OP is doing it right. Fellas complicate and compromise too much for *****.

This is coming from a guy who enjoys week night throaters in the parking lot after a coffee.


Sep 10, 2014
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Was this a case of "strike when the iron is hot'? May never know. Hope you close this one. Let us know how it goes
Maybe. Weddings and Funerals are emotional events that lead women to being ready to hook up that night.

Will be interesting to see what happens now that time is going to go by and the "emotional high" from being dressed up at a wedding and out having fun is gone.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Every now and then you meet a woman that just knocks your socks off. This happened to me at a friend’s wedding this past Saturday, where I met MM. She was just freaking awesome. Things were going well, dancing and having a great time, she is the complete package. But the problem was I had to get back home and work of a proposal. The temptation was to get a hotel room, stay until we got kicked out of the reception and spend the night there instead of driving two and a half hours back home to work.

Driving back, because I had almost three hours thinking about this, wishing I lived in a dream world and surrender to magical thinking. But I had work to do and that was more important. When things like this happen it is critically important to you sanity and well-being to remember that reality is what it is, and wishing things were different can and will fvck up your life.
This sounds like at best a long distance relationship and more typically a one night stand. Does this woman live in the same city as you do?

Weddings and Funerals are emotional events that lead women to being ready to hook up that night.
I have had a same night lay from a wedding. However, I'd like to share my experiences from the flurry of weddings in my social sphere that took place between 2015-2020. My same night lay from a wedding was pre-2015.

During the 2015-2020 flurry of wedding in my social sphere, there was almost no hooking up and no LTRs formed among the attendees of these weddings. These weddings were couples between 28-35 having first weddings. Most of the social circles of the marrying couples were other couples in LTRs/stable relationships. The guy I have considered my closest friend for the past decade had a wedding with over 100 attendees and 0 unattached people under age 45. There were 0 one night stands from that and 0 LTRs formed from that wedding reception.

People get married much later in life now. At 2010 and later weddings, the typical 27-33 year old wedding attendee is coming to the wedding with their significant other. A decline in marriage rates does not equate into a decline in couplehood.

In situations like the ones that have happened in my social circle, few unattached men showed up to those weddings because the unattached men knew that there would be 0 unattached women showing up.

If social circles lead to relationships, people are introduced well before a wedding reception.

The only time that a wedding reception could lead to a blossoming romance is if a couple gets married early in life and most of their social circle is still too young to have attachments. That type of wedding is getting less common.

In certain types of weddings, there are instances of sex. It's also possible that my social circle is a bit lame on hooking up and forming new connections.
