Generally speaking, I think women see like a Marine type crew cut as the height of masculinity, in that the guy gets up, washes his hair, it doesn't require much care, and he gets on with his day, doing more important man things. As opposed to a woman, who spends time on her hair, sits two or three hours in a salon, brushes, conditions, styles, etc. I think that's optimum masculinity as far as hair goes for women.
I've heard women not like a guy's hair just because it had product in it, they don't understand why a guy would fuss with his hair so much.
On the other hand, a woman might see a guy's long hair (which obviously requires a lot of care) and be jealous that he has prettier hair than they do - and be very attracted to him. Bottom line, every woman is different, and there are very few absolutes. So ultimately, you have to do do what you want to do.