Wanting women to be just like us.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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We complain here a lot. If our target would only do this or that, be agreeable to fvcking whenever we want, however we want, just comply, we'd have nothing to complain about. Basically, I think that a lot of guys here (myself included) want a sort of man-woman, a woman who was born a woman but fvcks or enjoys fvcking like a man. Those are extremely rare, but I've found one, and while she sometimes resembles a boy in behavior and in her non-feminine hands, all her other parts are very feminine (though I will admit that she wasn't born with the wide hips that most men go bonkers over) and excite me to no end. She has stretch-marks, from 2 kids, but her breasts are still intact, nicely firm - I guess this is from not breast-feeding them? She regrets having kids (I think due to the overwhelming responsibility, stretch-marks, and disdain for their fathers).

The point I'm trying to make is, when we have sex, she is so aggressive (not submissive at all) and so up for it whenever I want it, that I am beginning to see her as more and more like me. It's almost as if I'm fvcking myself because she is everything, sexually, I could ever ask for. Do we really want our women to be born with a man's mind? Cause hers is very boyish, very unbound by a lot of the restrictions most girls put before us. It's like the female mindset doesn't even register with her to be submissive, to not want sex all the time, to not want me to buy her things or try to say nice things to her (I don't even have to compliment her, she's a very even keel person who understands what bullsh!t really is and carries absolutely No drama).

All these Other women, on the other hand, Never will be able to understand how to clear out all the bullsh!t from their tangled, shift-shaping, unstable minds. I believe it All comes down to genetics and how they were born. Women who were born with just the right amount of testosterone (i.e. never grew a d!ck) to make them everything we ever wanted with regards to sex. However, we truly would like to bang the most feminine of feminine without having to deal with all the inevitable Bullsh!t that arises out of that particular submissive, helpless target. The more feminine of a woman you choose to go for, the more trouble, I believe, you may be getting yourself in to. We call that high maintenance, an emptying out your wallet, a mental Hell.

So being able to identify the least feminine women is just as important as being adept at finding the girliest girls, especially if you are not rich or have a low tolerance for bullsh!t.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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I simply bypass all of that by finding women who are not satisfied with their current relationship.