Want to know how her true feelings? Here's how...


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2020
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At some point, most of you gentlemen already got in trouble thanks to women's apparently confuse behaviour, playing hot and cold, calling us and then rejecting our calls, sending billions of texts and then ignoring our replies... here's how to deal with it definitely.

Most of you guys will say "just ignore her and move on, find another plates to spin" and it's totally undestandable, but maybe not the best thing to do when you want to literally move on. Why? Because it leaves behind these uncertain feelings, there's no definition, and as we all know this lack of definition is a full plate for women to play with us, because they play with uncertainty to drive us wild, mad, sad, miserable. To avoid this to happen and know definitely what's in a woman's mind about you, here's what you should do: PUSH HER AGAINST THE WALL!

What you're gonna give her, gentleman, is a ultimatum. It's the last point, where her actions will actually lead to a consequence where there's no coming back, no feelings unclear, it will either be yes or no. There are a lot of ways to do this, but you must communicate to her that IF SHE KEEPS THE UNDESIRED ATTITUDE WITH YOU, YOU WILL NOT TAKE IT AND MOVE ON. By this, you can lead to two ways: she'll either change her behaviour and act better, or she will "call" and see if you have iron balls to keep you word.

It's extremely important that you do keep your word, because if you don't you'll be seen as the most disgusting kind of loser - and the worst part is that she's right. If a man can't even keep his word, he'll be taken as worthless for a woman, because he can't give her one of the crucial things she's looking for in a man - certainty.

For didatic purposes, let's check an example:

01) A woman who doesn't accept your calls
"I will be calling you this (set up a date here, it's extremely important to fix limits on because that's the amount of time she'll have to decide, it will be a test for both of you because you'll see her reaction and she will be watching if you're gonna back up on your ultimatum), and if you don't take your phone I will disappear from your life"

Now let's get a closer look to this sentence. First, you communicate to her that you'll be doing something (notice that you must say it in an imperative way, you're not asking her permission to call her, you're simply gonna do it) and you're stipulating a time for this action, leaving no uncertainty about "if you're gonna do it" or "when you gonna do it". Then, you communicate what she has to do in order to "pass your test" (clear instructions, as if you were talking with a mentally disabled person, because women loves pretending to misundestand your words just to confuse you) and finish it with a consequence for her actions in case she doesn't pass your test, which is the impacting part of the sentece. Why? Because women do their best to take whatever thing is pleasing for them without taking any consequences. When you put a consequence that is absolutely certain to happen, this will freak them out, there's no way out.

I must say that it can be a horrible idea to do it if you're suffering of oneitis or is about to fall in love with the girl. The consequences might be heartbreaking for you, emotional pain can be so ****ing strong it can lead you to depression and even suicide. To begin with, it must be a rule for you to not be in love with the one you're going to try it. You can't be afraid to lose her, or else you won't even have the balls to do this ultimatum.

If she leaves, it was for the best, you just got rid of a woman who was keeping you as a slave to please her while you get less or even nothing. If she "obey" you, she'll probably come really lovely and obedient, because you exposed to her this masculine side of you, this certainty that you were probably lacking to begin with, and this may be a really good time to start exploring further, and "penetrate her deeply with you masculine energy", as David Deida says.
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