Wanna make friends/get a girlfriend? Don't move to my city. This place sucks.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2011
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You may have heard from word of mouth or on the news that Vancouver is rated as one of the best cities in the world to live in, but, from what I've experienced, this is BS. I moved in the area less than a year ago from the East Coast, and the changes are shocking.

First of all, the cost of living is through the roof... About 3 in 4 houses in Vancouver's west side are assessed at $1million or more... If you want an affordable place, you'll either have to rent or move to the suburbs. I happen to live in the suburbs (Surrey), and it sucks out here. The place is littered with alcoholics, drug addicts, and criminals. Even though I live in a "decent" neighbourhood, there are about two weed grow-ups about a ten minute walk from my house, and my neighbours are alcoholic crackheads. One night, they got really drunk and vandalized my aunt's porch. This is very ironic, considering my other next door neighbour is a well-adjusted family with parents who have respectable jobs.

Even though it is really diverse out here and "multicultural", most people stick to their cliques or ethnic groups and look down upon outsiders. I have met more openly racist people while I've been here than any other city in Canada. People do not say Hi to each other. People seem to hate each other here.

For example, I've tried hanging out with my cousins' social group that they've known for years. I try to be as friendly and open-minded as possible, but most of them talk sh** behind my back, are very disrespectful, and try to drag me down to their level. When I lived back east, people were extremely friendly and welcoming.

Don't cold approach here. You will get dirty looks from girls. The girls here, especially the Asians (and, as an Asian myself, I can vouch for this) are very stuck-up and have extremely high standards. Many of them come from very rich families (almost half of downtown Vancouver is foreign-owned by wealthy Chinese real-estate and sweatshop moguls), so there is a very pathological "keep-up-with-the-Jones" attitude here. It's funny, because in one part of the city, there are million-dollar superfly condos, a Louis Vuitton, and people driving Lambos. Take a 10-15 minute bus ride eastwards, and you will see congregations of starving hobos, strung-out dope addicts, and garbage everywhere. This part of the city happens to have the highest incidence of AIDS not just in Canada, but North America.

Of the girls who are not wealthy, many still have extremely inflated egos. Girls are glued to their smartphones and dependent on their Facebook profiles. Of course, this is a problem of our generation at large, not just my city, but the problem is very pronounced here. Especially here in the suburbs, most young people here are attached to their little high-school bubbles and digital worlds, and have no concept of reality whatsoever. One girl I know complained about not having a boyfriend, when she failed to realize that she had rejected multitudes of guys that could have been suitable because they were not up to her standards or "too nice". She was maybe a 7, but holding out for some ultra-alpha model lookalike.

As far as Canada goes, this city has the worst attitude of the ones I've been in. Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, various parts of Ontario, etc. have much better attitudes and open-minded people, from what I've observed.

I can only imagine that places like LA or New York City are worse, but I have never been to those places and haven`t traveled USA that much. I have been to Detroit before, and, I must admit, it was the most depressing city I've ever been to, and everyone was an ***hole. Other American cities are probably better though, I hope.

What is your city like? Are people friendly? Are they c*nts? Are the girls open to strangers and receptive? Or is it even worse? Also, is anyone else here from BC? If so, have you had a similar experience? Thoughts??


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
haha, its all about perspective... I hooked up with 2 girls from vancover... girls seems more open to me there compared a few other cities. maybe it's you?


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
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First of all, get the heck out of Surrey! Surrey is a bit of a joke around these parts. Especially Surrey girls who have a rep for being slvtty and easy. Not the right place to be forming a general opinion of the entire west coast.

The opinions you express are much like many other east coasters I have heard. Especially people from Toronto. I always like to ask "what the heck are you doing here if it sucks so bad and Toronto was so great?"

Anyhow I've moved around a lot in my life and any new place can be difficult at first. It usually takes a year or more to get into the groove.

People in Van are friendly enough if you have the right outlook.

Once again, get out of Surrey because Surrey is NOT Vancouver!


Master Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
not here. in the real world.
Man I rolled through BC for a few weeks and I had a great time in Vancouver. Alas, I went to Marc Emery's Marijuana Party Headquarts downtown and got blitzed lol watching discovery channel with one kid from russia and another from somewhere in the middle east. Then I met this dude doing magic tricks and he took me on a walking tour down along the peirs and we saw seals barking, etc. -- man and Squamish is a bouldering mecca for the climbing community, not far from Vancouver.

West Vancouver you can't compare because that's like the rich-digs in that city man -- that's not reflective of everwhere. I actually read some area of vancouver started forcing their community to uphold a 'living wage' rather than a 'minimum wage' (like here in the US). They said a 'minimum wage' is nothing to live off of, and actually, if you factor in average rent in the area, groceries, etc, a 'living wage' is a more accurate reflection..anyways I thought it was cool they realized and implemented that in their community (the particular community escapes me at the moment but I could try and find the old news article).

I love Canada. Such a cool and beautiful place.

Dude go check out Nelson or places in the Kootenays -- BEAUTIFUL HIP AWESOME.



ALSO -- if you want it really bad for approaching, come move out here to the foothills of the rockies...clean air clean water lots of wildlife but the women here are manly and ready to chop wood! AHH@!!!

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
One girl I know complained about not having a boyfriend, when she failed to realize that she had rejected multitudes of guys that could have been suitable because they were not up to her standards or "too nice". She was maybe a 7, but holding out for some ultra-alpha model lookalike.
That is hypergamy for you. Beta males below her cognitively perceived sexual market value, regardless of her actual value, don't even register a blip on her radar. Women spend their lives upgrading their lifestyle standards and they can never happily go backwards in lifestyle, though they may begrudgingly do so if forced by circumstance (like hitting the wall). So she'd never be happy, truly happy, with those otherwise objectively suitable men to which she rejected. "Too nice," of course, is a euphemism for falling off of her hypergamous standards.