waiting for date?


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
Yesterday = Tue Today = Wed Our date = Thu

Yesterday was Tuesday and I called the girl to ask her out with me on the Thursday. We had some chitchat and then I told her abt the time and place and she said yes.

Should I msg her today(Wednesday) to confirm the place and time?

Or just sit tight and be there on the Thu.

I am not sure whether she got it or not.(Btw, She accepted the appointment)

On the other hand, im thinking abt sending a msg like

"hey! tmr u better put on ur best attire tomorrow so that u don't make me

feel embarrassed walking with u. But.... don't go naked i can't accept that" With this, I am reminding her abt the date and play sexuality at the same time.

Feed back abt this please.
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Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
Umm, no, not this, for sure. ("hey! tmr u better put on ur best attire tomorrow so that u don't make me

feel embarrassed walking with u. But.... don't go naked i can't accept that" With this, I am reminding her abt the date and play sexuality at the same time.)

No need to re-confirm.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Johnnyventana said:
Umm, no, not this, for sure. ("hey! tmr u better put on ur best attire tomorrow so that u don't make me

feel embarrassed walking with u. But.... don't go naked i can't accept that" With this, I am reminding her abt the date and play sexuality at the same time.)

No need to re-confirm.
I second the motion.

Do not use that line you suggested. With all due respect, it's trying WAYY to hard to be ****y/funny. It it could seriously creep her out if she doesn't take it right.

If you gave her a firm date/time, you don't have to reconfirm.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
ok guys thx for every comment

I didn't text her but called her instead and said like the following.

Me: Hey! just called to change the place to Esplanade instead of Paragon.

(Actually, I had a date with her at Esplanade but I pretended that I

wrongly remembered it)

She: Heyyyy we had our date at Esplanade. U must have called the wrong

number. I knew that I was not important for u. Cher! T_T

Me: Naaaa it is ok (We then confirmed the place and time)


What do guys think abt it?

Today, we gonna have a date as I suggested.

After I hung up for an hour, i also text to her like "don't wear a lot of

lipstick coz Im too lazy to wipe it out of my lips"

She then replied within a few min " so sweet dream na "

Feedback please?
Jul 3, 2011
Reaction score
keemojung said:
Yesterday = Tue Today = Wed Our date = Thu

Yesterday was Tuesday and I called the girl to ask her out with me on the Thursday. We had some chitchat and then I told her abt the time and place and she said yes.

Should I msg her today(Wednesday) to confirm the place and time?

Or just sit tight and be there on the Thu.

I am not sure whether she got it or not.(Btw, She accepted the appointment)

On the other hand, im thinking abt sending a msg like

"hey! tmr u better put on ur best attire tomorrow so that u don't make me

feel embarrassed walking with u. But.... don't go naked i can't accept that" With this, I am reminding her abt the date and play sexuality at the same time.

Feed back abt this please.

Too needy.

Under GAME THEORY, you're supposed to presume she will act right until she gives you a reason not to. This way you avoid offending the good ones by treating them as if they were bad.

There are no failures with women, only outcomes.

You're lookinag at dating as if it were some milestone, which it's not. Look at it as a way to spend an evening with a woman, nothing more or less, and do so without any agenda other than showing her a good time, keeping her safe, and enjoying her company. If you do that, the rest will take care of itself.



Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
The date was ok. We ended up at her place but we didn't have sex

since she had her menstruation.

The thing is even though i have banged this girl already, but she isn't so attached to me like other girl. She said she is selective about her partner.

She said she can like me, but she can't love me. She can't open her mind for me.

I don't understand why she say this.

I accept that i like her and if she show her sincere to me then i would return

her with the same thing ( i don't wanna just bang her and leave like the the other girls of mine , but right now she is playing hard to get.) She barely

initiate the call instead it is me that i will call her every 2-3 days.

One in the beginning of the week for the chitchat and the other on Thursday to offer date.

What should I do in this situation? Should I go no contact with her to make her miss me?

( I think NC is like a gamble and i dun wanna risk losing her)

Even though she is playing hard to get, she seemed to be attached to me when we stay together.

She said she love to be hug and do kinos thing with me.

PS I also have spin my plates with other 2-3 girls so that i won't become so infatuated in this girl.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
lol, I thought this was your first date, and that's why I was curious cause that text you sent was a bit bold and I wanted to see if it worked out. If you banged her already that's a whole other story ^^

Anyway, you should stop attempting to "conquer" this girl trying to make her love you. She already decided she is not in love and there is nothing you can do to change that by trying. Only by stop trying you might have a chance doing this.
So keep banging her, keep banging other chicks. Maybe she will change her mind once you changed, maybe she won't. Don't worry, you can make someone else fall in love with you instead, you probably didn't play your cards right on this one.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
jay_mo said:
lol, I thought this was your first date, and that's why I was curious cause that text you sent was a bit bold and I wanted to see if it worked out. If you banged her already that's a whole other story ^^

Anyway, you should stop attempting to "conquer" this girl trying to make her love you. She already decided she is not in love and there is nothing you can do to change that by trying. Only by stop trying you might have a chance doing this.
So keep banging her, keep banging other chicks. Maybe she will change her mind once you changed, maybe she won't. Don't worry, you can make someone else fall in love with you instead, you probably didn't play your cards right on this one.
I just wanna date her and bang her once a week. If she wants to get in

LTR, then Im ok with that. But if she just wants me to bang her and there

is no string attached, im still ok with that since I already spin my plates

with other 2-3 girls.

Why do u think she decided not to in love? Could it be bcuz she wasn't

sure if im having her as my toy so she is not serious about our relationship yet?

U said she will change her mind when i am changed,so

in what way do u think i should change?