Is the common element in these three things(and more), 1) Religion 2) One itis, and 3) Caring about others opinions.
tl;dr, stop being so weak.
I hope you guys read this through, its long and at some parts tedious, but I think its worth reading to the end.
In society today, we are encouraged to be weak. Look around you, and realize that much of society is structured in a way that allows us to take away our own power. Listen to the music on the radio, and we hear lovesick puppied males whine about how his "one-love" has left him. Look at the posters or the magazines, we see feminin men with cute haircuts and metrosexual clothing, they are branded "hot", while the ones of us who are not MODEL looking are left feeling sorry for ourselves. Read the books of Twilight, or whatever bull**** is popular. Watchthe romantic comedies where the nerdy failure of a man somehow ends up getting the "love of his life". Frankly, they make me cringe; my nuts shrink.
Whose who do not conform, feel that we should. It is already hardwired into us, too much TV, too much Music..etc.
We are all on this site because we have a problem with women...but is it really a problem with women?
Whether you blame your *****footed daddy, your domineering mother, your non George Clooney-ish looks, or the environment of your childhood, it all means the same. You refuse to take responsibility for your own behaviour. YES, whatever that happened in your childhood did EFFECT you to be the kind of person (nice guy) that does not get laid. YES, your rejections in the past are painful. YES, you do not have confidence. But what we must realize is that at THIS moment, starting NOW, whatever failures, are YOUR responsibility, not your mothers, not your fathers, not the girl's fault because she cannot recognize what a great "man" you are.
YOUR responsibility.
Responsibility, or lack thereof, is as important a part as each of the three I'm about to discuss with you. It's all part of the "Woman's Security blanket".
I'm so sorry, I don't really have a better term. We can call it the emasculation of men, whatever works.
Christianity especially, really pisses me off. I'm not against anyone who is Christian ( I have learnt not to feel pity anymore, too much trouble, too many ppl to pity). If you choose to believe in a higher power that will grant you immortality if you read his book and preach his word, that is fine, and its your business. However, I will chose to disobey the omnipotent universe creating Lord, and let the MERCIFUL god send me to hell to burn for eternity.
I'm not bashing Christianity. But what you think about it, why do people believe in Jesus? Behind the fancy water walking, the simple message is that "If you believe in ME, you will GO to heaven". The ego MUST believe itself to be important. The evidence shows that we are animals with the conscious being derived from our increased neuron capacity. I'm sorry, I do not believe in astrol projection or whatever bull****- when we die..WE DIE. Permanently, absolutely, and nothing in our lives will have EVER mattered.
So yes, no matter what has happened to in in waking living memory, in the end, its all in VAIN. Yes, the pedophile and the pious virgin will die and end up in the same place...NO WHERE.
Being loved by an all powering god, it makes you feel special doesn't it?... yeah..
The simple fact is...we are not important. YOU are not important. I'm not important. The girl you want to **** is not IMPORTANT. No matter how many girls you **** in your lifetime, the end result is the same...NOTHING. Nothing you do from now on will matter. History might remember you, BUT YOU WILL NOT REMEMBER HISTORY. So, does it all matter? No...
So relax my brother.
Lets go back to the part about being "special". You want to be special don't you? Yes you do... which is why, at one or another point is your (or in my case, two) lives, you had an "ONE-ITIS".
The girl of your "DREAMS", the girl that you wanted above all other women. The girl who had NO flaws. It's all a god damn illusion. She had plenty of flaws. Hey, imagine her constitpated as hell in the toilet, screaming her ass off but she just can't take a ****. Disgusting, yes. Hilarious, yes. Kinky, well if your into that, yes. But its true all the same, if it happened to you, if it happened to me, it happened to HER.
If I'm insulting your vision of the perfect girl, good, cuz she DOESNT exist. You MADE HER. This is covered by most of the articles in the forums
But what this post is trying to establish is the fundimental reason WHY you made her.
If an angel fell from the sky, why do you want to **** her so badly? Why THIS beautiful angel, plenty of other hot women. But shes SPECIAL... Why do you want to **** a girl who is special? (In my case, I want to take the VIRGINITY of the girl who is special)
Perhaps it would make you special too...
So yeah, essentially, you take a girl who has SOME (especially physical) aspects that you like, then you put on a VERY heavy armour of your own projected traits that you want in women. Wrap her up and worship her like a god damn idol.
She can take it up the ass from 5 black guys, but in your eyes, shes still a goddess. She can do no wrong.
You want to worship her, shes a goddess, she's better than you.
If the goddess loved you too, that would make you wouldn't it?
Please relate 1) and 2) by yourselves, I'm not making the statement until after the third idea.
3) Caring about others.
Opinions that is. You want to be liked, don't you? You want to be loved, you want other people to shower you with affection and praise, don't you? In essence, you want people to WORSHIP you.
What if other people didn't like you? Then what... then you become outcasted in society. Then you become lonely, and then you become sad and scared and depressed and WHAT not. I have actually withdrew contact from my friends, msn, and facebook for the last 2 weeks. I have also stopped masterbating, I feel GREAT. I feel motivated enough to write this giant ass post, and edit it too. So hmm, whats good.
You want others to like you, because if they don't. YOU get stuck with YOU. YES...YOU...YOURSELF. You don't want to die alone, but MOTHERFAKER, EVERYONE DIES ALONE. Death is a lonely place, not that you will feel it, nor do I know if its a lonely place but I imagine it so. You BETTER get comfortable with yourself.
Other people are not going to make you feel better AT ALL. They can do it for a second, but once the party is over, how the **** do you feel? Pretty good?
Pretty bad? Sad its over? Posessive? Obsessive? That's right, you will end up exactly where you ended up... with how you feel about YOURSELF. And if you get your **** together, even if you do get laid (congratz), your posessiveness and obsessiveness will end you becoming a clingly shyt feeling ALOT worse then I'm feeling right now, (I feel good btw).
Is an option. If I have learnt ANYTHING from all the rejections that I have gotten over the past 4 years, it is this... you always have a CHOICE. ALWAYS. You choose to be strong, or you choose to be weak. You choose to HOLD on to RELIGION, or IDOLS, or OTHER'S OPINIONS, and try to build yourself something from that, or you choose to build your life out of YOUR BELIEFS AND YOUR OPINIONS.
Having women makes you special, STOP HOLDING ONTO THAT. Watching porn and masterbating gives you a purpose in life, STOP HOLDING ONTO THAT. Other people give you their praise, STOP HOLDING ONTO THAT.
Let yourself float in uncertainty, that's what life is about man. You always have a choice, DON'T HIDE BEHIND THINGS. DON'T hide before other peoples opinions, or religions fluffy dreams, or your special girl. If you can't get laid, ok...SO WHAT. Get a god damn hooker.
You want the emotional intimacy? WTF IS MORE INTIMATE THEN SPENDING TIME WITH THE ONLY PERSON THAT WILL FOLLOW YOU TO THE END...YOURSELF? There is a difference between loneliness and solitude, FIND IT, LOVE IT, and realize that everything you do in the for yourself. EVERYTHING, so wtf, you can't spend time with yourself without feeling inferior because your friends are partying?
If you are a piece of ****, ACCEPT YOU BEING A PIECE OF ****. Work on being a happy piece of floating fecal matter. When you die at the end of your miserable struggling existence, I hope you die with a smile on your face - you will join all great men of history in the land of NON EXISTENCE.
Rest in peace indeed...
I will leave you with this phrase. "The only way to get your dream girl, is to be able to walk away from her at any moment." <- I thought and wrote it.
Ponder this...please
P.S. as for me, I'm not sure if I still care about getting girls, I kind of do. However, I have not masterbated for like 3-4 days. Frankly, I don't see myself masterbating ever again, so I'm not sure what that means. Maybe I'm getting there.
tl;dr, stop being so weak.
I hope you guys read this through, its long and at some parts tedious, but I think its worth reading to the end.
In society today, we are encouraged to be weak. Look around you, and realize that much of society is structured in a way that allows us to take away our own power. Listen to the music on the radio, and we hear lovesick puppied males whine about how his "one-love" has left him. Look at the posters or the magazines, we see feminin men with cute haircuts and metrosexual clothing, they are branded "hot", while the ones of us who are not MODEL looking are left feeling sorry for ourselves. Read the books of Twilight, or whatever bull**** is popular. Watchthe romantic comedies where the nerdy failure of a man somehow ends up getting the "love of his life". Frankly, they make me cringe; my nuts shrink.
Whose who do not conform, feel that we should. It is already hardwired into us, too much TV, too much Music..etc.
We are all on this site because we have a problem with women...but is it really a problem with women?
Whether you blame your *****footed daddy, your domineering mother, your non George Clooney-ish looks, or the environment of your childhood, it all means the same. You refuse to take responsibility for your own behaviour. YES, whatever that happened in your childhood did EFFECT you to be the kind of person (nice guy) that does not get laid. YES, your rejections in the past are painful. YES, you do not have confidence. But what we must realize is that at THIS moment, starting NOW, whatever failures, are YOUR responsibility, not your mothers, not your fathers, not the girl's fault because she cannot recognize what a great "man" you are.
YOUR responsibility.
Responsibility, or lack thereof, is as important a part as each of the three I'm about to discuss with you. It's all part of the "Woman's Security blanket".
I'm so sorry, I don't really have a better term. We can call it the emasculation of men, whatever works.
Christianity especially, really pisses me off. I'm not against anyone who is Christian ( I have learnt not to feel pity anymore, too much trouble, too many ppl to pity). If you choose to believe in a higher power that will grant you immortality if you read his book and preach his word, that is fine, and its your business. However, I will chose to disobey the omnipotent universe creating Lord, and let the MERCIFUL god send me to hell to burn for eternity.
I'm not bashing Christianity. But what you think about it, why do people believe in Jesus? Behind the fancy water walking, the simple message is that "If you believe in ME, you will GO to heaven". The ego MUST believe itself to be important. The evidence shows that we are animals with the conscious being derived from our increased neuron capacity. I'm sorry, I do not believe in astrol projection or whatever bull****- when we die..WE DIE. Permanently, absolutely, and nothing in our lives will have EVER mattered.
So yes, no matter what has happened to in in waking living memory, in the end, its all in VAIN. Yes, the pedophile and the pious virgin will die and end up in the same place...NO WHERE.
Being loved by an all powering god, it makes you feel special doesn't it?... yeah..
The simple fact is...we are not important. YOU are not important. I'm not important. The girl you want to **** is not IMPORTANT. No matter how many girls you **** in your lifetime, the end result is the same...NOTHING. Nothing you do from now on will matter. History might remember you, BUT YOU WILL NOT REMEMBER HISTORY. So, does it all matter? No...
So relax my brother.
Lets go back to the part about being "special". You want to be special don't you? Yes you do... which is why, at one or another point is your (or in my case, two) lives, you had an "ONE-ITIS".
The girl of your "DREAMS", the girl that you wanted above all other women. The girl who had NO flaws. It's all a god damn illusion. She had plenty of flaws. Hey, imagine her constitpated as hell in the toilet, screaming her ass off but she just can't take a ****. Disgusting, yes. Hilarious, yes. Kinky, well if your into that, yes. But its true all the same, if it happened to you, if it happened to me, it happened to HER.
If I'm insulting your vision of the perfect girl, good, cuz she DOESNT exist. You MADE HER. This is covered by most of the articles in the forums
If an angel fell from the sky, why do you want to **** her so badly? Why THIS beautiful angel, plenty of other hot women. But shes SPECIAL... Why do you want to **** a girl who is special? (In my case, I want to take the VIRGINITY of the girl who is special)
Perhaps it would make you special too...
So yeah, essentially, you take a girl who has SOME (especially physical) aspects that you like, then you put on a VERY heavy armour of your own projected traits that you want in women. Wrap her up and worship her like a god damn idol.
She can take it up the ass from 5 black guys, but in your eyes, shes still a goddess. She can do no wrong.
You want to worship her, shes a goddess, she's better than you.
If the goddess loved you too, that would make you wouldn't it?
Please relate 1) and 2) by yourselves, I'm not making the statement until after the third idea.
3) Caring about others.
Opinions that is. You want to be liked, don't you? You want to be loved, you want other people to shower you with affection and praise, don't you? In essence, you want people to WORSHIP you.
What if other people didn't like you? Then what... then you become outcasted in society. Then you become lonely, and then you become sad and scared and depressed and WHAT not. I have actually withdrew contact from my friends, msn, and facebook for the last 2 weeks. I have also stopped masterbating, I feel GREAT. I feel motivated enough to write this giant ass post, and edit it too. So hmm, whats good.
You want others to like you, because if they don't. YOU get stuck with YOU. YES...YOU...YOURSELF. You don't want to die alone, but MOTHERFAKER, EVERYONE DIES ALONE. Death is a lonely place, not that you will feel it, nor do I know if its a lonely place but I imagine it so. You BETTER get comfortable with yourself.
Other people are not going to make you feel better AT ALL. They can do it for a second, but once the party is over, how the **** do you feel? Pretty good?
Pretty bad? Sad its over? Posessive? Obsessive? That's right, you will end up exactly where you ended up... with how you feel about YOURSELF. And if you get your **** together, even if you do get laid (congratz), your posessiveness and obsessiveness will end you becoming a clingly shyt feeling ALOT worse then I'm feeling right now, (I feel good btw).
Is an option. If I have learnt ANYTHING from all the rejections that I have gotten over the past 4 years, it is this... you always have a CHOICE. ALWAYS. You choose to be strong, or you choose to be weak. You choose to HOLD on to RELIGION, or IDOLS, or OTHER'S OPINIONS, and try to build yourself something from that, or you choose to build your life out of YOUR BELIEFS AND YOUR OPINIONS.
Having women makes you special, STOP HOLDING ONTO THAT. Watching porn and masterbating gives you a purpose in life, STOP HOLDING ONTO THAT. Other people give you their praise, STOP HOLDING ONTO THAT.
Let yourself float in uncertainty, that's what life is about man. You always have a choice, DON'T HIDE BEHIND THINGS. DON'T hide before other peoples opinions, or religions fluffy dreams, or your special girl. If you can't get laid, ok...SO WHAT. Get a god damn hooker.
You want the emotional intimacy? WTF IS MORE INTIMATE THEN SPENDING TIME WITH THE ONLY PERSON THAT WILL FOLLOW YOU TO THE END...YOURSELF? There is a difference between loneliness and solitude, FIND IT, LOVE IT, and realize that everything you do in the for yourself. EVERYTHING, so wtf, you can't spend time with yourself without feeling inferior because your friends are partying?
If you are a piece of ****, ACCEPT YOU BEING A PIECE OF ****. Work on being a happy piece of floating fecal matter. When you die at the end of your miserable struggling existence, I hope you die with a smile on your face - you will join all great men of history in the land of NON EXISTENCE.
Rest in peace indeed...
I will leave you with this phrase. "The only way to get your dream girl, is to be able to walk away from her at any moment." <- I thought and wrote it.
Ponder this...please
P.S. as for me, I'm not sure if I still care about getting girls, I kind of do. However, I have not masterbated for like 3-4 days. Frankly, I don't see myself masterbating ever again, so I'm not sure what that means. Maybe I'm getting there.