Volume of Phone Calls


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
So i have just received a complaint from the woman in my life.

Im not sure if thats a good thing of not.

She goes:
"When I miss you I text you and ask me to ring you, how come you never text me and ask me to ring you? do you not miss me baby?"

She kept saying how she texts me when she wants to talk, and some of those times I ring her ASAP. If im at work, busy or sports I call her when im free.

But i never ask her to ring me, i just ring when i feel the need to talk to her.

Its because I am busy and have things to do, i expressed that to her.

Do you guys get this?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2009
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I alternate with the girl I'm seeing... we typically talk once a night for about an hour... one day she calls me... the next, I call her. It seems to work out pretty well. IMO it's important to make an effort to call her at least now and then just for the hell of it... even if you don't feel the need to.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
A sh!t test.

Don't worry about it. Most importantly, don't change your actions just for her.


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2007
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mothballs said:
I alternate with the girl I'm seeing... we typically talk once a night for about an hour... one day she calls me... the next, I call her. It seems to work out pretty well. IMO it's important to make an effort to call her at least now and then just for the hell of it... even if you don't feel the need to.
unless she is ur wife ... WRONG....OP is right on with how its supposed to be


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
thanks guys.
ill just stick to how i do it..
she'll just have to get used to it.lol.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2009
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Heh... don't let me stand in your way... but there are things you should do in an LTR to keep her attention that you wouldn't do just to get into a girl's pants. Most of this crappy advice is given in light of seeing how an AFC gets stuck in the friend zone... however, just talking to a woman on the phone when you want to is not the problem there... an AFC will just be there to listen and have her cry on his shoulder. A healthy conversation would be not just about her problems... maybe what pissed you off that day or if you have a funny story from your past that you think of, it's a chance to make her laugh... Phone conversations themselves do not an AFC make. Seriously is there not one night you can sacrifice to call her and talk for like 30 mins? Perhaps you're just worried you don't have enough phone game to sustain a conversation initiated by you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
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its not that i dont have stuff to talk to her about.
Its just id rather talk to her face to face and make her laugh that on the phone.
Plus i get this feeling that if i talk to her every night, she may get too much of me. Which is not a good thing. Its not good for me either, I like the idea of her missing me and vice versa. Which makes the rendezvous much more enjoyable.

Plus i have a ton of stuff to do that i am usually too tired to go home and hold a 30 minute convo about how my day was. If she was there, yes maybe after we finish up in bed id talk to her about my day, which i usually do.

any advice?
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
The solution is simple. The way I see it, these are your options:

1) Stop everything that you are doing in life and accomidate her and be her slave. Buy a color and a leach.

2) Tell her that you really do miss her, like you miss going to the dentist.

3) Or tell her that you feel she's neglecting you which is why you are not calling her.

Come on slickaz -- why are you asking advice for mundane stuff like that. You are used to this and will get advice from me too, with answers like I post here if you ask stupid questions on here.

It's like who cares, right -- you can just get another girl anyway. If this is true, then why would you worry about losing this one?

Something just doesn't add up. I just wouldn't care period about losing this girl, or just forget about the text message if I was really high status and had flocks of girls chasing me. Are you for real?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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slickaz said:
its not that i dont have stuff to talk to her about.
Its just id rather talk to her face to face and make her laugh that on the phone.
That's similar to what I told my recent ex when she asked the same question. You should've told your GF that. It's turning something that's supposedly negative for her into something positive.

In a LTR, women constantly sh!t test you in that manner, i.e to question your luv for her and make you prove that you love her. They try to mold you into someone they think they want (The Perfect Guy). The problem is that as soon as you let them do it and become that guy, they'll get bored of you and dump you. Gotta show a few flaws at least that they can b!tch to their girly friends about.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2009
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slickaz said:
its not that i dont have stuff to talk to her about.
Its just id rather talk to her face to face and make her laugh that on the phone.
Plus i get this feeling that if i talk to her every night, she may get too much of me. Which is not a good thing. Its not good for me either, I like the idea of her missing me and vice versa. Which makes the rendezvous much more enjoyable.

Plus i have a ton of stuff to do that i am usually too tired to go home and hold a 30 minute convo about how my day was. If she was there, yes maybe after we finish up in bed id talk to her about my day, which i usually do.

any advice?
Eh... all I'm saying is try and do it like once a week and see what happens. I know some couples can talk for hours a day and still have something to say face to face, others do best with as little phone time as possible... Every couple is different. I'm not suggesting you completely compromise... just throw her a bone and see how she responds. If she doesn't take notice of your effort, you're off the hook.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2009
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The Logical Player said:
you are already starting to sound like a p*ssy by actually CARING what this guuuuurlfriend of yours wants.
Jesus dude... that's what you do with a girlfriend. If she wasn't a girlfriend he would not be obliged to care about her. Also, saying "guuuuurlfriend" makes you sound like a 5 year old... seriously.
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
mothballs said:
Jesus dude... that's what you do with a girlfriend. If she wasn't a girlfriend he would not be obliged to care about her. Also, saying "guuuuurlfriend" makes you sound like a 5 year old... seriously.

total absolute AFC mindset - you are not OBLIGATED to care about anyone, where in the world did you get that from??? is there a LAW written about needing to care about a girl that you are f*cking?

and I say "guuuuuuurlfriend" to put emphasis on the patheticness of the word and to make it read the same way that Tom Leykis makes it sound (he always says guuuurlfriend every time some loser calls him up with guuurlfriend problems) - so no, I do not say guuuuuuuurlfriend to sound like a 5 year old, I say it more to mock the losers with no game who decide to commit to one girl when there is clearly no benefit in doing so in today's society.
Mar 2, 2009
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and just to point something else out, THIS THREAD (and the last 5 threads slickaz has started), is a perfect example of the bullshyt that comes with comitting to the modern westernized woman, as opposed to just playing her like a fiddle and having fun with her ON YOUR OWN TERMS, NOT ON SOCIETY'S TERMS.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
The solution is simple. The way I see it, these are your options:

1) Stop everything that you are doing in life and accomidate her and be her slave. Buy a color and a leach.

2) Tell her that you really do miss her, like you miss going to the dentist.

3) Or tell her that you feel she's neglecting you which is why you are not calling her.

Come on slickaz -- why are you asking advice for mundane stuff like that. You are used to this and will get advice from me too, with answers like I post here if you ask stupid questions on here.

It's like who cares, right -- you can just get another girl anyway. If this is true, then why would you worry about losing this one?

Something just doesn't add up. I just wouldn't care period about losing this girl, or just forget about the text message if I was really high status and had flocks of girls chasing me. Are you for real?
woooow i dont understand how u can have 2000+ posts with soo much
'advice" yet u arent focusing on improving urself? at the end of the day you cant make comments about not caring about losing this one girl when u have zero girls after you.

if you even had one i garuntee you will be the one in the collar and leash.

edit: lol just realised we have joined this site on the same date, and ive got only 10 percent of the posts you have and coincidentally i am in a much better position :eek:

but slickaz i recently got into a relationship aswell with a girl that likes to contact me constantly, and when i dnt speak to it on the fone she always changes her facebook status to some wierd drama orientated **** lol

its just i dnt want her to know exactly how much i care about her, but i also dont want her to think i dont care at all, im just trying to find the right balance at the moment lol


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
The Logical Player said:
total absolute AFC mindset - you are not OBLIGATED to care about anyone, where in the world did you get that from??? is there a LAW written about needing to care about a girl that you are f*cking?

and I say "guuuuuuurlfriend" to put emphasis on the patheticness of the word and to make it read the same way that Tom Leykis makes it sound (he always says guuuurlfriend every time some loser calls him up with guuurlfriend problems) - so no, I do not say guuuuuuuurlfriend to sound like a 5 year old, I say it more to mock the losers with no game who decide to commit to one girl when there is clearly no benefit in doing so in today's society.
No, it's not an AFC mindset, it's a definition of a term. You make someone a girlfriend because you care about them. You don't make some random ****buddy your girlfriend... to call someone your girlfriend and then sleep around would just be sleazy. And yeah, it does make you sound like a 5 year old saying it that way whether you mean it to be or not... to call someone a loser just because they have a girlfriend is simply childish.

The Logical Player said:
and just to point something else out, THIS THREAD (and the last 5 threads slickaz has started), is a perfect example of the bullshyt that comes with comitting to the modern westernized woman, as opposed to just playing her like a fiddle and having fun with her ON YOUR OWN TERMS, NOT ON SOCIETY'S TERMS.
lol You act like you have to go against society no matter what... What if it's actually your desire to just have one girl?

Nonconformity is an oxymoron.
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
mothballs said:
No, it's not an AFC mindset, it's a definition of a term. You make someone a girlfriend because you care about them. You don't make some random ****buddy your girlfriend... to call someone your girlfriend and then sleep around would just be sleazy. And yeah, it does make you sound like a 5 year old saying it that way whether you mean it to be or not... to call someone a loser just because they have a girlfriend is simply childish.

lol You act like you have to go against society no matter what... What if it's actually your desire to just have one girl?

Nonconformity is an oxymoron.

I am glad you are actually trying to make a valid point, but your argument still falls apart despite your logical attempts:

A man can choose who he cares about, whether it be his best friends, the women he is sexing up, his teachers, his pets, anyone. Caring is a CHOICE, not an obligation, and thus a girlfriend does not automatically need to be cared for, its not a LAW. Many many guys here get just ONE girlfriend, and its not because they care about them, but its because they are doing what they think is the right thing to do, and they do not want to lose out on p*ssy (but truth is, they dont have enough game if they think that they need to have A girlfriend in order to get good p*ssy). A real player can manipulate ANY dating situation to his benefit, and that is the goal here until you have played the game enough to find someone who satisfies you fully and to the utmost degree, but it is quite AFC to think that you can find that woman while having a lack of experience in the dating game.

I dont simply call the guys who have a guuuurlfriend losers; I call the guys who are in dead-end relationships for no reason losers, because its what they are when it comes to gaming women - they are losers to settle for such unbenefitial nonsense. WHO THE HELL WANTS TO BE COMMITED TO SOME CHICK WHO NAGS, IS DISRESPECTFUL, AND ACTS SHADY???? I know who!!! all of the LOSERS who put up with this kind of behavior from their guuuuuuurlfriends.....you understand, thats why they are losers. I am actually NOT against a committed relationship where the man is getting everything he wants 100% of the time and is 100% satisfied, thats fine by me, trust me, but these guys who are commited to women because of NEED instead of WANT, those are the losers - ironically thats the majority of men who have a girlfriend these days.

If you desire to have just one girl, and you are experienced enough with all kinds of women to know that this girl is WORTH your commitment, then by all means go ahead and have your one girl.

Violent V

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score

There are no tactics to this. She is playing the natural role of female by calling you all the time and asking you such questions. And you are playing the natural role of man by honestly saying you have things to do and can't call every night.

There is nothing to change. You have a life, and she is part of it, not the reason for it. She knows this deep down, and would never want you to change your ways.

When shes not around, carry on with rest of your life. But when she is, make sure you make the most of your time when your with her in person. Give her the attention she craves not by calling her every single night; but by holding her closer and playing with her more when you are actually together. Appreciate your time together to the fullest extent.



Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks guys..

Fact: Ive been with this girl since approximately - January.
Fact 2: I only post things I would like advice on from other certified DJs on this forum.
Fact 3: I have posted 5 things about this girl since January. One of which (This post) is not even a problem, as Violent V pointed out, she's being a woman asking for more attention. So lets take this one out, and make it 4.

So you're sayin I have come across 4 issues in 4 months and so I should be single?

Ive had my share of women, and I know I can go out and get laid in NO TIME. But getting laid by different women is not my goal right now. I have goals in my life that I am achieving and as far as i can tell, this girl fits in 90% of what i need from a woman for NOW. Im not saying my needs from a woman will not change next month, but for now she fits it, and she fits it better than anyone other girl ive laid. So for now, i want her in my life. Of course, if it gets annoying with arguments and negativity, and has a detrimental effect on my goals, objectives and my bank account? Then yes i will take action and drop her like a bad habit. I have no problem with doing so.

I think its safe to say that, you can NEVER find someone that is 100% fit to what you want in someone. There will always be things that dont fit into you're lifestyle. But its a numbers game in weigh scale of pro's vs cons of being with that person. Its the same with plates, Think about it.

You're tapping a plate, you have a relationship with her. If its a long term FB, then you're still having a relationship with her. The only difference is you're not defining it. You go out and tap this girl, but to do that you spend time together right? because I have had plates before and women, especially western women, know the definition of what a bootycall is. They dont want to be that and would mostly put it out only if you spend time with them, talk and do other activities other than just s3x. Can you tell me you have a plate that you just call just to bang? with no other interaction? no talking or time together? h0e's dont count?

I appreciate women of quality, who can keep you happy and one you can fall back on if needed. Ive been playing this game since forever and ive only had one LTR in the past. Everyother chic has been a lay, a plate. That involves spending time with them, then bang bang.

Lets get this straight, everyguy on here loves spending time with females. Thats what men do. We want to go out, do stuff with them, take them back home and bone. If you say otherwise, and tell me that all you want to do is stay home and call these chics and bang em all day, thats BS. I personally like doing other activities previous to tapping. Like bowling, or movies or go karting, rock climbing, ball game etc.

Life is a lot more interesting with females bru, go out there and experience actually having a woman that IS quality. But dont mistake quality with perfection. because you'll be hard pressed to find Perfection in ANY body, not just ANY woman.

Tell me, You say who the hell wants to be in a relationship with a girl that nags etc etc etc..

Are you Perfect?
6 figure salary?
Mercedes S6?
6 feet?
6 inches?
6 bedroom penthouse?
6000 on you're SAT?
6 Businesses?

I doubt it. so how can you say you want everyone else to be perfect?

Ive learnt to live in harmony with females than calling them out on every lil fvk up they have. Enjoying their ups and downs is actually fun. I ask here for advice but it doesnt mean im a loser for asking more experienced guys.

Ive been blessed with many of the 6's that ive listen up top, not all but most, and all i focus on...is me, my money, God and my family. if a woman can respect that and help you get further in you're goals then why not keep her around?

Think about it before you start bashing dudes that are in a relationship that is not many degrees away from that of a DJ & his favourite plate.
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
slickaz said:
Thanks guys..

Fact: Ive been with this girl since approximately - January.
Fact 2: I only post things I would like advice on from other certified DJs on this forum.
Fact 3: I have posted 5 things about this girl since January. One of which (This post) is not even a problem, as Violent V pointed out, she's being a woman asking for more attention. So lets take this one out, and make it 4.

So you're sayin I have come across 4 issues in 4 months and so I should be single?

Ive had my share of women, and I know I can go out and get laid in NO TIME. But getting laid by different women is not my goal right now. I have goals in my life that I am achieving and as far as i can tell, this girl fits in 90% of what i need from a woman for NOW. Im not saying my needs from a woman will not change next month, but for now she fits it, and she fits it better than anyone other girl ive laid. So for now, i want her in my life. Of course, if it gets annoying with arguments and negativity, and has a detrimental effect on my goals, objectives and my bank account? Then yes i will take action and drop her like a bad habit. I have no problem with doing so.

I think its safe to say that, you can NEVER find someone that is 100% fit to what you want in someone. There will always be things that dont fit into you're lifestyle. But its a numbers game in weigh scale of pro's vs cons of being with that person. Its the same with plates, Think about it.

You're tapping a plate, you have a relationship with her. If its a long term FB, then you're still having a relationship with her. The only difference is you're not defining it. You go out and tap this girl, but to do that you spend time together right? because I have had plates before and women, especially western women, know the definition of what a bootycall is. They dont want to be that and would mostly put it out only if you spend time with them, talk and do other activities other than just s3x. Can you tell me you have a plate that you just call just to bang? with no other interaction? no talking or time together? h0e's dont count?

I appreciate women of quality, who can keep you happy and one you can fall back on if needed. Ive been playing this game since forever and ive only had one LTR in the past. Everyother chic has been a lay, a plate. That involves spending time with them, then bang bang.

Lets get this straight, everyguy on here loves spending time with females. Thats what men do. We want to go out, do stuff with them, take them back home and bone. If you say otherwise, and tell me that all you want to do is stay home and call these chics and bang em all day, thats BS. I personally like doing other activities previous to tapping. Like bowling, or movies or go karting, rock climbing, ball game etc.

Life is a lot more interesting with females bru, go out there and experience actually having a woman that IS quality. But dont mistake quality with perfection. because you'll be hard pressed to find Perfection in ANY body, not just ANY woman.

Tell me, You say who the hell wants to be in a relationship with a girl that nags etc etc etc..

Are you Perfect?
6 figure salary?
Mercedes S6?
6 feet?
6 inches?
6 bedroom penthouse?
6000 on you're SAT?
6 Businesses?

I doubt it. so how can you say you want everyone else to be perfect?

Ive learnt to live in harmony with females than calling them out on every lil fvk up they have. Enjoying their ups and downs is actually fun. I ask here for advice but it doesnt mean im a loser for asking more experienced guys.

Ive been blessed with many of the 6's that ive listen up top, not all but most, and all i focus on...is me, my money, God and my family. if a woman can respect that and help you get further in you're goals then why not keep her around?

Think about it before you start bashing dudes that are in a relationship that is not many degrees away from that of a DJ & his favourite plate.

dude you are either making threads about issues with this "guuurlfriend" or you are making threads about gaming other women - you obviously are not 100% happy being committed to her, so stop lying to yourself, stop following the rules that society has set forth for you, and DO WHAT EVER THE HELL YOU WANT, AS LONG AS YOU ARE HAPPY

are people so thick headed that they do not see my main point when I try to talk to you fools who have a guuuuuuuuuurlfriend????