Tiger Woods. Michael Jordan. Tito Ortiz. These men are some of the best in the world at what they do, and what do they all have in common? When Tiger's out there doing what made him world-famous, he will NEVER, EVER hit the ball without first VISUALIZING the desired end result, without first SEEING it in his mind's eye. Likewise, Jordan will never take a shot, nor Tito swing a punch, without doing the same.
This realization first hit me after watching a particularly brutal UFC fight at a bar. Tito came out on top and when asked to speak, explained in detail how he did it. He said that prior to the match, he sat in the locker room with his eyes closed, SEEING EVERY DETAIL OF WINNING THE FIGHT IN HIS MIND. He saw the final punch before it happened. He heard his opponent hit the ground before it happened. He saw his hand being raised in the end of the fight by the referee before it happened. He heard his name being called out as the winner before it happened. And then... it all happened.
Until that day, i never thought that of Tito as an intellectual. I had no idea how much his MIND had to do with his incredible success in martial arts. I figured that his victories could be fully attributed to his great physique, endless training sessions, and perhaps a little luck. And yet, to what does Tito himself attribute his success? TO FAITH, TO HIS ABILITY TO SEE, WITHOUT QUESTION, WITHOUT DOUBT, HIMSELF AS THE VICTOR.
Since then, i've further researched the topic and found the truth: nearly EVERYONE who has enjoyed PHENOMENAL SUCCESS in their field of endeavor (sports, business, acting, politics, etc) has practiced VISUALIZATION. Psychologists have even attributed the incredible healings performed by Jesus to this method! Pick up a couple of books on the subconscious mind and you'll learn that your body is able to HEAL ITSELF FROM ALMOST ANYTHING PROVIDED THAT YOU'RE ABLE TO TRULY BELIEVE THAT IT WILL! All Jesus did was pass his own unquestioned belief to those who needed it. This might sound like an incredible claim, but the more you study the mind, the more you'll believe in its validity. The power of the mind is simply astonishing!
Clearly, visualization, when used with total faith, is an AWESOME power. It can, and has been used to both build and destroy civilizations. Using it for something like seduction is comparable, amusingly enough, to hunting rabbits with a tank. "OVERKILL!" doesn't quite say it. However, those of us who are looking for the ULTIMATE edge in the game are still free to use it. Just be careful of what you use it for: if you make yourself believe, TRULY believe that something (i.e. marriage) will happen, i here and now PROMISE you that it WILL happen. Before you use it, make SURE that what you're using it for is what you REALLY want (remember the lesson of Aladdin and the genie!).
Once again: visualization, used with total faith is an AWESOME power. Master it and you will master ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. BUT, as anything THIS powerful, IT REQUIRES SECRIFICE. You have to read, you have to learn, you have to practice, you have to fail and pick yourself up again, and do it over and over until you finally succeed. BUT, once you finally master this power, you will be ASTONISHED at the absolutely UNTHINKABLE results that you'll be able to achieve! Even your oldest friends will have a hard time believing your stories! If you TRULY master it, the things that trouble you today (women, money, etc) will come in SUCH ABUNDANCE THAT THEY WILL BECOME SMALL MATTERS AND YOU WILL NEVER EVEN THINK ABOUT THEM!
The question finally comes: how DO you master visualization? The same way you master anything else: you STUDY it. Go out there and buy a book. Read it. Underline and take notes. Read it again. Buy another book. Rinse and repeat. What books should you buy? Use Amazon and Google to find out. I recommend starting with Power of the Subconscious Mind, and Think and Grow Rich, but feel free to pick your own. What else can you do? Practice ENDLESSLY AND TIRELESSLY! Visualize EVERYTHING. Start with simple things (ones that are easier to believe) and work your way up.
Here's a simple exercise you can try tomorrow: before buying the book, pick it up from the shelf and SEE yourself paying for it in a couple of minutes. You'll have a real easy time doing it, as you'd have a LOT of trouble convincing your mind that you are NOT able to accomplish something as simple as carrying a book over to the cash register! THIS is the level of belief that is REQUIRED to make visualization really work! "How could this NOT happen?!" "How could it POSSIBLY not end this way!?" "What on EARTH could stop this from happening?!"
Once you master visualizing simple things, move on. In the end, like i already said, you should be visualizing EVERYTHING. When you go into a meeting, SEE it ending the way you want it to! For instance, if you're making a presentation, SEE yourself being AMAZING when you get up there; SEE everyone nodding and smiling in the end; SEE the CEO telling you that you did a great job and accepting your proposal! When you wake up, SEE yourself having a great day! When you go out with friends, SEE yourself having a great time! When you begin a game of tennis, SEE yourself playing the best game you’ve ever played!
Finally, we get to the SMALL matter of seduction (trust me guys, compared to the issues the world is facing today, this is a LAUGHABLY SMALL matter!). How do you use visualization for seduction? Simple. THE MOMENT YOU SEE THE GIRL WITH YOUR *EYES*, SEE THE PERFECT CONCLUSION TO YOUR INTERRACTION WITH HER WITH YOUR *MIND.* Be it you walking off with her number or you waking up with her the next morning, SEE IT AS IF IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED! Make it REAL and DETAILED! That rock she's sitting next to - SEE yourself walking away from her, AFTER having gotten her number, with a HUGE smile on your face, and TRIPPING over it! This might seem challenging at first, as our environments are very complex, but WITH PRACTICE, you'll be able to visualize the entire scene, complete with pictures, sounds, environmental reactions, etc IN ONLY A SECOND OR TWO! You'll see yourself tripping over the rock, hear her giggling, see yourself turning around and shaking your fist at her with a big grin, hear her laughing some more, see yourself walking away, see yourself putting your phone back in your pocket, see yourself walking back up to your buddies and getting a pat on the back, etc - ALL IN ONLY ONE OR TWO SECONDS!
That's all. Good luck. Remember: USE THIS POWER WISELY!
This realization first hit me after watching a particularly brutal UFC fight at a bar. Tito came out on top and when asked to speak, explained in detail how he did it. He said that prior to the match, he sat in the locker room with his eyes closed, SEEING EVERY DETAIL OF WINNING THE FIGHT IN HIS MIND. He saw the final punch before it happened. He heard his opponent hit the ground before it happened. He saw his hand being raised in the end of the fight by the referee before it happened. He heard his name being called out as the winner before it happened. And then... it all happened.
Until that day, i never thought that of Tito as an intellectual. I had no idea how much his MIND had to do with his incredible success in martial arts. I figured that his victories could be fully attributed to his great physique, endless training sessions, and perhaps a little luck. And yet, to what does Tito himself attribute his success? TO FAITH, TO HIS ABILITY TO SEE, WITHOUT QUESTION, WITHOUT DOUBT, HIMSELF AS THE VICTOR.
Since then, i've further researched the topic and found the truth: nearly EVERYONE who has enjoyed PHENOMENAL SUCCESS in their field of endeavor (sports, business, acting, politics, etc) has practiced VISUALIZATION. Psychologists have even attributed the incredible healings performed by Jesus to this method! Pick up a couple of books on the subconscious mind and you'll learn that your body is able to HEAL ITSELF FROM ALMOST ANYTHING PROVIDED THAT YOU'RE ABLE TO TRULY BELIEVE THAT IT WILL! All Jesus did was pass his own unquestioned belief to those who needed it. This might sound like an incredible claim, but the more you study the mind, the more you'll believe in its validity. The power of the mind is simply astonishing!
Clearly, visualization, when used with total faith, is an AWESOME power. It can, and has been used to both build and destroy civilizations. Using it for something like seduction is comparable, amusingly enough, to hunting rabbits with a tank. "OVERKILL!" doesn't quite say it. However, those of us who are looking for the ULTIMATE edge in the game are still free to use it. Just be careful of what you use it for: if you make yourself believe, TRULY believe that something (i.e. marriage) will happen, i here and now PROMISE you that it WILL happen. Before you use it, make SURE that what you're using it for is what you REALLY want (remember the lesson of Aladdin and the genie!).
Once again: visualization, used with total faith is an AWESOME power. Master it and you will master ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. BUT, as anything THIS powerful, IT REQUIRES SECRIFICE. You have to read, you have to learn, you have to practice, you have to fail and pick yourself up again, and do it over and over until you finally succeed. BUT, once you finally master this power, you will be ASTONISHED at the absolutely UNTHINKABLE results that you'll be able to achieve! Even your oldest friends will have a hard time believing your stories! If you TRULY master it, the things that trouble you today (women, money, etc) will come in SUCH ABUNDANCE THAT THEY WILL BECOME SMALL MATTERS AND YOU WILL NEVER EVEN THINK ABOUT THEM!
The question finally comes: how DO you master visualization? The same way you master anything else: you STUDY it. Go out there and buy a book. Read it. Underline and take notes. Read it again. Buy another book. Rinse and repeat. What books should you buy? Use Amazon and Google to find out. I recommend starting with Power of the Subconscious Mind, and Think and Grow Rich, but feel free to pick your own. What else can you do? Practice ENDLESSLY AND TIRELESSLY! Visualize EVERYTHING. Start with simple things (ones that are easier to believe) and work your way up.
Here's a simple exercise you can try tomorrow: before buying the book, pick it up from the shelf and SEE yourself paying for it in a couple of minutes. You'll have a real easy time doing it, as you'd have a LOT of trouble convincing your mind that you are NOT able to accomplish something as simple as carrying a book over to the cash register! THIS is the level of belief that is REQUIRED to make visualization really work! "How could this NOT happen?!" "How could it POSSIBLY not end this way!?" "What on EARTH could stop this from happening?!"
Once you master visualizing simple things, move on. In the end, like i already said, you should be visualizing EVERYTHING. When you go into a meeting, SEE it ending the way you want it to! For instance, if you're making a presentation, SEE yourself being AMAZING when you get up there; SEE everyone nodding and smiling in the end; SEE the CEO telling you that you did a great job and accepting your proposal! When you wake up, SEE yourself having a great day! When you go out with friends, SEE yourself having a great time! When you begin a game of tennis, SEE yourself playing the best game you’ve ever played!
Finally, we get to the SMALL matter of seduction (trust me guys, compared to the issues the world is facing today, this is a LAUGHABLY SMALL matter!). How do you use visualization for seduction? Simple. THE MOMENT YOU SEE THE GIRL WITH YOUR *EYES*, SEE THE PERFECT CONCLUSION TO YOUR INTERRACTION WITH HER WITH YOUR *MIND.* Be it you walking off with her number or you waking up with her the next morning, SEE IT AS IF IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED! Make it REAL and DETAILED! That rock she's sitting next to - SEE yourself walking away from her, AFTER having gotten her number, with a HUGE smile on your face, and TRIPPING over it! This might seem challenging at first, as our environments are very complex, but WITH PRACTICE, you'll be able to visualize the entire scene, complete with pictures, sounds, environmental reactions, etc IN ONLY A SECOND OR TWO! You'll see yourself tripping over the rock, hear her giggling, see yourself turning around and shaking your fist at her with a big grin, hear her laughing some more, see yourself walking away, see yourself putting your phone back in your pocket, see yourself walking back up to your buddies and getting a pat on the back, etc - ALL IN ONLY ONE OR TWO SECONDS!
That's all. Good luck. Remember: USE THIS POWER WISELY!