Virgin girl won't let me touch her p*ssy!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
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So I am 24 and the girl I've been seeing is 20.

We've been out on probably 12 dates over the course of 1.5 months.

Just before starting to go out with me, she broke up with her BF of 3 years.

I found out on our second date that she is a virgin and that she didn't let her Ex have sex with her because she didn't feel he was right for her but that she feels more mature now and probably could have sex in a relationship now.

Anyway, maybe on the 6th date, we are making out passionately and I try slide my hand in her pants. She pulls it away.

Two dates later, I try again, she pulls it away. I put it down to shyness and the fact we were in public locations at the time (park at night).

Anyway, the other day we are chilling at my place, not a soul in sight, and I go for it again after making out for a good half hour, sucking on her breasts (which she was moaning from) and grinding into me.

You know what happens again? She blocks my hand from going down her pants!

I basically stop all the making out and ask what the whole deal is in a pretty normal tone.

She tells me how she is afraid of things ending between us after a short time and she will feel bad for having done those things. I tell her things are more likely to end between us shortly if we don't do these things.

Anyway, she spouted some more BS about she doesn't know me well enough yet and she wants to have more of the relationship side of things before we get to that stuff.

What da fuq do I do here? I've been NC since seeing her. I think she is pretty stubborn. Probably won't come around, even though she finds me incredibly attractive and I have much higher SMV than her. :rock:

Is there any way I can win here? I told her I cannot commit to the relationship side of things without some physical interaction beforehand as I don't want to end up like her ex.

I said that either its a 100% relationship or nothing. But I still want that p*ssy ;-)


- 20 year old virgin won't let me touch her p*ssy after 1.5 months of casual dating.

- Says she wants more "relationship stuff" before we can.

- I told her there cannot be more "relationship stuff" without the physical.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
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spax said:
I found out on our second date that she is a virgin and that she didn't let her Ex have sex with her because she didn't feel he was right for her but that she feels more mature now and probably could have sex in a relationship now.
Three years and he never penetrated her??? I find this a bit difficult to believe, but assuming it's true, this girl is a massive prude and a headache better left to some other dude. I'd stop trying to crack this nut if I were you. In fact, the white flag should have come up long ago, like on that second date when you found out that she's a virgin.

spax said:
She tells me how she is afraid of things ending between us after a short time and she will feel bad for having done those things. I tell her things are more likely to end between us shortly if we don't do these things.
She's trying to tell you that you've so willingly and cluelessly walked right into her friendzone trap, that it'd be a shame to lose such an oblivious candidate.

spax said:
Anyway, she spouted some more BS about she doesn't know me well enough yet and she wants to have more of the relationship side of things before we get to that stuff.
Because she wants to make your role as her well-trained beta bucks perfectly clear and I'd say you're doing an excellent job by taking her out on one date after another and getting nothing (sexually) in return. In other words, she's trying to arrange the sequel to her previous sexless relationship and guess who will be starring as the sexually frustrated protagonist?

spax said:
What da fuq do I do here? I've been NC since seeing her. I think she is pretty stubborn. Probably won't come around, even though she finds me incredibly attractive and I have much higher SMV than her. :rock:
End it and for the love of the easter bunny, get more girls, multiple girls, and unapologetically dismiss those who barricade their pvssies.

spax said:
Is there any way I can win here? I told her I cannot commit to the relationship side of things without some physical interaction beforehand as I don't want to end up like her ex.
Yes, you "win" by walking away from this exercise in futility and finding yourself a girl who'll provide you with what you want.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
It's been too many years where this was a problem for me.

My advice would be just start seeing other women. I wouldn't stop seeing this girl... or have any discussions, just her know she has competition.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
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Dude if youre looking to get laid avoid virgins, its not nice alright for both parties.

Zapp Brannigan

Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2014
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From what you said she let you do already, I doubt she's a virgin. The majority of women who truly are wouldn't let you do what you did within such a short amount of time. Girls under 21 usually go out with guys 21+ so they can get booze from them, and then brag to their friends about it.

I doubt she's a prude like a few people said, just a manipulator. She's likely only going out with you for booze, is now stringing you along, and playing the virgin card to keep you in line.

Regardless I'd stay away completely.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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A relationship for 3 years and he didn't fvck her?
Man she is just trying to make you her beta *****.
She was ****ed pretty hard, trust me, you just don't make her ***** wet


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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Lots of good advice in here. This actually happens; I had a female friend who had the same boyfriend for OVER 3 years without giving it up. That's right, poor devil waiting for the poon. The take home message is, if she didn't do it with the other dude for over 3 years, you are probably not going to get it either.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
I wouldn't advise giving up on this girl just yet. Give her another shot.

A while ago I read a thread on another dating forum on dealing with LMR. I dug it up, you can read it here:

The reason I remembered this so vividly is because the guy encountered the same situations as you are going through now - the girl moves your hand away as you reach for her pants. What DirectIsBest advocates is just going back to lighter foreplay - even backing off for a bit - and then trying again (apparently on one occasion he attempted 15(!) times).

In my own experience, I can tell you this certainly holds true. When I was making out with a girl, as I was trying to escalate further, she stopped me. I backed off for a bit, showed a little negative body language, and lo and behold she was the one crawling to get on top of me.

The key things are his description of escalation, and this will especially hold true if you're with an inexperienced girl. Don't go straight down her pants first (though this might be ok for experienced women), touch outside her jeans, then on her panties (her jeans still on), then underneath everything. Another move that Chateau Heartise says is to "simultaneously grab her hair and palm her ***** while kissing her neck. Magic." Give it a try. The final thing is, as DirectIsBest says, " If she pulls your hand away, or says she's not sure, but continues to make out with you and gives you the green light, you must continue!"

Read the whole article! There's a lot of good info and wisdom there. What I took from this is that there's value in being a little more patient - not in terms of waiting for 20+ dates for sex of course, but rather on the night in which you are getting intimate - move a bit more slowly to get her past her LMR. If she's taken you to her house/gone home with you and letting you get her shirt off, 95% of the time she's probably going to have sex with you.

Another side note - you may want to consider, for the next time you meet, NOT making any moves. She may wonder - "why isn't he touching me?" You might be able to spin her hamster this way and make her realize that you're a commodity in the sexual market. Then maybe later make a move.

So, I would say to try at least once more. A lot of the responses on this thread are a bit too negative; imo, based on your description of your story, you could've escalated better (not an insult, just an objective observation and some constructive criticism). Of course, if you're still having difficulties, you need to just let her be as some women are, as the comments have suggested, just difficult. But I'd say see her again. Let us know what happens.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
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She's a headache and a half. What gave you the idea that this was a good idea? It's not a romantic relationship without sex. Friendzone her.

Even if you do get the much desired poo-tang, what are you expecting? She's a virgin. In all reality she's going to be very disappointing in bed least at first. She'll probably be tight at first, but still. Go find a better girl that is actually willing to fvck without you waiting 2 fvcking months, and is good at it so you can have a proper sexual relationship, not to mention a woman rather than a girl who has her sh!t together and knows what she wants.

I know you want to "conquer" her, i get it...but just let it go. Jerk off like three times and then think rationally about the situation when you're not horny.

She either is:
A) Lying - in which case you want nothing to do with her because she is a liar.
B) Telling the Truth - in which case the sex will probably be unfulfilling, plus she is playing stupid games and has way too much control over you by making you wait that long.

Here's what's (probably) going to happen if you end up having sex with her:
a) you will enjoy it for the few minutes until you ejaculate, at which point you will...
b) ask yourself "is that what i went through all the trouble for? I should've just masturbated" and promptly become hungry and want a sandwich or pizza...
c) she will become attached to you and want to date you exclusively..
d) after she keeps calling/texting you will go "ehhh sh!t, i'm not even into her at this point", and feel a little bad for leading her on
e) she will become even more obsessed with you as you start to pull away and ignore her, and finally.....
f) You will have an OBSESSED VIRGIN girl on your hands, and promptly want to date other girls

Just save yourself the hassle and go masturbate and then find other girls.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
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Look, does anyone have any strategies to get her to come around? The freeze-out method perhaps?

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
If you want to get technical about this, you're in a frame battle with the chick and she's winning. Through the absence of it, your relationship is all about sex and you can't think about anything else and it's actually screwing up your connection. I see it like this, any normal relationship whether it's a casual fling or something more should be enjoyable for both parties and you're getting the bum end of a deal here. As soon as you start chasing the püssy she knows she's got you figured out for sure, you're not going anywhere until you hit that.

In my life I've slept with 5-6 virgins and I'll never sleep with another one again. It's not worth it on so many levels, they get super clingy afterwards, the sex is not great and they tend to want more commitment before giving it up. Either way this isn't going to end pretty. Just walk away...I know you won't but it's what you should do.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
Look, does anyone have any strategies to get her to come around? The freeze-out method perhaps?
the freeze-out methode?? the f*?
dude you just can't bang a virgin and move on..

The propblem with Virgins is as long as no one has popped the cherry she won't put out.

These are your options

1. You can become the *sshole who pops her cherry along with the all the drama of an obessed clingy girl who can't get over you for the next 2 years


2. Move on to a girl with a bit more experience (save us all the trouble)

But it seems you won't listen to this or any of the other posters above.

So carry on bro, we could need more fckdeup ex-virgins screwed over by horny guys


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2014
Reaction score
45 days, 12 dates and "escalated" 3 times.

GTFO brother.


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
If you think she would fvck Brad Pitt if he tried to get down her pants, but she isn't fvcking you, then there lies your answer....