Week 10
Campus gym doesn't open till 11:30am so I couldn't lift before work. Got in there around 4pm and since I take my only carbs after morning cardio, energy was non existant. Going to have to get some pre-workout carb intake if I'm going to use the gym in the afternoon.
Dropped hammer curls, no more direct bicep work. Replaced it with assisted chins, new movement was plenty difficult.
Chin ups Palms
In /
I x6 bodyweight -112 lbs
O x3 bw -112 lbs
I x4 bw -112 lbs
Palms in are close grip, out is wide grip, pretty pathetic, should improve fast, I hope.
Barbell Bent-Over Row
3x5 no change
First time doing these BB instead of DB, felt awkward, form was probably not right, think I'll go back to DB's for now.
3x6 +12 lbs (over 200 lbs now, wooo)
Never done deads with an oly bar or in a power cage before (I've been using 5' weight bar at home) and was trying to figure out how to do it. If I put the pins in the lowest hole, the bar would be just below my knees, too far up.
Went and asked the weight room attendant how deadlifts worked in a powercage, she looked up deadlifts in a binder and pointed me toward some kind of machine.
I explained I wanted to do them with free weights, so she went to ask her buddy doing DB curls, he did some kind of lunge looking thing with the oly bar between his scissored legs and asked if that's what I meant, so I explained the motions of a deadlift to which he replied "I don't know, I don't do legs much"
Finally a guy told me I could do them just outside the squat rack, which I did. The rules (which I read before I went the first time, cause I'm like that) said no free weights off the rubber pads, but I don't think they're enforced much. Ah well, I'll just keep doing them that way till someone tells me otherwise.
Morning cardio as always, need to up my red meat and eggs. Got some fish oil caps and some B super complex in addition to my my multi and green tea.