Video- Women are Psychologically Drawn to Broken Miserable Men, do you agree?


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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Don't just watch the video; also take a look at all the comments.

Now, let's consider two hypotheses:
  1. There is a group of women who respond positively to the boy described in the video. These women are likely those who have been damaged in some way.
  2. There is another group of women who respond negatively to the boy described in the video. These women are likely the healthy ones.
Do these hypotheses seem plausible to you?
We can confidently say that the first one is true.
But what about the second?

To illustrate, I know a woman who fits the description of being "damaged." She has issues stemming from her relationship with her father and She is in a relationship with an unattractive but problematic man. They have three children together, and she enjoys reading novels about a nerdy girl who meets a troubled, bullying man and helps him change his ways. She take inspiration and then try to fix her life.

However, if the man allows himself to be "fixed" and the relationship becomes problem-free, she becomes bored and seeks another damaged partner to repeat the cycle. Clearly, this woman has her own set of issues.
I often heard her partner mention how she would tell him every night, "Don't come back late again tonight," or "Let me know the time for dinner", or express her worry about his return because he never informed her of his plans or even if he was coming home for dinner. He would leave her uncertain, sometimes forcing her to manage the children on her own, and have their dinner without him.

Meanwhile, when his friends contacted him, he would usually respond promptly. Now, You can see that this is a tactic he uses to make her feel anxious. While their relationship has lasted 12 years, it's at a significant cost.
Are you really that invested in such dynamics?
Are you really so thinking to do those things to her to make her "stay" in the relationship?
This sounds "loser".

I can assure you that there are women who will do anything to pierce the sail or the floor of the ship, if the ship is sailing smoothly without any problem towards its destination. But is this really the case with all women or are there healthy ones?
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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If you're a broken dude but don't know or don't want to admit you're a broken dude, you'll only meet girls who are into broken dudes and therefore think all girls are into broken dudes.

This is called "sampling bias" in statistics.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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If your a healthy individual becoming “broken” to attract females might be worse then getting a tattoo to fit in, broken women like broken men.

Now to the game.

You can play the broken bad boy for a while but you’ll realize it’s all about control. Women date these men because they can control them.

What he says in the video is true.
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Aug 22, 2024
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Lot of generalisation in here - there are women around that like to lead but they still look for some qualities in men i.e. submissiveness, intelligence, looks - these are qualities of men that leading type women look after - however entering into such relationship for the man is usually a bad idea (prepare to be treated - at a root lvl - in much more instrumental manner than in case of leading type of men). Leader-type females are also more prone to cheating as they really can't turn off tingles for more masculine men - it's just they feel more safe and in control of their submissive male partner.

It's also a reason why some really hot chicks go after really nice guys - if you have a bit of maverick inside you, they will not feel in control around you in which case even ONS will be difficult to achieve.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Terry Joel Junior. Anyone here heard of this guy?

From Experience do you agree with this guy? He's a good looking dude whose dated a lot of women.

I’ve seen this guy’s videos. Some stuff is alright. But like other Manure Sphere content it is 99% complaining.
Without listening, I have a fix: don’t go for women who like screwed-up men. There ya go.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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if you have a bit of maverick inside you, they will not feel in control around you in which case even ONS will be difficult to achieve.
This! I live my life, I don't care if a woman starts to put her manipulation into action: I kill her.

It might seem like an act of lack of empathy, but quite the opposite: I am very empathetic, and for this very reason I understand that what she is doing is a tactic. Go.

My single life is freedom, and if a woman wants to be by my side, I will make compromises, but I will NEVER stoop to her manipulation!

@Smok1nAce @taiyuu_otoko

If you are a good guy, you don't want to become a bad guy, but you need to embody some of his qualities, and own them in your good guy frame.

Of course, like attracts like.
I have seen women who are honest with themselves and what they want. In honest relationships. I want a honest woman. They are out there, and I will find them.