There's multiple issues at play here and both sides of the argument has valid points.
Regardless of him having a job or his own place, with such passivity, it's unlikely he'd attract any women. That's a fact.
As for him being with his mom/parents, I find nothing wrong in that, many in Asia live with their parents because it's an expected responsibility to care and protect them into their old age.
However he needs to pull himself out of that situation - cutting the umbilical cord with his mother and get any sort of job.
In order for anyone to have any respect for him, he 1st needs to respect himself.
Here in Toronto there many Asians and Italians that live with their parents well into adulthood because it’s part of the culture but people still look down on it because the mainstream culture is get out and make you own way as soon as you can, even if it means renting a basement apt with two other people.
This guy lives in the US and it’s looked down upon to still be living at home at his age because that’s the mainstream culture in the US.
It may not be fair to be seen that way but it doesn’t change the fact that he is seen that way.
He’s probably a nice enough guy but he’s a hard sell in his current situation and appearance. That’s the reality whether it’s fair or not.
We could all make a zillion excuses for his situation but none of it is going to land a hot girl, or any girl, on his lap because he doesn’t get to decide what his SMV is, women do, and he ain’t got none.