that is so true. its not the video games that are the problem because i'm sure like the first replyer said, take those same people and take away video games and they probably will still be anti-social.Originally posted by ScrewIt
I highly agree with you shark. staying home all the time (even if you dont play games) can truly cripple your people skills and personal you isolate yourself from the real world. I've seen this happen to my friend. Truth is alot of these guys that hide in their virtual world actually lack confidence and suffer from low self esteem, that is why they highly refuse to change their lifestyle around....but the main reason they have low confidence and low self esteem is BECAUSE they hide at home all the time....a double edged sword.
Makes me wonder what nerds/geeks would do next if computers & video games vanished from the face of the earth.... [/B]
I however have personally saw the growth in me socially once i stopped playing video games. i used to be one of those kids that play a lot of video games, like right when i get home from school and during the weekends. not only has this destroyed my eyesight but it has hindered me in a big way socially. by staying inside and not interacting with other people you lose your ties with the outside world, which causes you to lose your ability to be social. hence why its hard for those people to leave video games because their social skills are so crippled. they try to be social but just come out very awkward so back to the video games they go. i personally have cut out video games totally from my life recently and i am happy to say i doubt i'll return, and if i do never with the same enthusiasm i once had. the only thing i occasionally "play" on my computer is online poker which i should stop playing too heh.
also with this edited in
reading some of the replies, video games can also be social, if you playing a game with a group of friends such as halo or whatnot but the games i used to play were single player or online games such as starcraft,counterstrike and warcraft and recently world of warcraft (which in my opionion is the worst type of game out there, because online rpg's like those are time sinks PERIOD.) since i played those games by myself i didn't have much change to interact with people and the occasional time i would play one of those games with my friends it would be online so its still not in a social environement (but this was back in middle school).
so in conclusion games that can be played in a group = ok from time to time but i would suggest to stay away from MMORPGS cause they seriously cripple your social skills