vicodin to ease nervous jitters b4 a date?

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Don Juan
Dec 2, 2005
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Originally posted by ER!C L!VE
I use xanax. If vicodin works for you, then cool. I will utilize any means to get the job done :)

Some people drink to ease their tension. Alcohol is socially acceptable b/c it's legal. Also, it's also more deadly than many other substances you can use to calm your jitters.

Society is so fucked with how it views cigarettes and alcohol vs. illegal drugs.
man i hate this ****ty old argument alchohol VS drugs

its stupid and so clear, booze has been around for 100's of years, same as smoking, if booze where just invented it would not be legal,
booze is bad yes, in moderation its fine.
street drugs **** u up, in moderation some can be fine, but in general **** you up
end of
why do people insist on bringing this crap up?
the only people defending drugs are those who use them

drugs for a date? WHAT?????????????????????????

drugs for a night out with some hard dancing *nods*

a smoke after a hard day at work*nods*

a few beers in the pub on friday *nods*

drugs foir a date WHAT?

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by john_1234
if one were to pop a vicodin a couple of times he's now considered a junkie? how about all the people who get ****faced at the bar every eekend, are they considered alcoholics?
Vicodin (Hydrocodone) is far more addictive than alcohol, for a number of reasons.

Opiates are inherently addictive and very, very few people can use them recreationally.

Eventually, they will take over your life.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2005
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vicodin will not make you more confident. it will simply take the edge off making you less antsy and more relaxed. it's not like alcohol where you feel an actual confident boost.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
The pillhead stereotype of the half-asleep zombie is only half-right. Doing pills causes many people to become very disagreeable when the pills wear off. And since tolerance builds so quickly, dedicated pillheads often spend more time in the fit of rage than they do enjoying their drug.

Pills are only legal because they make money for drug companies and doctors. And as soon as you get hooked, you will have to do so many that you need to break the law and get multiple prescriptions, like Rush Limbaugh. Then you can make money for cops, lawyers, and prison guards, too.

I believe everyone should have the right to put whatever they want in their body, just know the risks.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by Bible_Belt
The pillhead stereotype of the half-asleep zombie is only half-right. Doing pills causes many people to become very disagreeable when the pills wear off. And since tolerance builds so quickly, dedicated pillheads often spend more time in the fit of rage than they do enjoying their drug.

Pills are only legal because they make money for drug companies and doctors. And as soon as you get hooked, you will have to do so many that you need to break the law and get multiple prescriptions, like Rush Limbaugh. Then you can make money for cops, lawyers, and prison guards, too.

I believe everyone should have the right to put whatever they want in their body, just know the risks.
No, pills are legal because they are effective at what they do - blocking pain.

And I don't recall Rush Limbaugh being charged with or convicted of a crime.

Even the ACLU is on his side on that issue.

Ironic, isn't it?

Regardless, if one uses them (opiates) recreationally, they can cause euphoria and give the user confidence, but like you said, tolerance can build quickly and the after-effects of physical withdrawl are brutal, which causes people to get into the vicious circle of using.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by john_1234
vicodin will not make you more confident. it will simply take the edge off making you less antsy and more relaxed. it's not like alcohol where you feel an actual confident boost.
Vicdon affects different people differently.

Confidence and euphoria are two very common effects.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2002
Reaction score

I dont understand why people get so nervous before dates. Ive always been in character while I was on a date. Its not like interviewing for some top notch job, you're just going out with some woman you barely know and trying to determine if you dig her and she digs you. If anything make her smile and laugh and bit and you'll be fine. No need for drugs. Dont go out for coffee though, it'll make you too nervous.
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