i have some experience in this field as when i was 20-22 i went from nothing to drinking every once in a while to snorting coke to work longer hours, to freebasing on the weekends, to lock me in my house, throw away the key full blown crack cocaine addiction.
Also, any rejection from "friends" when you went clean?
No, but, ihad stopped talking to my friends, quote unquote before the addiction, becuase i found out they weren't really friends. Even though I used, I never really adapted the life style/ didn't hang out with addicts so I never had any real drug friends. I had 3 connections and like 1-2 people liked to smoke with, and they only called when i called them. None of my friends growing up were heavy users/ drinkers/addicts. Some people didn't even know utnil I started going ot NA that i was using in the first place, but that's becuase i just disappeared.
My oneitis ironically, is the only person I talked to pre use, during use and post use, while we weren't ****ing, she does cares for me, and was happy I got clean.
I will be frank: the thourhgt of giving up drinking and smoking, espcially drinking - forever is FVCKING SCARY.
I never had that problem with ****e,it wasn't that long into it I HONESTLY, didn';t want to do it anymore I just couldn't stop. it took me going to rehab for 2 months to get some kinda foudation before I could trhink with a clear mind.
see right now you aren't thinking with a clear mind. I drink, but i never had a problem with drinking, ever. even while using. I don't drink to get drunk. But if I was a black out drunk, or bidge drunk and it became a problem, then I would give it up.
You have to realize, **** women, this is effecting your life. you are destroying your body big time man, screw what it looks like or how it makes you feel.You DO have inner game issues, if you can't think of a life without getting high or drunk or buzzed. You are 40 years old man, it's time to start thinking about your long term health. Ben Frank once said that let a man's vices die before he does.
I don't want to become a hermit again - but I equally I don't want to be a slave to my vices either.
you have not hit that "stage" yet, doesn't matter the drug, sooner or later, if you keep going on like you are going, the fun wears off, and you are going to be the guy buying beer on a saturday to make sure you have enough for sunday and just lock yourself in a house and drink all weekend.It won't be a bar anymore becuase that's too expensive.\
when i first started doing ****e it was cute. i did it at work quite often, when i proressed to freebase i would rent a hotel room or go over a chicks house and get a quarte ror whatever, smoke and **** and we would 2-3 bindge smoke. getting your balls licked while you are hitting the pipe.. man that's the devil talking to you right there. But sure enough, 4-5 months later, i was too paranoid when i took a hit to leave the house or even worse, renting 3 hotel rooms around the city and rotting to all three lol becuase i thought the poice was coming. then, i wouldn't even bother calling anyone over, beucase they were "smokin too fast" or wasting my ****. It's the natural progression. The fact that you know they are a problem man you need to stop. You might find out it's harder than you think. Just because you took a break doesn't mean you can completely stop. you have to be able to go through life **** and not use. Too many people can sit at mom's house and not use or live in a rehab for a year and not use, but get fired from a job while trying to pay rent and not use, or get rejected and not use, or have a death in the family and try not using.
I also afraid that people will think I am a killjoy, a square etc etc.
1. you will be surprised at how many people don't drink or smoke
2. while i do drink, anyone who thinks someone is boreing beucase they don't put chemicals in their body are not people you want to hang around with. that's a pitiful way to live..
And are you really afraid to quit smoking and drinking for fear of what others will think? Or do you believe yourself hopelessly addicted to these chemicals, and fear the challenge of quitting?
I don't think it's inner game at all. I think he knows at a subconcious level he has a problem and is trying to convince himself not to give it up by telling himself he can stop when he wants, he just doesn't want to yet.
On one said, you have made like 10 rationalizations to keep doing something that you know, that isn't right.
If you have any inner game problems, it's the issues that you are killing your self esteem by doing something, after you have proven time and time again it's a problem, yet keep finding reasons to keep doing it.
today is jan 1st. I would try to go to 01/01/12 without drinking. if you can, good boy. But you in the time you will see all the areas of your life improve. to fuly answer your question, i firmly believe, i could not be where i am without going through everything i went through, including that, but at that point in time my self esteem had hit rock bottom. ol, actually the most plate active time i ever had iun my life was about a year in a half in AA, no drinks, no drugs no nothing, had more plates than i could fit on the table, and most of them were around NA/AA, no dates with drinking, and got too much nookie. lol, hell that should be the motivating reason for you to get clean. Lots of fun to be had living clean and sober man.