Viagra, have you tried it for fun?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2007
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Latinoman said:
Note: there is not such a thing as "recreation".

When you take something is because either you need it. Either physically because you have problems getting it up or psycologically, because your self esteem is very low.

You might perform for hours after taking the pill. But ANYONE knows that it is NOT is a drug making you do those things. Women know that and so do you.

If you are old and have erectile problems...then take it. It is worth the risk and it doesn't matter what others would think, because you physically need it.

But if you are young and have no physical issues...then you MUST do something to improve your psycological issues. As insecurity cannot go away with bandaid solutions (drugs).
Latinoman, I knew that the answers in this thread would all yell "EGO! EGO! EGO!" all over because they always are when it is about the c0ck or sexual performance, but from you I the expected it the least, to be honest. You wrote 3 posts in a row so I understand that this somehow deeply touched some strings inside of you. But I guess you are from a macho cultural background so you´ll be excused. BTW 99% of what you write in other threads I find highly interesting because of its maturity and shared life experience.

But who said that you should take the stuff for impressing anybody?? "Women know" so WTF?? I took it because I was curious and I found out that you can have a monster f0ck session with it that was absolutely great. 4 hours of continual erection would possibly damage your penis tissue, absolutely true. I wrote however that your erection under Viagra goes down when you lay on your back and rest. And 4 hours of non stop f0cking would kill you anyway, if you dont have the stamina of a professional athlete. So again - you DONT get a continual boner from the stuff without stimulation!!

I found out what I wanted to know. I am not going to take it regulary because I wouldn´t want to risk my organism getting too used to it. There is no physical weakness or psychological issue that made me take it. There is nothing I wanted to prove to anybody. I just wanted to find out how this pill works that for millions of men surely and absolutely is a gift from God. And now I have one memory more that makes me smile all over when remembering it. So please stop preaching or lecturing.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Rudra said:
Latinoman, I knew that the answers in this thread would all yell "EGO! EGO! EGO!" all over because they always are when it is about the c0ck or sexual performance, but from you I the expected it the least, to be honest. You wrote 3 posts in a row so I understand that this somehow deeply touched some strings inside of you. But I guess you are from a macho cultural background so you´ll be excused. BTW 99% of what you write in other threads I find highly interesting because of its maturity and shared life experience.
I wrote three posts...because I write as I read. I don't read the ENTIRE post and start writing.

Ego? That's men's worst enemy. That and complacency (sp).

But who said that you should take the stuff for impressing anybody?? "Women know" so WTF?? I took it because I was curious and I found out that you can have a monster f0ck session with it that was absolutely great. 4 hours of continual erection would possibly damage your penis tissue, absolutely true. I wrote however that your erection under Viagra goes down when you lay on your back and rest. And 4 hours of non stop f0cking would kill you anyway, if you dont have the stamina of a professional athlete. So again - you DONT get a continual boner from the stuff without stimulation!! come in here in the past and brag about Russian women and Russian men. But NOW you are telling me that in order for a Russia "man" to fully satisfy a HOT Russian woman...he needs Western Help in the form of Viagra?

I found out what I wanted to know. I am not going to take it regulary because I wouldn´t want to risk my organism getting too used to it. There is no physical weakness or psychological issue that made me take it. There is nothing I wanted to prove to anybody. I just wanted to find out how this pill works that for millions of men surely and absolutely is a gift from God. And now I have one memory more that makes me smile all over when remembering it. So please stop preaching or lecturing.

Nothing wrong with that as MILLIONS of men feel insecure. If you needed for physical or psycological purposes...that's an issue.

But don't call it "recreational".

The equivalent of taking sleeping pills for "recreational" purposes...when you can easily fall asleep at night.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2007
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Latinoman said:
Ego? That's men's worst enemy. That and complacency (sp).
Golden words. Agreeing completely.

Latinoman said: come in here in the past and brag about Russian women and Russian men. But NOW you are telling me that in order for a Russia "man" to fully satisfy a HOT Russian woman...he needs Western Help in the form of Viagra?
You read my posts, that´s good. But I mentioned several times alreay that I am an expat living in Russia now for half a decade. That means -no, I am no "Russian "man"" trying to satisfy russian chicks. And the "need to fully satisfy a Russian woman" is a pure fabrication of you. Never wrote a single word about that.

I can compare western and Russian women and when it comes to this - Russian chicks beat western ones in every possibly way. The country - with all its huge problems - is pre-AFC, pre-feminism, women are not afraid to be women here. Would be immensely interesting to compare this to western societies, might make it a post some time, but right now don´t feel up to it yet. Need some more thinking time.


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
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It was fun

I purchased some online from and woow.. the effect was fantastic and didnt she like it !:rolleyes:


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
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online ! where else ?

spider_007 said:
where would one get such a thing any ways
there are tons of online pharmacies around. i use as i mentioned earlier.

but frankly young guys dont need it. say if you are past 45 and have these semi erections ..then you can surely try it .... after seeing your doctor !


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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I would like to ask the guys who tried it if they had any change in their ejaculation time.

I mean yeah your c0ck is always hard but if you happen to be too excited and come after few minutes can you keep going or u still need a minute to rest to avoid pain?

Unlike many hot studs in this forum I admitt that it requires me an effort to work for more than 5/8 minutes,after the gym especially on chest day is even worse in fact sometime I have to masturbate before doing the real thing in order to gain some resistance.


Jan 9, 2011
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outskirts of myville
I like weed better, and this is a serious statement. Either weed, hash, or spice. Makes you horny. Don't have to get smoked either, just a hit or two.


New Member
Nov 21, 2013
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I take Viagra from time to time, it makes sex definitely better and I do like that. I use the generic one as it's cheaper and has the same effect as the brand pill.


New Member
Nov 25, 2013
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I like using the generic Cialis. It's effect can last for up to 36 hours and tha's just great for a week-end time ;)
I also get it online at reasonable prices and it works gret!


New Member
Sep 22, 2015
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i heard that there is new liquid viagra, called SHOTAGRA ,does someone tried it?