This will probably be my last post on the site. For the simple fact I'm turning my life to Jesus Christ, I have sinned countless sins and is no better then no man on this site. I can't continue to keep posting on this site any longer. Too many distractions and pointless arguments.
I leave you with this, even to you non believers, repent of your sins and give your life to Christ Jesus. I have realize in my 27 years on this earth, up to this point, nothing matters but him. No cars,clothes, women, nothing. It is never satisfying, once you have it, you want more. That's why you find people up to theirs 40s still in clubs doing the same things since their teenage years.
Jesus is the only thing I can say that truly fill you. The only thing that is satisfying.
I could remember at times I wanted a girl very badly, and once I had that girl I was empty again once the newness wore off. I tried to find it in doing pot, and x. That even got old, and the addictiveness and close calls with the police didn't make things better
I know some of you are going to say Jesus is not real, or accuse me of being a messed up Christian but at this point I don't care what anyone things about me, because I know who my God is, and I know my God is returning soon, but I know before he returns we are going to go through a big time tribulation through this earth, a giant purging.
Give your life to Christ, if anyone would like for me to help them with their walk, contact me, if you need a bible, contact me, if you need anything contact me, and we will walk this narrow road together.
Peace and much love to you.