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Vatoloco's Observation Log

Mr. Fantastic

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Uh... Hashbrowns?
I hate to be that guy but...

vatoloco said:
Be a Selfish Bastard. You have to always have yourself as your top priority.
Selfishness isn't focusing on yourself, your dreams, and ambitions. Selfishness is using others for your own benefit. As far as being a bastard goes, you really have no control over that haha.

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
vatoloco said:
Today I walked over to MickeyD's for lunch as I was craving some fast food. While I'm eating my food, this guy (looked like an army soldier) comes in with five kids: 4 girls and 1 boy. I quickly deduced that they were all his on the fact that they all looked like him AND that the boy was the shortest of them all. That is, more than likely, he tried for a boy until he got one! ;)

Anyway, as they come in to the restaurant, two of the kids head towards the display of toys that come with the Happy Meals while the other 3 stay with the guy. He says "Everyone in a single file" and two of the kids that were with him complied, while the third one started heading towards the toy display. "DID I SAY 'EVERYONE IN A SINGLE FILE'? OR DID I SAY 'GO LOOK AT THE TOYS?'" the guy said in a raised voice. Everyone (including the ones that were looking at the toys) quickly complied. Once everyone complied, he gave them further instructions: "Okay, I want everyone deciding ahead of time what they want. I don't want you walking up to the register and going 'Uhmm...'"

Once it was their turn to order, it was like a well-oiled machine. Each single kid told the employee exactly that s/he wanted and once finished, headed over to a table, while the dad looked on. Note that he didn't order for them. Each little kid was responsible for his/her own order. I thought that was great. The employee was unable to fully understand the last girl who ordered so as she started heading towards the table, the dad politely asked her to repeat her order to the guy and once she was done, he thanked her for it.

Lessons to be learned:
  • You get out of any relationship (be it filial, paternal, romantic, business, etc.) ONLY what you properly develop with it. As a man (and perhaps future father and head of household), you need to properly behave and develop the appropriate behaviors from the people with whom you have the relationships.
  • Again, be the Leader of your household. Lead your woman. Lead your children. Be the rock who is the foundation of a great family.
  • Expect and demand respect but also give it. Although the guy was no-nonsense with the kids, he also treated them with respect. If you have someone's respect and that person is a good person, you should extend the same courtesy.

Awesome...that is what the Military teaches you


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Mr. Fantastic said:
Selfishness isn't focusing on yourself, your dreams, and ambitions. Selfishness is using others for your own benefit. As far as being a bastard goes, you really have no control over that haha.
I say "toh-may-to," you say "toh-mah-to." ;)

You are right, though. I guess self-interest and/or self-concern would've been better choices than selfishness. Still, you should be your own top priority.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Peripheral vision

Something I've observed over the past few years is that people behave differently (or more like naturally) when they are not being observed (or at least when they think they're not being observed.)

A couple of days ago, I'm coming back from lunch and notice this couple walking in the opposite direction on the same sidewalk. The girl was a nice 7, while the guy was a 6, slightly taller but slightly overweight. I wear extremely dark sunglasses (they're cholo/gangster style -- they wrap around my face and you can't see my eyes) and since I always look straight ahead, I was able to pretend I wasn't looking... but I was! :D

As we get closer, the girl obviously liked what she saw so she looked me up and down (hey, I'm a sharp dresser), got a light smirk on her face and followed me with her eyes. The guy, I guess instinctively felt something was amiss and immediately placed his arm around her, to let me know that she was his woman, all while I'm keeping my head straight and pretending not to look at them. We then passed each other and was unable to see if he kept her arm around her or not.

Several months ago, I ran into a similar situation here on campus. I was unattached and this girl also liked what she saw so I turned around and made some conversation, with a name and number close after that.

Lesson to be learned:
  • Learn to use your peripheral vision. Even if you are not wearing sunglasses ;), learn to be fully aware of your surroundings.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Be a Wanted Man

I've been exclusive with my current GF for a few months now and something that absolutely makes her 'gina tingle is being reminded of the fact that other women want me and/or are jealous of her. I've been blessed in the height and looks department (thank you Mom & Dad!) so I have always had women interested in me. Unfortunately, I am not reciprocally attracted to the vast majority of them (hey, I only like slender, cute+ girls) but their interest is there nonetheless.

A particular instructor here at school was attracted to me but I didn't dig her back so it never went anywhere. Turns out my GF took a class with her about a year ago and now that the word is out that we're dating, her former instructor ran across my GF and didn't even hide her interest in knowing "who are you dating now?" She asked my GF a bunch of questions about her new relationship (with me!) but my GF kept mum. She proceeded to fuck me good that weekend we went out. ;)

I'm 36. She's 20 (but looks even younger). Whenever we're out, we get the dirtiest looks from people, but predominantly from women. Of course I notice this but keep my mouth shut. She'll notice too and tell me: "Did you see how that lady was looking at us?" "Oh really? I didn't see..." She then proceeds to get even closer to me (and I think sometimes she even looks back at the women who give us the dirty looks, as if to taunt them). She gets turned on and gets even more touchy-feely than usual. :D

Lessons to be learned:
  • Be a Wanted Man. The more women want you, the better. If you are attached, don't stop dressing up and always be well-groomed. By keeping your appearance sharp, you will still attract women, which is always a good thing.
  • Flirt with other women. Of course, don't do it while with your woman. Flirting with women while you're in relationship will keep your skills sharp plus you develop attraction from women to you. Hey, you never know when things will go south so it's always good to have reliable backup! :D
  • Women want what other women want/have. It's incredible. Now that I'm attached, co-workers and acquaintances flirt even more with me. Use this to your advantage. Play this angle with your current woman.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate"

This past week I went on a trip. I went to an event related to a hobby of mine with some friends and met up with more people on site. I had a blast but one of my friends (one of my Padawans) had a difficult time with some of his so-called "friends."

My friend was scheduled to lead a presentation at this event and requested my help and that of one of his friends. I played my part (as requested) helping him with manual labor, as well as supporting him during the actual presentation. The "friend"? Called 5 minutes before the start of the presentation ("to see if things were ready"), didn't help much with physical set up and actually tried to take over the presentation, at one point contradicting and belittling the main guy's (i.e. my friend's) opinion on the topic being discussed. The other instance was that he was rooming with another one of his "friends" and the guy tried to screw my friend (and eventually partially succeeded) with costs related to lodging for the event.

My friend's problem is that he wants to be liked/loved by all. The thing is that most people are just out for themselves and will stab you in the back at the first chance they get if it will get them ahead. Now, I'm all up for being a Selfish Bastard™ but you should be one w/o fucking other people up (especially if you consider them "friends," like these two people claimed).

Lessons to be learned:
  • Loyalty should be your Number One requirement. Whoever they are (friends, business associates, women, co-workers, etc.), loyalty should be your top priority in your interactions with them. Both ways.
  • Remove non-loyals from your inner circle and [if possible] eliminate from your Life altogether. If you cannot trust your friends, partners and/or women, they are better removed from your Life.
  • There's a reason why the Ninth Circle of Hell in Dante's Divine Comedy is reserved for traitors. There is no sin as wretched as this one.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score

So this recent thread made me think about my current and past relationships and how the providing of emotions (or lack of a wide range) [has] affected each.

Back in my teens and up to my mid 20's I was your average chump. Not quite frustrated (I was blessed with good-looking genes) but a chump, nevertheless:

I made women comfortable. I unconditionally loved them. I put them before myself. I overly reassured them. The emotion that I was basically giving them was one of comfort. They initially liked the chase and competition (like I said, I was blessed with good-looking genes so I've always been able to attract women) but once I entered into LTRs, I became a "Nice Guy" with them. Eventually they got turned off and dumped me.

I did actually get called an asshole once. I had refused to do something for a GF I had (I forgot what it was), stood my ground and she actually told me: "You're such an asshole!" and stormed out of the room. For whatever reason, I didn't chase after her but rather decided to remain where I was. Ten minutes later, she came back, apologized but was still upset over the whole thing. I guess I did have a little bit of a Natural back then. ;)

Eventually she dumped my AFC ass and went off with a bad boy (who treated her bad but had a Jeep Sahara ;)). As a side note, she actually tracked me down and called me at work last year (I can't unlist my name from the staff directory). She got married to some other guy but it's not working out. She now has a couple of brats. Asking lots of questions about my life, basically feeling me out, seeing if she can get back in. Riiiight. Let me jump on that... ohwait! I'd rather bang my current, cute & tight 20-yr old GF! ;)

Anyway, in my mid-20's I decided I didn't wanna get dumped anymore and stumbled across several teachings. Over the years I learned Game and I was able to be with higher-quality women (both on the looks department and on the inside as well). I eventually landed a divorced HB9 who was pretty much a good match for me: good-looking, slim girl, a year younger than me, educated, with a geeky side that I liked.

Although she was the one initially approached me, I gave her a wider range of emotions than when I was an AFC. I fucked her good. I wasn't so available and kept a light air of mystery about myself (didn't tell her everything about me, we weren't "attached at the hip," etc.) She actually asked me to marry her. After agreeing on several issues (like money, kids, how to run the household, etc.), I accepted. Unfortunately, it didn't work out as she changed and subsequently dropped me a few months after my acceptance.

Now in my mid-30's, I'm at the best point in my life, I have the best Game I've had so far and I have a far better understanding of the female mind than I did 10 years ago. I quickly identify low-quality women and the ones that I do get involved with (from acquaintances to plates to sexual partners and/or GFs), I treat them with what the female mind needs: a wide range of emotions.

With my current GF, not only do I treat her with Amused Mastery, I give her a wide range of emotions: sexual leadership when we fuck; mild embarrassment when I make fun of her; laughter when we're messing around with each other; a little insecurity as she knows other women want me and could take her place if she were to misbehave; comfort in knowing that when she's with me, I lead and have everything under control; admiration as she knows I'm already an accomplished man and am wiser and more experienced than her; a little jealousy as she knows my personality now and knows that I talk to all kinds of people (including pretty girls ;)) here at work; passion when I grab her and passionately kiss her; tenderness when I caress her and hold her.

I'm the happiest I've ever been. She's the happiest she's ever been. ;)

So, like I mentioned in my post on the thread I mentioned at the beginning, "bad boys" are never boring. They provide the wide range of emotions that women crave, even if not all those emotions and/or actions are positive). You don't necessarily have to be a "bad boy" to get women. But you do have to be exciting in that respect in order to get them and keep them.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
"You want kids? Okay. I want a house and marriage. Fair trade."

This thread made me wanna go look at my local POF/Match.com to see what's currently out there. Wow. Full of whales/fuglies with a sprinkle of averages and the rare HB8+, just like I remember it but something that did catch my eye is the apparent "honesty" that some of these profiles are beginning to portray when it comes to acknowledging The Wall and the blatant hypocrisy. Let me give you some examples (with bold emphasis mine -- also will be altering some words so that they don't come up in searches):

"U w4nt kids ok I wnt a h0use n m4rriage fair trade" (says a skanky 6 with 2 brats)

"1 feel that im re4dy to spend my time with th4t special some0ne . :) ive d0ne all the partying I could d0 and its getting old." (says an average 6 at 29 years old)

"I have le4rned that most men 0n here just w4nt me as a piece of ass and w4nt dirty pictur3s." (when she herself has suggestive pics in her profile and looks like a total cumdumpster)

"i'm n0t feeling the p4rty scene as much as i used to.Don't get me wr0ng i still like to go out and h4ve a good time its just not about meeting as m4ny girls/guys any m0re." (says a 29-year old who is short, chubby and at best a 5)

"I'm an est4blished, div0rced, single m0ther of tw0 in search of a f4mily man. My partying d4ys are long g0ne and I enjoy a sweeter side of life now th4t includes a lot of family 0riented events, I feel if my children are not welc0med I have no busin3ss being there." (says a divorced 36-year old with 2 kids and specifies a $50K+ income requirement. She is a HB8 so I am sure some chump will take her up on it)



Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
PlentyofFish is ridiculous. I did it as an experiment a month ago. I got a lot of girls using it but I'm not stooping down my standards for a piece of ass. Most of these girls have issues. Either there ugly as f*ck or they have kids or there below 5'0 (I'm 6'3 so this is a no-no).


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
PrettyBoyAJ said:
PlentyofFish is ridiculous. I did it as an experiment a month ago. I got a lot of girls using it but I'm not stooping down my standards for a piece of ass. Most of these girls have issues. Either there ugly as f*ck or they have kids or there below 5'0 (I'm 6'3 so this is a no-no).
PoF is truly the bottom of the barrel.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
"Holy sh1t! Is that you!?"

Clearing out some memory cards for a trip I took a couple of weeks ago, I found some pics with one of my exes. Flipped through them, remembered some great times, but also remembered the bad ones so that was that.

Yesterday I'm out riding one of my bikes when I'm trying to get out of a parking lot and cross the street into another one when an old, beat up van was trying to make a u-turn on the street in front of me but the driver froze when she saw me. Why? Because it was that particular ex and she recognized me!

At first I'm like "WTF? Why did you hesitate? The street is clear!" but then it hit me! It was the slim, HB9 that asked me to marry her and boy was she fat!! She ballooned up, big time! Her face was now chubby and her arms super big and flabby.

She must've realized that I recognized her too because she obviously got flustered and quickly made her u-turn while looking away from me. I'm just laughing on the inside, thinking how just a few years will wreck a woman's body.

Lesson to be learned:
  • Just because she is a HB now, it doesn't mean she will be one later down the road. Don't pedestal her!


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
"Hail to the V!"

This morning as I was getting ready, I was listening to a local radio show. I hardly watch TV anymore but apparently they were quite upset at a Summer's Eve commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxW_ZCd64tg

Fucking A, man! Pedestaling pussy, much?

"One might say: 'it's the most powerful thing on earth...'"



Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
The wrong women...

I skimmed through some threads and the recurring theme is that a lot of stress, financial loss, heartache could've been avoided by NOT STAYING WITH THE WRONG GIRL. Let me explain:

Either by ignorance, neediness, being insecure, (or just plain stupidity!), guys stay with women who are obviously wrong for their long-term well-being. Now, what do I mean when I say "wrong girl"? Women who are Damaged Goods, Daddy Issues, Strippers, Barmaid AWs, BPDs, Gold Diggers, etc. usually fit the bill. Sure, fuck them. Very carefully. But be extremely cautious about getting emotionally attached or considering them for anything long-term or serious. Pain is the only thing these types of women will bring to your life if you get too close to them.

Now, I can't be casting stones as I myself have made this mistake before (staying with a woman just because the sex was good, in my case) but as I learned and grew as a man, I started being truly honest with myself, dropping women who were bad for me, even if I were highly attracted to them (physically and/or personality-wise).

You need to learn to do the same.

Lesson to be learned:


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
"My mother doesn't love me anymore... I'm gonna kill myself."

vatoloco said:
Now, what do I mean when I say "wrong girl"? Women who are Damaged Goods, Daddy Issues, Strippers, Barmaid AWs, BPDs, Gold Diggers, etc. usually fit the bill.
For those of you still insisting on getting involved with these:

'Dougherty Gang' fugitive siblings captured in Colorado:

[29-year old] Lee-Grace Dougherty, the sister, has five felony charges and six misdemeanor charges on her record. She had been living with her boyfriend at his parents' house in Merritt Island, Fla.

"She was a lot of fun to be around and talk to," said Darryl Bookman, 66, the father of Dougherty's boyfriend. "She just didn't come across to me as the kind of person they're portraying her as.

"I'm sure she was involved in that shootout and probably in that bank robbery," he said. "But I would have never seen that coming."

After two car crashes in Brevard County, Fla., in May, Lee-Grace Dougherty, whose driver's license wasn't valid, refused to go to jail without a struggle. She blamed her behavior in the wrecks on opiate painkillers, according to an FBI profile of the suspects.

After she traveled more than 90 mph and crashed a Ford Mustang on May 7 near Cocoa, Fla., she kicked and punched the deputy trying to arrest her for driving under the influence, court documents show. Even after a state trooper managed to handcuff her, Dougherty headbutted the deputy, according to a report.

"Once (Dougherty) was out of the vehicle and on the ground, she continued to kick and scream," the deputy wrote. "While on the ground, (she) attempted several times to bite my arm."

Ten days later, troopers said, Dougherty was driving a Chevrolet Impala that crashed into a pickup on Merritt Island and then fled. When troopers caught her and placed her in a patrol car, she rolled down the windows and stripped to her bra, complaining that she was hot.

She wrapped a seat belt around her neck and pulled it tight before a trooper tried to stop her, police said.

"My mother doesn't love me anymore," she said, according to the arrest report. "I'm gonna kill myself. I'm going to kill myself."

Lee-Grace Dougherty worked at Cheaters Gentlemen's Club in Cocoa Beach, Fla.

"She worked here a few times in the last six months, but she never returned," said Steve Procter, a bouncer and day manager at Cheaters. "She was sporadic at best. She danced to the usual hip-hop or rock. The girls don't get to choose the music unless she was a top draw. She wasn't."

On her personal page on Flickr, a photo-sharing website, Dougherty posted photos of herself in a bikini. "I am a Floridian," she wrote on her page. "Born and raised in Seminole County. I have a huge, crazy family. I'm 28 but act like I'm 17 most of the time. I love to farm and shoot guys and wreck cars. I'm a redneck and proud of it. I like milk and German engineering and causing mayhem with my siblings."
Hey, knock yourselves out! Sounds like the kind of girl to bring home to meet Mom! ;)
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
"Ejector seat!"

Yesterday I saw Big (1988) again. I hadn't seen that movie in about 20 years but seeing again with new eyes brought a smile to my face, in particular the part where Josh (Tom Hanks) and Susan (Elizabeth Perkins) leave the company party and go out on an impromptu "date." I remembered Pook's Fifteen Lessons. Particularly Lesson Thirteen: "Charm is treating women like little girls."

In the referenced scenes, the guy does his thing, behaving freely, without the inhibition of being worried about whether the girl will approve or disapprove of his actions. He is having fun! He is (unconsciously) keeping control of the frame. He is living his world the way he wants to and if she digs, she will join him in his world and share the fun that he's having. He's not asking "What do you wanna do, sweetheart?" He's not saying "Whatever you want, honey." No, he does what he wants to do and she joins him. And you know what? She has fun. He is a boy having fun. She is a little girl having fun with him.

In another scene she asks about feelings and emotions:

Josh: "How do I feel about what?"
Susan: "H-How do you f-feel about me?"

Josh gets a loving smile on his face and subsequently playfully hits her with a magazine. Now THAT, my friends, is Amused Mastery! :D

So next time you're planning yet another [boring] date with one of your plates ask yourself "Is this something I really wanna do? Or would I rather go [insert passion of yours here] and she can join me if she wants?" Next time she asks you about your feelings, smile lovingly at her and plant one on her.

Hitting her with a magazine is optional. ;)


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Don't call her out!

Seriously people, don't do it!

So today I'm reading a couple of threads here at SS and notice that guys are calling out women. Even if you do realize the game or deception that a woman is playing, don't verbalize it. Realize what's going on but don't say anything.

If you want a quick, clean exit, DON'T CALL HER OUT ON HER BS!! IF you do, all you're gonna do is trigger her defense mechanisms and you will be sabotaging yourself by having her make your life miserable. It's better if you leave things on agreeable terms and make her think that all is hunky-dory and just go underground and eventually disappear!

"Oh no, fuck you vatoloco! I'm gonna teach her a lesson!" Oh well... if that's what you want... But I happen to believe in the concept of Path of least resistance, minimizing the time, money and effort I place on a woman who is not worth my time.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2011
Reaction score
Canada, ON
As I read these stories I just recap more and more on what I already know.

Women are in general nothing more but painful burdens. Or I use to think so. Even after going into detail, I'd litterally see 99.9% of the result from being with women to be nothing but any and every form of loss (I'm sure you can guess where that 0.01% "gain" is).
But you know what?...I was very wrong. I've never dated before. And the female friends that I have would rather hang themselves by their thumbs and croak from the sheer pain than date me. And yet, I've been friends with them for years. They'd do any non-bedroom deed for me. My best friend (who is female) has tendencies to litterally lie for me, just to cover my sorry ass when it's in hot water! And she's the LAST one who would date me.

I guess what I'm getting at is this...Non-drone women with minds of their own are extremely rare. Almost all women are a waste of time (where I live especially). But when you DO run into someone worth your time. Then even when you can't date them, they STILL make some of the most loyal friends possible.

Well...atlees that's my experience.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not in the "All women are bitches!" camp (though I agree that there are a lot of bad women out there --and I've run across my fair share, let me tell you) but just like there are good men out there (hey, I'm one of them ;)) there are also good women out there.

Will some of the women I like me not like me back? Of course. I've gotten far along in Life to know that's the case. And viceversa: I am not attracted to the vast majority of women who dig me. What you need to have is two good people who like each other and know the steps to a successful mating dance.

Easier said than done but that's pretty much the gist of it.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
vatoloco said:
Something I've observed over the past few years is that people behave differently (or more like naturally) when they are not being observed (or at least when they think they're not being observed.)

A couple of days ago, I'm coming back from lunch and notice this couple walking in the opposite direction on the same sidewalk. The girl was a nice 7, while the guy was a 6, slightly taller but slightly overweight. I wear extremely dark sunglasses (they're cholo/gangster style -- they wrap around my face and you can't see my eyes) and since I always look straight ahead, I was able to pretend I wasn't looking... but I was! :D

As we get closer, the girl obviously liked what she saw so she looked me up and down (hey, I'm a sharp dresser), got a light smirk on her face and followed me with her eyes. The guy, I guess instinctively felt something was amiss and immediately placed his arm around her, to let me know that she was his woman, all while I'm keeping my head straight and pretending not to look at them. We then passed each other and was unable to see if he kept her arm around her or not.

Several months ago, I ran into a similar situation here on campus. I was unattached and this girl also liked what she saw so I turned around and made some conversation, with a name and number close after that.

Lesson to be learned:
  • Learn to use your peripheral vision. Even if you are not wearing sunglasses ;), learn to be fully aware of your surroundings.

So So So fycking true...Ive noticed this alot as well. Sometimes at the gym for example I use the mirrors to catch women checking me out when they think Im not looking.

But yes, always being watchful of your surroundings is important in gaming women.