So this recent
thread made me think about my current and past relationships and how the providing of emotions (or lack of a wide range) [has] affected each.
Back in my teens and up to my mid 20's I was your average chump. Not quite frustrated (I was blessed with good-looking genes) but a chump, nevertheless:
I made women
comfortable. I
unconditionally loved them. I put them
before myself. I
overly reassured them. The emotion that I was basically giving them was one of
comfort. They initially liked the chase and competition (like I said, I was blessed with good-looking genes so I've always been able to attract women) but once I entered into LTRs, I became a "Nice Guy" with them. Eventually they got turned off and dumped me.
I did actually get called an
asshole once. I had refused to do something for a GF I had (I forgot what it was), stood my ground and she actually told me:
"You're such an asshole!" and stormed out of the room. For whatever reason, I didn't chase after her but rather decided to remain where I was. Ten minutes later, she came back, apologized but was still upset over the whole thing. I guess I did have a little bit of a Natural back then.
Eventually she dumped my AFC ass and went off with a bad boy (who treated her bad but had a Jeep Sahara

). As a side note, she actually tracked me down and called me at work last year (I can't unlist my name from the staff directory). She got married to some other guy but it's not working out. She now has a couple of brats. Asking lots of questions about my life, basically feeling me out, seeing if she can get back in. Riiiight. Let me jump on that... ohwait! I'd rather bang my current, cute & tight 20-yr old GF!
Anyway, in my mid-20's I decided I didn't wanna get dumped anymore and stumbled across several teachings. Over the years I learned Game and I was able to be with higher-quality women (both on the looks department and on the inside as well). I eventually landed a divorced HB9 who was pretty much a good match for me: good-looking, slim girl, a year younger than me, educated, with a geeky side that I liked.
Although she was the one initially approached me, I gave her a wider range of emotions than when I was an AFC. I f
ucked her good. I wasn't so available and kept a light air of mystery about myself (didn't tell her everything about me, we weren't "attached at the hip," etc.) She actually asked me to marry her. After agreeing on several issues (like money, kids, how to run the household, etc.), I accepted. Unfortunately, it
didn't work out as she changed and subsequently dropped me a few months after my acceptance.
Now in my mid-30's, I'm at the best point in my life, I have the best Game I've had so far and I have a far better understanding of the female mind than I did 10 years ago. I quickly identify low-quality women and the ones that I do get involved with (from acquaintances to plates to sexual partners and/or GFs), I treat them with what the female mind needs: a wide range of emotions.
With my current GF, not only do I treat her with
Amused Mastery, I give her a wide range of emotions:
sexual leadership when we f
mild embarrassment when I make fun of her;
laughter when we're messing around with each other;
a little insecurity as she knows other women want me and could take her place if she were to misbehave;
comfort in knowing that when she's with me, I lead and have everything under control;
admiration as she knows I'm already an accomplished man and am wiser and more experienced than her;
a little jealousy as she knows my personality now and knows that I talk to all kinds of people (including pretty girls

) here at work;
passion when I grab her and passionately kiss her;
tenderness when I caress her and hold her.
I'm the happiest I've ever been.
She's the happiest she's ever been.
So, like I mentioned in my
post on the thread I mentioned at the beginning, "bad boys" are never boring. They provide the wide range of emotions that women crave, even if not all those emotions and/or actions are
You don't necessarily have to be a "bad boy" to get women. But you do have to be exciting in that respect in order to get them and keep them.