Valentines Blues


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Well it looks like its going to be another lonely Valentines day for me. I am 27 and have NEVER spent a single Valentines day with a significant other. Hmm, maybe thats because i almost never have a significant other to begin with. The thing is, i cant figure out why. I'm attractive, in shape, well educated and intelligent, secure job, nice place, nice car, I'm interested in many cool things, and I'm a complete sweetheart. But still I cant seem to figure out how to get un-single. I'm really shy and get nervous talking to girls that i'm attracted to, so that's a big part of it. Cute girls often act interested in me, but they always have boyfriends, and I'm not really the type who tries to wedge myself between a girl and her boyfriend. Besides, most of the time that I show interest in someone, they immediately let me know that they are not available and they keep me at arms length. It seems like everyone where i live already has someone...I feel like I'm the only person left standing during a game of musical chairs. Then there are times when i come across someone who is single that i'm attracted to and they just plain arent interested in me. I dont even know where im going with this, and yes i realize how pathetic it is spilling my guts on this forum, but i just wish someone could tell me what i'm doing wrong, so that maybe one of these years i'll have a V-day that actually means something.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
It's a game and you'll have to learn how to play it. The number one thing you can do is develop some self-confidence that won't vanish once you meet a single, attractive girl. Start reading through the DJ Bible. I recommend going through the 6 week guide to reading the dj bible thing so you're not overwhelmed by information. You've come to the right place for help. There are many, many people on this board who have really done their research and followed it up in the field with great success. Ignore the negative people!

Anyway, glad to have you here.

DJ Bible can be found here:


Master Don Juan
Jan 13, 2003
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MY reality
1) Who gives a ****, it's valentine's day. It's a ****ing corporate holiday.

2) Read the DJ bible.


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Exactly what I was going to refer Dingus. Yeah man, you're not the only one who's been feeling down because v-day's coming up and you aien't got no love interest. I've been posting since early morning today and I totally forgot that v-day is tommorow. I'm going to start week one of the DJ Bootcamp tommorow, not because it's valentines day but because I want to. But since it's v-day, this is perfect; don't think it's just guys that feel lonely on this day too, girls feel the same way. If I play my cards right, I can get some magic to happen tommorow night ;) . So my advice for you man is to do the same S**t several of us are doing. Just do it! Don't question it! Even if it's saying hi, when you get a response from a girl, you'll feel much better. Read this man, read only the first 2 weeks. Walden's been where we're going, he's inspiration for our asses.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Sounds just like me dude. Welcome to the club!

Originally posted by BryanM
Well it looks like its going to be another lonely Valentines day for me. I am 27 and have NEVER spent a single Valentines day with a significant other. Hmm, maybe thats because i almost never have a significant other to begin with. The thing is, i cant figure out why. I'm attractive, in shape, well educated and intelligent, secure job, nice place, nice car, I'm interested in many cool things, and I'm a complete sweetheart. But still I cant seem to figure out how to get un-single. I'm really shy and get nervous talking to girls that i'm attracted to, so that's a big part of it. Cute girls often act interested in me, but they always have boyfriends, and I'm not really the type who tries to wedge myself between a girl and her boyfriend. Besides, most of the time that I show interest in someone, they immediately let me know that they are not available and they keep me at arms length. It seems like everyone where i live already has someone...I feel like I'm the only person left standing during a game of musical chairs. Then there are times when i come across someone who is single that i'm attracted to and they just plain arent interested in me. I dont even know where im going with this, and yes i realize how pathetic it is spilling my guts on this forum, but i just wish someone could tell me what i'm doing wrong, so that maybe one of these years i'll have a V-day that actually means something.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2001
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Bryan welcome to the website that will change your life. It changed mine.

This website is the best kept secret out there.... keep it to yourself.

Welcome aboard.. and for your first task... read the DJ Bible and then read it again.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2002
Reaction score
"I'm a complete sweetheart"

This statement says exactly what your problem is.

Get rid of this belief on whatch your whole world change.

Dapper Swindler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
I read the first sentence of this post and could tell this must be your first time here. And it looks like I'm right. Everyone's first post here looks the same, mine included. I'm not even going to read your whole post because I think I know what your deal is. Just stick around here and read the DJ Bible and it will all start to make sense.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
Hey BryanM

You told a story the same as mine 5 years ago. yeah you did. So like you I am 27 now. So am gonna give you some points that works for me.

1. The approach
2. Getting the contacts
3. Asking for a Date
4. The actual date

And this happens with your approach is backed up with an attitude. First, I was attracted, then I learned how to attract her.

So how to do that? I suggest you read the DJ bible. The transition is there.

First become a hoper, then a try-not, then the fixer, then you'll become the Alpha Man you are. So read the DJ bible now and apply what you learned. Time is running and you need to do something.

before it was really difficult, keep on practicing and you'll go far.

Good Luck.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
I share the same attributes, and here is what i have found thru my experience in terms of girls that are interested or disinterested in me. Only go for type 3. You'll save yourself alot of time and frustration, though these girls are hard to come by. The types below are relative to self-esteem which determines everyones self-worth.

1) Little or no self-worth. Sleeps around all the time, and does drugs. Typically referred to as Crack ho.

She will not go for you. If she did, it would only be to use you. She does not feel worthy.

2) Some self-worth. Has major insecurities. She is often an AW and has short-term relationships with flaming pretty-boy idiots.

She will not go for you. If she did, it would only be to boost her ego and it wouldn't be long at all, as she has alot of admirers.

3) Good self-worth. Little or minor insecurities. She is often taken a commited in a relationship. If she feels she can do better, she will if and when the right guy comes along.

She will go for you.

She will go for you, but you have to show signs of interest too. Keep in mind this type (the best type), usually have a boyfriend, but that doesn't mean she is going to marry the guy, or has any plans to whatsoever. Feel the situation out.