So ideas on this day, would you consider romantic gestures on this day, to be bred from a genuine urge to be romantic to each other (including women to men) or do you think it’s bred on the fear of expectation or doing the right thing?
I think the day as become far too commercial and to me a romantic gesture should be spontaneous not derived from an idea of compliance to a routine.
It seems to me the idea of this day is pretty much devoid of its intention simply from its original purpose, do we really need a day to be romantic?
Is romance bred from a ritual date, is it now so ingrained in our society that it is not about romance anymore but about compliance and pressure to do the right thing? If so then to me that concept is bred from fear of loosing respect from your partner, that is they buy into the whole valentines day ritual, I mean if they 'expect' a return on valentines day, does that not defeat the whole point and one is simply complying to a ritual, I really cant see the romance in that in all fairness.
Is it not far better to do the things on valentines day at ones own discretion and desire to do those things instead of being expected to do it?
Would it not be better to be romantic when the situation is ripe for it?
Or when it totally unexpected which would get a much bigger return.
I read one article about a guy buying a women a whole house for half a million on this day! Nice gesture but not sure why that is romantic to buy your way to some-ones heart, was painful to read in truth how the women loved the gesture and how he loved to give it? Seems a little bizarre and extravagant gift, he must have felt it was worth doing, his money I guess. But the romantic notions where applied to this day, so he made it a romantic gesture, so again another attempt to show, it seemed to me, to win some-ones heart these days is to buy them something, the bigger the better. Yes it was a mainstream paper and yes they thought it was great he went to these extremes and yes they painted that this was the norm. Still can’t see how it was romantic in any way shape or form.
Ideas would be good.
Personnally i dislike this day, its nice dont get me wrong to go out on dates e.t.c but to be expected to do something seems to me devoid of the true intention. Makes me wonder if people celebrate this day to keep peace with the other half and not due to an actual desire to be romantic in anyway shape or form, since to me if they where romantic they would not need a specific day to do it, well not a ritual date anyhow.
Now if it became a national holiday then that would be great, i mean in the sense of a day off, i would not complain at all then
I think the day as become far too commercial and to me a romantic gesture should be spontaneous not derived from an idea of compliance to a routine.
It seems to me the idea of this day is pretty much devoid of its intention simply from its original purpose, do we really need a day to be romantic?
Is romance bred from a ritual date, is it now so ingrained in our society that it is not about romance anymore but about compliance and pressure to do the right thing? If so then to me that concept is bred from fear of loosing respect from your partner, that is they buy into the whole valentines day ritual, I mean if they 'expect' a return on valentines day, does that not defeat the whole point and one is simply complying to a ritual, I really cant see the romance in that in all fairness.
Is it not far better to do the things on valentines day at ones own discretion and desire to do those things instead of being expected to do it?
Would it not be better to be romantic when the situation is ripe for it?
Or when it totally unexpected which would get a much bigger return.
I read one article about a guy buying a women a whole house for half a million on this day! Nice gesture but not sure why that is romantic to buy your way to some-ones heart, was painful to read in truth how the women loved the gesture and how he loved to give it? Seems a little bizarre and extravagant gift, he must have felt it was worth doing, his money I guess. But the romantic notions where applied to this day, so he made it a romantic gesture, so again another attempt to show, it seemed to me, to win some-ones heart these days is to buy them something, the bigger the better. Yes it was a mainstream paper and yes they thought it was great he went to these extremes and yes they painted that this was the norm. Still can’t see how it was romantic in any way shape or form.
Ideas would be good.
Personnally i dislike this day, its nice dont get me wrong to go out on dates e.t.c but to be expected to do something seems to me devoid of the true intention. Makes me wonder if people celebrate this day to keep peace with the other half and not due to an actual desire to be romantic in anyway shape or form, since to me if they where romantic they would not need a specific day to do it, well not a ritual date anyhow.
Now if it became a national holiday then that would be great, i mean in the sense of a day off, i would not complain at all then