Utterly Confused......WHT THE HELL


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Im going to make this short
I met a girl a month ago, we instantly clicked and started dating..talked everyday saw eachother about every 2 days....shes from a town over, so it was easy.... she asked me to go to a semi formal party with last week, i went. I was tired, hungerover and just didnt want to be there, but i still went. Now, i dropped her off after the party, she said she would call me later...she never did. I talked to her a day after i dropped her off, and nothing really was sparking like it had before...almost a week after the party now, ....what the hell happend??? i havent talked to her since?

Should i text or call and ask what is up? Or cut my losses? I may see her out this weekend at the local bar, so should i just hold off?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2007
Reaction score
RE:i dropped her off after the party, she said she would call me later...she never did.

This part says it all - she has lost interest in you buddy.

RE:I talked to her a day after i dropped her off, and nothing really was sparking like it had before

She's no longer making an effort with you because she's no longer interested.

Cant see much point in persuing this one, unless you want to be her friend and hang out, in which case call her up, she prolly wont answer, so you'l need to leave a voicemail.

I'd say: Hi its x here, its been a little busy lately so i've not had chance to speak to you. maybe when you get a spare minute you can call me back. It might be fun if we could hang out sometime when we're both free'

dont say sorry, or explain any of your actions. keep it light. you've done something to turn her off in the past.

good luck


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Tru. i agree with you 100%
Do u think its just how i acted at the party that made her lose interest? or other things?

And also, whats crazy is...when i would be hanging out with her, i would catch myself thinking, "damn i not even really into her all that much, i wonder what this other girl is doing," or when i took her out a couple times, i was kinda not excited, i would be thinking how i could be out meeting other girls.

I guess the thing here is, Knowing that she doesnt want me, makes me want her. but in reality i dont truely even care for her.