More men than women is a huge problem. Ratio problems have long plagued nightlife venues. All of the swipe apps now have ratio problems as bad as nightlife venues, if not worse than nightlife venues. Tinder has the worst ratio problems, but Bumble is also overrun with males despite "women
messaging first".
Every dating website or dating app has gotten worse as time has gone on. That's part of the life cycle of tech-based dating. Tinder and Bumble got ruined faster than Match or OkCupid in the website era. Hinge is shiit too.
Tech-based dating methods have always been a gimmick. Forming relationships in the real world is always the better choice.
From the male perspective, it seems like an awesome experience for women to experience abundant sexual options and get sex with the best looking people of the opposite sex. Women don't seem to experience it that way though.
Women do seek "all the feelz" and do prefer to use abundance to select for the best looking men who typically won't commit to them. A woman is who is in the 8+ range does stand a chance of getting a long term commitment from a top tier guy if that is what she demands.
Wheat Waffles had a good video about how Sub 5's, Normies, and top tier people interact with each other.