Using marijuana for education?


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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Getting high on drugs is very un Don Juan.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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Darth said:
Getting high on drugs is very un Don Juan.
And how is that exactly? There is no exact definition for a Don Juan, except that a Don Juan is someone who seduces women. That is all. Smoking weed has nothing to do with it; it doesn't make me a good role model for little kids, but it doesn't stop me from being a Don Juan. Are you going to tell me cussing is un Don Juan like too? You have to fight for the fairer justice? You have to believe in God? You should just stop talking period, you're saying some very foolish foolish things.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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So it's foolish to say that ingesting mind altering drugs for fun is one of the most STUPID things a human being can do?

It's completely stupid. Stupid. And real men don't do it because they realize this.

I'm sorry for you.

Edit: I bet you're going to insult me now. Go ahead, lol.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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It's foolish that you think one hit of weed is going to get me completely stoned, it's also foolish you relate smoking weed with being a Don Juan. It is also foolish that you completely relate smoking weed to being a man, and it's also foolish to assume that I'm a regular user of the drug. I've never done it in months, and the last time before that it was another couple months. IF I was a regular user I wouldn't have made this topic in the first place, because I would be high anyways while studying.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
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Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
apusislaya said:
You just parroting what TV says. If you knew and was aware what weed is for you'd have a different attitude, in fact you wouldn't be a slave. :kick:
What a narrow minded statement.

MJ has a different effects on different people.

I always shake my head at the pot heads who think that everyone should smoke pot.

Newsflash: Not everyone enjoys or likes the effects of MJ because everyone is different.

And yes, it does make most people unmotivated and does adversely affect memory.

This has been proven numerous times. It's not some government conspiracy, it's factual.

But the potheads who love MJ refuse to believe anything negative about it.

I love seeing them when they are baked and then asking them some basic questions, just to mess with them.
Things like directions to get to a well known, local destination.

Their attempts to answer are always amusing and when I show them on video later, they can't believe it. They think they are being "creative" and having "intellectual" deep conversations when in fact, they are talking nonsense.

If you enjoy pot, fine. But don't assume that everyone would like it if they just tried it, or if everyone smoked it, the world would be a much better place, or that it effects everyone in a positive way.

And as far as anecdotal evidence, every pot head I've ever known has been a lazy, unmotivated, underachieving slacker who has never gone anywhere in life.

Just ask Ricky Williams - the guy threw away a career that payed him Millions of dollars a year because he would rather get sit around and get baked.

If that isn't proof that MJ makes you stupid and adversely effects your intellect, then I don't know what it will take to convince you and others.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
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I dont know about studying, but some of my best nights pulling chicks was when I smoked. But its kinda hit or miss, either you become a superpimp or you become a mute. The latter happens mostly if you already had low energy levels or you smoked too much.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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Though like I have said before, I'm talking in a completely different context. The last time I smoked weed I only got one weak hit in, I was able to at least focus a little bit more on the movie we were watching. I don't NEED a whole bag of weed to be focused; in fact, I'm not relying on weed to do anything for me which is the message almost everyone is getting in this thread; a boost if anything just like how last minute essay typers would use a redbull to keep them up the whole night. I'm already this motivated into studying when I don't even have school, though focus is a little bit of a problem and I've noticed that in my last session of smoking weed (one weak hit of OG kush) I hardly got high, more like got light headed from smoking a cig. My focus though increased to the point that I was able to concentrate completely on the movie; I've noticed that I've memorized scenes and lines that my friends don't even seem to remember. I'm going to smoke it to the point where I'm not even going to get high, just like how drinking one shot of vodka isn't even going to get you buzzed.