Using marijuana for education?

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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I remember reading about a business person that went through college using marijuana not for recreational uses, but for educational benefits. When you're high, you get to focus on what you're doing more. I was wondering if there was any backbone to this? Would light doses, like smoking one hit, help me focus on my studies better?

the d-rock

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
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Ive never heard of it for business, but I know people of using it for art and music to help them in that regard. haha I dont know about the whole smoking and studying. I know some people who take a beer or 2 sometimes and study and they say it helps, but not sure about weed.


Sep 3, 2008
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War Against Betaism said:
Would light doses, like smoking one hit, help me focus on my studies better?

You do not study my son. What you are doing is called memorizing.

Your brain has left and right halves, left one is responsible for math, science and memorizing stuff. Right half is responsible for arts, divine, and creativity. When you smoke both parts work in unison, to a degree.

Thus, smoking weed will not help you memorize. (or what you call in your evil reality, studying)

However, smoking weed will help with creative processes. Such as when coming up with new things.

Remember Albert Einstein. He did bad in school. Horrible. His brain functioned differently. He was very creative and it helped him achieve theories that he brought us.

Smoking weed will enhance your creativity. Thus smoking weed and studying esoteric subjects and such will actually be productive. However, smoking weed and memorizing your college work will not work at all. In college they only want one thing out of you, memorize things, take what they tell you for truth, become a mindless drum. Why you think so many people don't question 9/11? I mean buildings went down at free fall speed, and physics only has one explanation for that, controlled demolition. Mindless drums.

Next time you get high, use this chart to see which brain of yours is firing. Left or right.
Triangles = left. Flowers = right. Stare into middle. Compare the way your brain works while high and while normal. It should take about a week to get to normal, depending on weed.

P.S. Einstein left his brain to science. I doubt he meant study it. I'm pretty sure he meant develop your own fvcking brain. Use both halves, bridge your mind. Search this forum for my thread called Flower of Life.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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San Jose California said:
I wonder if my thread had any motivation for you to make this one, betaism. But like someone said in it, studying and weed is bad, because when you're high, your memory sucks.

Of course a stoner will say to that "but what if you smoke every day? you'll get used to the memory". Yeah, but what about when you stop smoking. You'll be screwed. And don't say you won't stop smoking. NO ONE is going to smoke every day of their life.

Maybe if you smoked weed and read a lot of books though, they'd cancel out, because I heard that reading increases memory. Who knows.
I saw that other topic you made, though I've always had this idea before you posted your thread. And I'm taking a whole another approach; one weak hit. I'm not looking to get blown out of my mind. Actually it's really hard for me right now to get my point across here, I just got my wisdoms taken out again and I'm still on laughing gas (which is like marijuana for me). That's why apusislaya, I'm really not getting what you're saying. Well I do get it, except that whole evil reality thing, I'm pretty lost there.

So basically it won't help me memorize things but help me come up with new stuff. That's pretty good actually, I'm an aspiring screenwriter.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
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There are plenty of potsmokers that say that and the ones that do are usually the lazy ones that make up excuses for why pot is good for you. Marijuana makes you lazy and you forget things. I do not know who told you that weed makes you focus more like the opposite. Marijuana is cool just to chill and relax.


Sep 3, 2008
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SuavePlaya said:
Marijuana makes you lazy and you forget things.

You just parroting what TV says. If you knew and was aware what weed is for you'd have a different attitude, in fact you wouldn't be a slave. :kick:


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
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I smoke marijuana and I know how i feel afterwards. I know my body better than you do, so keep your opinions to yourself. if you feel that marijuana makes you a superhuman then do it knock yourself out. While you are at it lets make a thread that smoking crack will make you a genius also. Marijuana is just cool to smoke when you want to sit back and relax. It's pretty sad when people think they are smarter when they are on drugs lol. I'm pretty sure you know what weed is for because hey we all know you were alive when weed was first discovered. Do not assume you know what you know, I'm talking about my experience with the drug not what I read somewhere.


Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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Marijuana is great for focusing. I find it very useful for putting myself into a state where I am completely focused and interested in something.

An aspect of this "focus" that marijuana can give you, is that the focus can be so complete and intense, that everything else goes away. It's like 99% of your attention is on this one thing, and everything else is gone. Some serious focusing here. And along with the focus comes a deep passion and interest.

I find I learn amazingly well while "high". I don't know why people get the impression that marijuana makes you stupid... I find it's quite the opposite. Then again, most people treat it that way: "Let's go smoke some weed and get f*cked up!" rather than "I'm going to go have a few hits and read Shakespeare!" I find alcohol more appropriate for the former attitude, and weed effective for the latter.

I've always questioned the belief that marijuana hampers memory. Yes, I know there have been studies, but how accurate are these studies? For example:

Let's say they ask a large population of sober people to remember a list of words.
Likewise, they ask a large population of stoned people to remember these words.
A half an hour later, they check back with both populations, and find that many more sober people retained much more of the list.

So marijuana hampers memory then, right? Case closed. But let's go back to the "focus" aspect. As I said, I've noticed that marijuana helps me focus, and that the focus is so strong that everything else goes away for the time being. So suppose these stoned people notice more interesting things to focus on than this list of meaningless words? See where I'm going with this?

At any rate, I've memorized many, many things while stoned. My increased focus is very helpful with this. Not that "education" is mere memorization, for it is much more (I much prefer self-education to schooled-education, if I may digress). I find marijuana to help with all of it. (Of course, some good sober education is also very effective as well. I advice seeking the benefits of both states of mind!)


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2003
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it depends person to person. i have ADD, and marijuana wrecks havoc on my memory, can't do a damn thing when I am stoned. but I've had friends who could study/learn better when they were high so really it depends on the person.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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I have been a stoner for the past three years, which makes me a statistical fluke since I started at age 25. Weed does not enhance but rather hinders my sense of creativity. My appreciation for and perception of music and the arts is astronomically higher when I'm high, since it enhances the senses, but the problem is I fall asleep and at the very least get very drowsy. Concentration does increase but mostly in the context of struggling to stay awake. For the creativity question, there does seem to be some variance between different strains of weed and whether it's regular weed or krippie, with more creativity occurring with krippie. Has anybody ever heard of "Silver haze"? That stuff is tangy, full of zest, does stimulate my creativity, and is my latest pre-occupation.

But education? I'm sorry, but the poor memory pretty much evaporates any chance at education.
I've always questioned the belief that marijuana hampers memory. Yes, I know there have been studies, but how accurate are these studies? For example:

Let's say they ask a large population of sober people to remember a list of words.
Likewise, they ask a large population of stoned people to remember these words.
A half an hour later, they check back with both populations, and find that many more sober people retained much more of the list.

So marijuana hampers memory then, right? Case closed. But let's go back to the "focus" aspect. As I said, I've noticed that marijuana helps me focus, and that the focus is so strong that everything else goes away for the time being. So suppose these stoned people notice more interesting things to focus on than this list of meaningless words? See where I'm going with this?
I see where you are going, but I disagree. I notice many more details of music when I'm stoned, I can actually hear glitches which I never would pick up while sober, but when I can't remember events which happened ten seconds ago, my memory is definitely impaired.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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I'm not even talking about getting stoned or high on the moon, I'm just talking about taking one hit to that feel good state. Actually a feel good state for me would take two hits so I wouldn't even be there. But thanks for the insight, I've accumulated a better understanding on this decision now.

Colin O'Brien

Don Juan
Jan 6, 2008
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come up with the idea stoned, write the essay while sober.

music though? oh man I've written some amazing musical **** while high


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Colin O'Brien said:
come up with the idea stoned, write the essay while sober.

I agree. I have heard that pot will give you the inspiration to have great ideas, and at the same time rob you of the motivation required to accomplish any of those ideas.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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In response to the thread title, no. Getting stoned would get you motivated to study?

Bad idea.

It'd be kind of sad that someone would have to take drugs because their real self isn't smart enough to handle life. That's an ego booster right there.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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*sigh* I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself...does drinking one shot of vodka get you drunk? NO! Does smoking one hit of weed get you stoned? NO! GET IT THROUGH YOUR FVCKING HEADS I'M NOT TRYING TO GET STONED!


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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This is hilarious. People actually trying to say that smoking weed makes you smarter and not more stupid.

Talk about trying to justify stupid, destructive behavior....


Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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Originally posted by Darth
This is hilarious. People actually trying to say that smoking weed makes you smarter and not more stupid.

Talk about trying to justify stupid, destructive behavior....
Why does this seem unreasonable? On what do you base the assumption that weed makes people "more stupid"? How is the behavior of smoking it "destructive"?

I have found weed to be a catalyst for intelligent growth. I know this from direct, personal experience, as well as the observation of others. Yes, stupid people smoke weed as well, and weed will not promote intelligence in all individuals.

There is this cultural impression that associates weed with stupidity. People who haven't tried it, or have had limited experience with it, have no choice but to look to others for their "views" on it. I pity those who fall for the so common "stupidity" impression of it, for they have limited themselves.

Weed, among a multitude of other things, can make people smarter. Deal with it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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forward said:
I pity those who fall for the so common "stupidity" impression of it, for they have limited themselves.
You're right, I should totally go smoke some weed now so I can get smarter.


War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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San Jose California said:
lol, what?
I was referring to apusislaya about how studying is the evil form of memorizing, which I don't get.

Darth, how about you stfu because it's obvious you know nothing of the drug and its effects. It's like a virgin giving advice to a man wh0re about how to have sex. Your opinion is more useless than condoms in the Spears family.