Using E-Mail, AIM, MSN etc. As a Tool


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
**Disclaimer: It has been recommended that I warn you that the following tip is only to be used as a supplement to your DJ routine. It is by NO MEANS a surefire way. Ladies will not be hanging off your d*ck just because you have a cool buddy icon. Thank You.

Here are some tips if you chat with people on msn or aim or something to that effect:

1. Most important: DON'T STAY ONLINE ALL DAY. Get out in the world. Do something. If a girl sees that your online every single time that she is, she'll think you have no life. BAD.

2. Just becuase you feel more comfortable talking to people online, DON'T TELL THEM YOUR LIFE STORY. It's a common mistake for people to do. Yes, many girls when they hear that your not very happy will be quick to say "I'm here for you". Who cares? You're a man, you can handle it.

3. Leave "mysterious" away messages. Face it, if you put up an away message that says "Hold on I'm washing my face, shaving, and them I'm going to take off my shoes and socks and put on my fairy slippers" they arent going to wonder what youre doing. You just told them. Away messages like "out", "hold on", "brb", "busy" work just fine. Every now and then throw in a funny one. It's good if you can get her to laugh.

4. Don't always use "LOL". Do you say LOL in person? No. Don't do it online. If she says something funny, say "haha" and then make a funny comment about that if you can.

5. Sometimes I sign on and forget I'm on. People will I'm me over and over trying to get me to respond and then worry about why I'm not talking to them. They're thinking about you. Good.

6. Use the same conversational skills as you would in person. Look at the DJ Bible for advice on neg hits, leaving while its hot, not talking so much and all that fun stuff. You shouldnt change the way you talk just because you are typing it instead.

7. Have an interesting profile. Nothing too revealing. Right now my profile says:

"Let's play a game. It's called "Guess the Word". Here's the definition:
1. The peak of sexual excitement, characterized by strong feelings of pleasure and by a series of involuntary contractions of the muscles of the genitals, usually accompanied by the ejaculation of semen by the male. Also called climax.

What's the word?"

8. That brings me to the next thing. Change your profile often. Change your icon often. Change your font often. It's like clothes, or cologne. Wearing the same thing day in day out gets boring and mundane. Mix it up.

9. Play with people. When a girl jokingly tells me to shut up I put up an away message that says "Shutting Up". I give 'em a second or so to read it, and they usually respond with "Oh no! I was JUST KIDDING...come back...please..evan i love you..." blah blah blah. I never come back right away though. Also, if you put an away message up, DONT CHECK IT EVERY FIVE SECONDS AND WAIT FOR SOME1 TO SAY SOMETHING. Also, don't respond to people immediately, it shows that you're not busy. I tend to give it a five count or something if I'm not incredibly occupied.

10. THIS IS NOT YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. If I didn't stress it enough in the disclaimer let me to it again. The internet is a TOOL. T-O-O-L. It is not your entire arsenal. Dear god don't let it be, you're in deep sh*t if it is. Go out. Talk on the phone every now and then. Sometimes go a day or two without even signing on. If you do sign on, put away messages up for an hour at a time here and there. Whatever you do, don't get online when you wake up, sit there all day, and fall asleep on your keyboard. You'll have no life. Sure, youll be able to type fast, but who cares.

I'm sure theres a lot more advice I could put in here. Email anything you think I should add to If I put it in here I WILL give you credit for it.

Emails: If you email somebody, keep it short and to the point. Nobody likes reading 500 page email on how your dog has 4 feet. Also, I hate forwards, never forward something.


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
All I do is sign on when I need to spread word of something. Like a party, or just to quickly assemble a group of friends to see what we're doing tonight after that I sign off.

Those are my AIM habits..good post though if you are an avid AIM user.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2004
Reaction score

thanx for the post really helped me unp*ssify my away messages never would of thought they suked so much. thanks for the disclaimer too.DB9


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2001
Reaction score
This is the best AIM tips post I have ever seen.

Great job!


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
blah blah blah, just don't chat too much, stay online 24/7. the rest of the rules make you out to be some weirdo if you keep changing yourself.


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
I don't use IM but I do communicate via email with girls (including the ex) quite often so only rule#4 applies to me. I very rarely say LOL or OMG or anything like that. I think it sounds gay most of the time and kinda nerdy in a computer geek sort of way. I mostly laugh by saying hahahaha and spell out the other things. Sometimes I use all-caps when saying their names like I'm yelling at them when I'm flirting heavy using some C/F. It's fun to get into shouting matches with them and does keep things exciting and fun.

The most important thing is to keep your emails to one or two sentences. Keep your comments simple and fun and don't get into details that will cause you to write a paragraph(s). Also don't repond too quickly. I send or respond to one, maybe two emails a day with any given female. Usually the first around mid-morning like 9am, then she'll repond within the next hour or so, then I'll respond back maybe around 3 or 4.

Some people here don't like to send but maybe one or two a week but I think thats just a little too slow and you risk losing the rythm or her interest. I think that one or two-a-day is fine but keep it simple and fun . Make her enjoy emailing you and waiting for your reponses.

PS: Don't use those smiley faces much if at all. If you say something that she could misinterpret as being mean then add the HAHAHAHA's to let her know your just busting her balls. If she's having fun she should bust your balls right back.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
i kinda like using that winking smiley face every now and then..its similar to winking in person...nowhere near as effective however


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2004
Reaction score
My own little world.
Originally posted by phenom
Also don't repond too quickly. I send or respond to one, maybe two emails a day with any given female. Usually the first around mid-morning like 9am, then she'll repond within the next hour or so, then I'll respond back maybe around 3 or 4.

Some people here don't like to send but maybe one or two a week but I think thats just a little too slow and you risk losing the rythm or her interest. I think that one or two-a-day is fine but keep it simple and fun . Make her enjoy emailing you and waiting for your reponses.
I don't like the emailing once or twice a week idea either. The whole basis of email is it happens instantly. If I sent a woman an email and she took 3 or 4 days to get back to me, I'd be thinking what a fvcking *****. And my interest level would definitely sink. If it takes her til the end of the day, then hey, she's occupied with work or something, no big deal. What does an email take, a couple of minutes?

One thing I do however is when a woman winks or smiles at me on an online dating service, then I purposely take a couple of days to get back to them if I'm interested, but then all correspondance from that point on moves faster.



Jun 4, 2003
Reaction score
World of enlightenment
The guys out there int his world are so lame that this post is actually taken normally and seriously and seen as sound advice.

When i looked at this i coudlnt help but say .... wtf, this guy is teaching us how to be interesting. WTF! How can you be so lame that you need to learn how to be interesting.
and then i realize where i am and that this post is directed to the millinos and millions of lamers on this board so then it all makes sense.

Overall i thought this post was decent as far as changing buddyicon and profile and giving it more personality and not saying LOL too much because thats what girls do.

And what else..
using mysterious away messages is okay but if your gonna be mysterious why not leave any away m essages at all. When people im you they will wonder where the f--k you are which makes it more fun for you when u come back and see all the ims and how they react.

I say no on the away message thing unless its absolutely necessary but thats just my style and the way i roll.

Notbad of a post for these lamers, guy.