I see a lot of posters with interesting user names. It is not always obvious what the name means, and I find myself wondering. I think we can learn a lot about our fellow poster's by understanding why they chose their user name, what it means, and how it relates to their attitude and mentality. Since I started this thread I will start.
Dong Fu has obvious relations with Kung Fu. It is an art form. To me, Dong Fu is a very Taoist approach for success with women that I would call a "Systemless System."
One who practices the art of Dong Fu does not rely on any fixed approach or technique. He does not think in linear terms of, "this is how you open," "this is what to say," "this is how to act." etc.
The Dong Fu practitioner has no "Bible." Although he may have studied every theory, philosophy, and PUG's strategy, he only uses these as a reference. They become only tools in the arsenal that can be used at the appropriate time.
The Dong Fu practitioner doesn't have any preconceived plans for gaming women. Rather, he pays attention at all times to his surroundings, sees opportunities, shapes himself to fit the opportunity, and then strikes fast and subtle like a ninja, leaving no trace of sleaze, drama or misrepresentation in his path. He comes clean and direct, and leaves that way. He is always a mystery to women, and they will spend their life trying to figure him out.
The Dong Fu practitioner places the importance of success with women in perspective with his other interests. When he is not with a woman he say's "Fine." When he is with a woman he says, "Fine." He never feels lacking when not with female company.
Women are no longer a mystery to the Dong Fu artists. He sees them for what they are, and does not idealize or glorify them in any way. He talks to strangers the same way he would talk to a life long friend.
He has nothing to hide and nothing to prove. He does not battle or compete with other men for the attention of women. Rather, he finds a way to smoothly remove her from a situation, leaving all the other contenders wondering what happened.
The Don Fu practitioner may take voluntary periods of intentional celibacy (usually for a short period) This is done when some clarity is needed in life that women are clouding. Once crystal clear he can resume operations.
He doesn't expect things from people and takes the world as it is. He usually does not have a girlfriend. A fit companion for him would be a female who is also not looking to depend on and project her reality onto a man. They meet as mutual allies, and keep separate homes and lives. He may have several of these female allies at any given time. They know what they can expect from him, and they know what lines to not cross if they wish to retain his company.
These are some of the qualities of the Dong Fu practitioner. I chose this name because this is how I operate with women, and always strive balance my life in these respects. Dong Fu is a life study that is never complete. Success with women is not the desired end product, rather it is a life-long adventure.