Originally Posted by slickaz
believing black guys contract HIV faster..because how?
somehow we get more sex with more p0ssy so we hv a higher chance?? or we abrase p0ssy's more since we're "well hung" hence better chances of blood transfusion?
Originally posted by Espi
Duh...maybe because more blacks than whites contract AIDS ? Sorry if it's politically incorrect, but that's the fvucking truth, and don't try to throw any more stats at us because 72.8% of statistics are bullshiat.
hey Espi..
if 72% of stats are pure BS, then how can you claim the stats on blks conracting STDs as fact, and not a part of that significant 72%??
..not to mention you give a STAT to denounce statistics...?
what a contradiction..:nono:
back to the OP.
man i hope this is a joke because there is NO WAY that you are this stupid.
this byiatch is driving around in YOUR car???
i hope when she drops it off tomorrow that you have to personally clean up the *** stains out the drivers seat!
this is what we call BLUNT TRUTH to get your arse in shape. i get pissed off at people like you.
there is one thing when you are looking to better yourself, but you main objective is to charm a girl who has NO INTEREST in you and you PURPOSELY ignore the signs.
1. you need to not only stop contact with this girl, but pretty much with any women at this point and focus on YOU.
your own wiring of what this whole forum is about is completely tainted
YOU..are the prize. and if you dont start BELIEVING that, then NO ONE WILL.
2. as long as you treat yourself this way, EVERYONE else will too. i have NO SYMPATHY for you.
put you penis back in your pants, close the door on this byiatch, and start treating YOURSELF better.
you deserve better, and until you ACCEPT better, you will only be as good as the company you keep
get your shyt together bro!:trouble: