Cant see any problem here apart from the lack of progress from the OP.
A blow Job and a peck on the cheek, then the OP hanging on for the hope the girl will project there is more on the cards is weak game, you should have established where you stood with this chick from the off-set, if you were in a relationship or dating her, the time she mentioned another guy taking her out would have been the time to dump the Ho! and move onto a safer target.
But you wasn't dating her, if anything you were one of her plates, the only DJ in this thread was the woman - she has you posting about the competition like he is something special when in-fact your blinded by the smoke and mirrors of the female at play.
Regardless of what motivated her to go with the guy, your lack of progress and your inaction to solidify your part in this girls life was very much weak game, especcially considering you where happy to be a bystander on the sidelines whilst other coc*s openly made, the so called your girl, free game.
How will you handle being sat in a bar with a hot GF, going to the toilet then coming back and seeing a guy leaning over to her, beer in hand a look on his face when he see's you coming that states "I saw her first" - Because if you date hot girls that shi* is a dime a dozen.
Hanging on like a loose limpet because you happened to get a BJ and you've now been religated to an orbitor whilst you watch other men, virtually fuc* the girl your orbiting isn't the sign of a DJ homing in your girl - it's the sign of a guy orbiting a girl in the hope of making it something more.
Next time dont be afraid to establish and mark your territory, to the point the girl openly refuses the advances from other males : The point about the story of the hot girl in a bar being hit on, is the fact you dont have to do anything, because if your with the right girl, she'll tell him to get lost in her female subtle way anyway, unless you're just an orbitor bystander watching how other coc*s, penetrate your so called percieved turf, with her watching you come back for more of a beating - -- whilst blaming the OTHER GUY!
It's rather simple, you got a BJ a peck on the cheek then watched or orbited the girl and watched how she progressed with another co**, whilst innocently on the sidelines thinking of 'gaming' a girl who very much was gaming you every step of the way.
What you should have done, if you wanted to game this chick, is gone out with the lads, thrown a few more girls into the mix - watched how she preformed, realized at the off-set this was a classic fukc buddy situation and judged it has such - seen her actions has cute (under the presumption you where tapping other as*) - let her do her own thing, whilst still tapping it under the new BF nose - but at the same time juggling 2-3 other girls and picking one out of them that was worth sticking with (this girl not included, she was a FB) - Her inaction to solidfy the relationship after getting sexual tells me rather plainly she wasn't interested in taking it past that stage with you, but istead you preformed monkey tricks, wasted your time and orbited some chick instead of investing your charms on other targets whilst keeping her in the fuc* juice mix.
And thats the bottom line truth!
When I see things like this I cant help but imagine a line of guys, one girl judging them all and each guy, book in hand with various game techniques all saying 'pick me, pick me' - Seriously step out of the line and go approach some chick without waiting in the hope some random slu* is going to react to the so called game techniques like there silver bullets to her heart - The best game technique you can have is having options and creating options rather than trying to force the hand of one woman, create more - ABUNDANCE is the key to real success. Where is the abundance established in this thread? with abundance the so called other guy is a none entity, because you've got bigger fish to fry, the girl drops off the radar and WHATS THIS, another one pops right on it.