Originally posted by silverwex
Um this sounds bad.
Im always kinda tired...
Sounds like me
Bumping of head... yes i think this is what i have.
**** guys!

Relax... don't fret for f sake.
You've had it for 5 years. It's stable. You're not gonna keel over all of a sudden.
An intracranial hematoma can be life-threatening. Emergency medical treatment often is necessary.
This refers to a case when you're in coma and when it's less than 2-3 days after the trauma occured.
It's not gonna do you any harm now, so don't rush to a lawyer to get your will finalized.
Ice Cold, so what you mean is that ill never be able to get rid of this?
No, it's just gonna take some more years to dissipate the blood clot.
How do you know about this?
1) Had a few myself... on the forehead from 8 to 14 or so...
2) A few relatives of mine are doctors, so we talk about this stuff at the dinner table.
3) I also read medical
texts for fun.
Your self diagnosis is wrong. Don't try reading abnormal psych.