Unpopular Take


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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One of the girls starts just putting the toilet seat down in the master without the lid. I p!SS all over it one night and now she lifts up the seat when she’s done.
So, basically, you're not really housetrained. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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If getting a house (briefly) is the only reason to shack up with a broad then count me out as I already bought my own in my 20s.

Main selling point to me would be companionship and loyalty, the ability to fully focus on other areas as that box is already ticked. That highly depends on the right woman though. The chase just ain't the same to me any more. Until a new shiny thing comes along...

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
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He seems to be in good company here. Lots of bitter guys here, divorced or not.

The main thing I wonder about is how guys being bitter about women still want to be with women.

If I dislike something, I just ignore it and focus on pleasant things.
I'd rather be alone than be with someone I'd be bitter about. That's no life.
If you didn't find the sarcasm in my post, I wonder about you, as I laid it on quite thick.

There's no changing women or society. You have to learn to laugh at it.

Don't stop evolving until you can laugh at it, grasshopper.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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If you didn't find the sarcasm in my post, I wonder about you, as I laid it on quite thick.

There's no changing women or society. You have to learn to laugh at it.

Don't stop evolving until you can laugh at it, grasshopper.
I actually wasn't talking about you, but about bitter guys with misogynist views still chasing skirts.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Take the blue pill.
Men don't need to take the blue pill. The blue pill ideology is the typical ideology on romantic relationships in the United States and other Western nations. The typical male in the USA is a beta male with a blue pill ideology on romantic relationships. Most social circles (even the bougie one I describe the thread below) operate with a blue pill ideology.

The red pill and black pill are the ideologies that challenge the dominant ideology of the culture.

You get to grill out
Backyard barbecues help to ease the pain of an irregular sex longer term relationship (typically a marriage).

You get irregular sex for between 1 and 7 years
The typical marriage in the 2010s-2020s has less sex in it than the typical marriage of the 1980s.

For the typical male, the choice is often between a marriage with irregular sex and running their life around their children's needs or irregular sex while being mostly alone and struggling to get attention and longer term relationships. The first choice looks better in the eyes of the culture because you'll be able to put up some happy social media pictures and videos online. Additionally, you tend to get more respect from outsiders. In the second choice, you have more personal freedom and that's better.

The best way to live is being red pill and getting laid regularly.

You get to own a house, briefly
One of the consequences of a blue pill marriage with a predictable divorce is the loss of the marital house. A lot of blue pilled divorce guys do end up buying some lesser house for the sake of the children after the divorce.

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
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I've been on sosuave longer than most of you.

This forum was a breeding ground of knowledge. Multiple successful game websites were spawned off of the knowledge that originated here.

Having said that, and having been here since the beginning, i will also tell you that i still struggle with accepting women's true nature

It is entirely the opposite of ours, as men. They value traits that we find childish. Their minds are very similar to a child's

The most difficult part of swallowing the red pill is accepting this; learning that women are not your equals. If your woman is your equal, you're doing it wrong.

This was common knowledge for thousands of years

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
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Men don't need to take the blue pill. The blue pill ideology is the typical ideology on romantic relationships in the United States and other Western nations. The typical male in the USA is a beta male with a blue pill ideology on romantic relationships. Most social circles (even the bougie one I describe the thread below) operate with a blue pill ideology.

The red pill and black pill are the ideologies that challenge the dominant ideology of the culture.

Backyard barbecues help to ease the pain of an irregular sex longer term relationship (typically a marriage).

The typical marriage in the 2010s-2020s has less sex in it than the typical marriage of the 1980s.

For the typical male, the choice is often between a marriage with irregular sex and running their life around their children's needs or irregular sex while being mostly alone and struggling to get attention and longer term relationships. The first choice looks better in the eyes of the culture because you'll be able to put up some happy social media pictures and videos online. Additionally, you tend to get more respect from outsiders. In the second choice, you have more personal freedom and that's better.

The best way to live is being red pill and getting laid regularly.

One of the consequences of a blue pill marriage with a predictable divorce is the loss of the marital house. A lot of blue pilled divorce guys do end up buying some lesser house for the sake of the children after the divorce.
All of my posts on the first page were satire lol

If you want kids, then you must deal with women.

Women are crazy.

If you want sex or companionship, you must deal with women.

Women are crazy.

You could live a safe life, far from women, but what would that entail?...climbing mountains, probably

Life is for living. And women are a wonderful/horrible part of it. You should experience all of it!*

*Hedge your bets lol

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
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That's how I ruined many people's lives.
Yeah, it's nearly impossible in person. You can't push the red pill on people.

But you can be here for the guys on sosuave, that have already began the path.

You have to usher them through it

And bitterness is a part of the journey