Unmotivated and unhappy people


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
So I am noticing a lot of new posters coming here and posting a SOB story about how bad their lives are and how they have nothing going for them.

However, most of these posters have families to live with ( are not homeless), are healthy, and almost all of their problems stem from them being unmotivated and not willing to put in the steps needed to achieve anything in life.

Whether it is game, employment, fitness or overall happiness the key to achieving any of this is setting goals for yourself. Set yourself even very small goals with for the start until you start turning these small goals into habits.

If you are not satisfied with your life ask yourself questions. Why do you not have goals? Why are you not achieving your goals? Are you taking the correct steps to achieve your goals? why are you not getting the women you want? Why do you not have the job you what? ETC ETC ETC.

Men need to stop assuming things are just going to be handed in our hands and life will be easy. If you aren't born well off then chances are you are going to have to work your a$$ off for it. Nobody will hand you the career you want without any connections. You have to head out there and build yourself a network and make yourself known and wanted. Almost never will a woman come up to you and initiate conversation ( especially not to an unmotivated guy), you have to approach and do it yourself.

So for all you young guys like myself that are coming on here and complaining how miserable your lives are, remember its all on you, and you can change that. I will list some very simple things you can do if you are stuck in a dark place and trying to get out.

get healthy

Buy yourself a gym membership or you can even go jogging everyday and work out at your local park. This will make you feel healthier and can build some very good discipline which will transfer over to your other goals. Start eating healthy and getting enough sleep. Your body will feel energized as will your mind. This doesn't take a lot of capital investment just pure motivation on your own part.


Travelling will open your mind to new people and new worlds and can really help you find what you are truly passionate about and enjoy doing. The more you travel the world the more you learn about different cultures and people making you more open minded to the world. You may think you cannot afford it but there is plenty of ways to travel the world and not spend too much money. Once of the DJ's posted a good website earlier this week that allows you to travel and stay somewhere for someone elses expense as long as you do a few hours of volunteering a day.

pursue your passion

What do you enjoy to do? Don't stop doing what you like doing. Whether it is just a hobby or a potential career route, do not stop pursuing what you like to do. If it is possible to make a career out of your passion then do it. Make yourself a plan with step by step goals in what you need to achieve to reach the career of your dreams.

focus on the positives

Every person who has become successful has reached many setbacks and hundreds of failures before they achieve that grand success. If you do not attempt then you will never succeed. If you attempt and fail then learn from your failure and try to use that knowledge so you will not fail the next time. For example, lets say you set a goal to do 100 push ups by the end of a 2 week period. When the time comes after 2 weeks you could only do 85. however, when you first started you could only do 20. Don't be discouraged that you didn't do 100, be proud that you made an improvement of 65 pushups and keep going for your goal.


" I didn't approach her because she looked busy" , " I didn't go for a run today because I was tired" , " I didn't get a job because I have no connection" ...

Excuses are only bullsh1t you tell yourself and others to make yourself feel better. Stop doing that and man up to your mistakes and don't keep feeling sorry for yourself. Oscar Pistorious has 2 amputated legs and ran in the olympics, and you can't get off your couch and go for a run? Yet you keep complaining how out of shape you are.. Do not complain and make excuses when you are constantly not doing anything to help yourself.

I can keep writing about this endlessly but this is where I am going to leave it at for now. Seems like too many people need a reality check and a kick in the a$$ to get going in life. Moral of this long essay is to set goals for yourself and keep at them. Set yourself 1 goal at a time to start and slowly start building your motivation and confidence by achieving them.

Remember, nothing is handed to you in life, you have to go out there and get it yourself. This applied to game, health, money, education and happiness.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
Part of this I believe also stems from our new generation of people addicted to being on some sort of screen. IE: tv, phone, computer, tablet etc. Its the generation of instant gratification. Everyone wants to start at the top and if it doesn't happen then they quickly give up. Similar to gaming. If the level is too hard or the learning curve is too complicated they move on to something "faster" and more instantly gratifying.

That's my 2 cents on the "reasons"



Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Epimanes said:
Part of this I believe also stems from our new generation of people addicted to being on some sort of screen. IE: tv, phone, computer, tablet etc. Its the generation of instant gratification. Everyone wants to start at the top and if it doesn't happen then they quickly give up. Similar to gaming. If the level is too hard or the learning curve is too complicated they move on to something "faster" and more instantly gratifying.

That's my 2 cents on the "reasons"

Very true, giving up is very easy, put pushing through the pain and hardship isn't for everyone. Especially with social media being so popular, everyone is constantly living through other peoples lives instead of focusing on their own. I've recently started picking up books instead of watching a lot of TV and training to heal my injury instead of laying down on my couch nd being a pvssy.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
Yes, yes, yes, yes and fvckin yes!

Honestly this site is like a broken record at times.

"I'm not good looking enough" "I'm not rich enough" "Girls don't like me"

Well then suck it up princess and fvcking well do something about it!


Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Good post, especially for someone so young. Repped.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
You're a man after my own heart.....*tear rolls down cheek*

I promote a very similar message to you my friend. If only I had your mindset at 21. You're lightyears ahead of your peers.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks guys ! I just am sick of seeing so many useless threads about people being unhappy. I enjoy good advice or progress threads and it just seems like a lot of the new posters come here to complain and continue doing nothing to fix their problem.

Thx TheException, I guess I just hit a really low point in my life ( probably the lowest ever) and I am thankful I hit it at sucha young age. I've been crawling out of my hole recently and getting a grip on myself and coming to these realizations. I've just been noticing a large amount of people I know my age holding their hands out expecting things to be handed to them and getting depressed when that doesn't happen. It's important to realize life doesn't work like that and in order to have success you must earn it.

I could be sitting and whining about my life but I have decided to do the opposite and turn my words into actions one step at a time. I am still nowhere near where I want to be, but I know I will be there if I stick to what I am doing, and to this mindset.


New Member
Mar 21, 2014
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CaptainSaveAh0 said:
Thanks guys ! I just am sick of seeing so many useless threads about people being unhappy. I enjoy good advice or progress threads and it just seems like a lot of the new posters come here to complain and continue doing nothing to fix their problem.

Thx TheException, I guess I just hit a really low point in my life ( probably the lowest ever) and I am thankful I hit it at sucha young age. I've been crawling out of my hole recently and getting a grip on myself and coming to these realizations. I've just been noticing a large amount of people I know my age holding their hands out expecting things to be handed to them and getting depressed when that doesn't happen. It's important to realize life doesn't work like that and in order to have success you must earn it.

I could be sitting and whining about my life but I have decided to do the opposite and turn my words into actions one step at a time. I am still nowhere near where I want to be, but I know I will be there if I stick to what I am doing, and to this mindset.

Completely disagree. Why are you so mad that someone wants to vent on the internet? It's good you are trying hard but everybody isn't you. Advice is just that, advice. What works for one guys isn't going to work for all. Also you can whine on the internet and still be improving your life.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
TheTruth said:
Completely disagree. Why are you so mad that someone wants to vent on the internet? It's good you are trying hard but everybody isn't you. Advice is just that, advice. What works for one guys isn't going to work for all. Also you can whine on the internet and still be improving your life.
Well write about how you are improving your life , not how everything is going wrong in your life and you are doing nothing to improve it. Not saying my advice is right, take it how you want.

Clearly if someone is writing about how unhappy they are then they want to make a difference in their lives, just do not have the will power to do so. I am trying to give them the will power to do so. Not forcing anything down anyones throats.


New Member
Mar 21, 2014
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CaptainSaveAh0 said:
Well write about how you are improving your life , not how everything is going wrong in your life and you are doing nothing to improve it. Not saying my advice is right, take it how you want.

Clearly if someone is writing about how unhappy they are then they want to make a difference in their lives, just do not have the will power to do so. I am trying to give them the will power to do so. Not forcing anything down anyones throats.
I see that you are giving advice and not just typing basically lazy people suck.
But never complaining while on a road to becoming the person you want to be is not real life. If someone is doing absolutely nothing (which I find real hard to believe) then yes they need to walk or start working on that novel they always dreamed of writing. I was just reading some of the comments in this site and I feel other guys should understand every guys isn't some natural player.

Mr. Bond

Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2008
Reaction score
AMEN. Now that I am in a position where I work hard, I get what I want, and I am happy, it's hard to spend any time on this forum. The negativity, cynicism, and insecurity that have become the norm here keep me from sticking around. As soon as someone is happy or successful, you can count on the DJ wannabes to come in and p!ss in that guy's cheerios.

I can see why a lot of the legendary DJ's of yesteryear are gone. You outgrow this place. Sosuave has been the catalyst for my self improvement - but there are only a handful of people worth listening to here. I have so much more to learn and so much more to do - but that learning is now done on my own.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Mr. Bond said:
AMEN. Now that I am in a position where I work hard, I get what I want, and I am happy, it's hard to spend any time on this forum. The negativity, cynicism, and insecurity that have become the norm here keep me from sticking around. As soon as someone is happy or successful, you can count on the DJ wannabes to come in and p!ss in that guy's cheerios.

I can see why a lot of the legendary DJ's of yesteryear are gone. You outgrow this place. Sosuave has been the catalyst for my self improvement - but there are only a handful of people worth listening to here. I have so much more to learn and so much more to do - but that learning is now done on my own.
Completely agree with you. I came to this forum for advice on self improvement on game, and to learn from some DJ's that have been in the game for years, not a bunch of people crying about their problems and not doing anything to change it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
CaptainSaveAh0 said:
So I am noticing a lot of new posters coming here and posting a SOB story about how bad their lives are and how they have nothing going for them.

However, most of these posters have families to live with ( are not homeless), are healthy, and almost all of their problems stem from them being unmotivated and not willing to put in the steps needed to achieve anything in life.

Whether it is game, employment, fitness or overall happiness the key to achieving any of this is setting goals for yourself. Set yourself even very small goals with for the start until you start turning these small goals into habits.

If you are not satisfied with your life ask yourself questions. Why do you not have goals? Why are you not achieving your goals? Are you taking the correct steps to achieve your goals? why are you not getting the women you want? Why do you not have the job you what? ETC ETC ETC.

Men need to stop assuming things are just going to be handed in our hands and life will be easy. If you aren't born well off then chances are you are going to have to work your a$$ off for it. Nobody will hand you the career you want without any connections. You have to head out there and build yourself a network and make yourself known and wanted. Almost never will a woman come up to you and initiate conversation ( especially not to an unmotivated guy), you have to approach and do it yourself.

So for all you young guys like myself that are coming on here and complaining how miserable your lives are, remember its all on you, and you can change that. I will list some very simple things you can do if you are stuck in a dark place and trying to get out.

get healthy

Buy yourself a gym membership or you can even go jogging everyday and work out at your local park. This will make you feel healthier and can build some very good discipline which will transfer over to your other goals. Start eating healthy and getting enough sleep. Your body will feel energized as will your mind. This doesn't take a lot of capital investment just pure motivation on your own part.


Travelling will open your mind to new people and new worlds and can really help you find what you are truly passionate about and enjoy doing. The more you travel the world the more you learn about different cultures and people making you more open minded to the world. You may think you cannot afford it but there is plenty of ways to travel the world and not spend too much money. Once of the DJ's posted a good website earlier this week that allows you to travel and stay somewhere for someone elses expense as long as you do a few hours of volunteering a day.

pursue your passion

What do you enjoy to do? Don't stop doing what you like doing. Whether it is just a hobby or a potential career route, do not stop pursuing what you like to do. If it is possible to make a career out of your passion then do it. Make yourself a plan with step by step goals in what you need to achieve to reach the career of your dreams.

focus on the positives

Every person who has become successful has reached many setbacks and hundreds of failures before they achieve that grand success. If you do not attempt then you will never succeed. If you attempt and fail then learn from your failure and try to use that knowledge so you will not fail the next time. For example, lets say you set a goal to do 100 push ups by the end of a 2 week period. When the time comes after 2 weeks you could only do 85. however, when you first started you could only do 20. Don't be discouraged that you didn't do 100, be proud that you made an improvement of 65 pushups and keep going for your goal.


" I didn't approach her because she looked busy" , " I didn't go for a run today because I was tired" , " I didn't get a job because I have no connection" ...

Excuses are only bullsh1t you tell yourself and others to make yourself feel better. Stop doing that and man up to your mistakes and don't keep feeling sorry for yourself. Oscar Pistorious has 2 amputated legs and ran in the olympics, and you can't get off your couch and go for a run? Yet you keep complaining how out of shape you are.. Do not complain and make excuses when you are constantly not doing anything to help yourself.

I can keep writing about this endlessly but this is where I am going to leave it at for now. Seems like too many people need a reality check and a kick in the a$$ to get going in life. Moral of this long essay is to set goals for yourself and keep at them. Set yourself 1 goal at a time to start and slowly start building your motivation and confidence by achieving them.

Remember, nothing is handed to you in life, you have to go out there and get it yourself. This applied to game, health, money, education and happiness.
And Oscar Petorious had a hot blonde as a girlfriend despite having handicapped legs, that's inspiring!!!!


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
JaegerPilot217 said:
And Oscar Petorious had a hot blonde as a girlfriend despite having handicapped legs, that's inspiring!!!!
In all fairness he had money and status, which would allow even a 300 lb paraplegic to pull a model.