Unknown psychological obstacle to my game


Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Now before I start with what I was about to say, I just wanted to take a paragraph to thank everyone who posts here as well the people who created SoSuave.com, since I started reading this website (I only discovered the BB a couple of months later... hehe at least I found it!!), I've scored two girlfriends and numerous numbers. However, I've realized that the site can't turn me into a Master DJ by itself, so for a while I stopped reading it and just went out to get some experience in the real world. SoSuave.com was an awesome tool to turn my life around, since a little more than a year ago I was a COMPLETE AFC with no knowledge whatsoever about women. The minimum that I know now and the social skills that I've obtained during the last year turned me into a pretty average person, and I'm constantly learning... The sad thing is, "The more I learn, the more I realize that I know nothing", as Albert Einstein once said... All glorification aside, It really took me guts to start a thread since I've only posted twice before this and it was about two years ago. I've always believed that all my questions were answered somewhere else on the site, and, ironically, they always were!! But let's get to the main subject... Hehe sorry for letting things run on.

I just started CEGEP (sort of "preparatory college", it's how the system works here) a week ago, and it's the most wonderful thing in the world, meeting new people (esp. women) each and every day, a lack of cliques, and mostly mature people all over the place. It's extacy. I haven't had any problems with approaching women thanks to the techniques learned here, and girls always end up saying that they "feel like they've known me for a long time" after conversations (I've had this more than once), that guys like me are very rare, etc. I've also had two girls tell me (not at the same time) that they thought that I "collected" women because of my general attitude around them (confidence, charisma, etc.) and my looks (I actually got approached by women three time this week, and I really don't want to brag). So they were kind of scared to trust me. However, I assured them that I was not that kind of guy, and that the thought of ****ing a different girl each day would leave me empty, yadda yadda, and they were convinced.

"Now, Engetsu, where's the problem in all of that?", you ask? Well... I think it's me, but I don't know how to overcome it. Like I said earlier, I really have no problem with approaching women, closing in on the number, etc. But as soon as I have the number, and that I've waited a couple of days like I'm supposed to, well I don't know what happens, but I can't make my move... I don't know if it's anxiety or fear of "rejection", but I just can't dial the number and ask the girl out somewhere. All throughout last summer, when me and my friends met a couple of new girls, it was always my friends that were organising group events, and I haven't had any "one-on-one" encounters with any women. I really don' t know what's wrong with me, that's why I'm asking for help here. I seem to have the potential for success, but something blocks me psychologically from moving on.

Now what I'm looking for is an LTR, not a fling. However, I've learned from the past not to give my heart to a woman before going out with her, however, the fact that I don't feel anything towards these girls stops me from wanting to call them.

Any help would be appreciated, my friends just call me stupid and tell me to call up the girls, but to me it's not that simple, I don't know why... Thanks in advance...
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Da Game

Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2003
Reaction score
WA State
Wow.. That exact same thing happens to me. It's harder for me to call the girl whose number I got than it is for me to get the number in the first place. I'll be very interested to read the responses this gets.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Phew. I'm quite relieved to see that I am not alone!! Actually, just typing that out got me relieved somehow and got me re-thinking about my methods... I think the solution to that must come from within, anyone agree?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
WA State
Yeah some numbers I get I never call becuase I chicken **** out.. heh.....

Big Boi

Don Juan
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
well it depends, cuz that happens to me, but it aint that im scared, i just never really wanted to call em in the first place, i just get their numbers for fun, or to make a collection, but i really just call only a few of all the numbers i get...theres nothin wrong with that, but if u scared to call then i dunno what to tell u...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
I think it's more that, I think that it's when I realize how easy it was to get the number, my mind tells me that I can obviously get better since she was so receptive, so I delay things in wait of a *better* girl... That might be it.