University of Kansas offers 'angry white male' course


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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feh any men angry will get the white male title? why no one sue then for racism, ah right that don't enter the narrative


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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There's not a lot of detail there, but I have no doubt the class could just as easily be called Angry White Conservative Male.

I remember after the midterm elections gave Clinton a Republican Congress, the leftist media on TV reported it as "The voters have just thrown a tantrum".

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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The only people I see throwing tantrums in public places around me are middle aged to old women and they dont do it because they have been under unbearable pressure like many "non angry white men", they do it because there is no seat in the bus and no one is standing for them or because the queue at the supermarket is not moving as fast as they wish.

Its common to see such humans arguing with each other often in public places, they both know that there wont be physical violence involved therefore they dont even try to control themselves.

If men were to explode as fast and as easy as most women, we would have GTAV rampages all over the city.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
Reading this might have given me cancer. It manages to be both sexist and racist. It couldn't be "angry black men" or "angry men" or just "angry people", nonono, it's men and they're white...

Sh!t like that is exactly what makes white men angry in growing numbers. They're not going to solve the problem with this, they're creating it and escalating it.

Isn't it ironic?! They try to seem like such race and gender tolerant people, but they're the worst fvcking racists and sexists of our time. Hypocrites is what they are! I would never in my life support such a rotten ideology.

Let me guess the teacher is a women lolll
Only if Christopher is a women's name...


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
Official course description from university course catalog:

"This course charts the rise of the "angry white male" in America and Britain since the 1950s, exploring the deeper sources of this emotional state while evaluating recent manifestations of male anger. Employing interdisciplinary perspectives this course examines how both dominant and subordinate masculinities are represented and experienced in cultures undergoing periods of rapid change connected to modernity as well as to rights-based movements of women, people of color, homosexuals and trans individuals. (Same as WGSS 365.) Prerequisite: WGSS 101 or WGSS 102, or permission of the instructor. LEC."


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
I've seen the power of the patriarchy.
I know

what men

can do

when they're angry.
Truth... anyone that is upset with the direction of their lives has negative emotions, regardless of your gender, sexual orientation, or race. The reason why people are overly concerned when MEN are upset is because when MEN are emotionally motivated to to do something sh!t happens. When women are upset... the put on pink pvssy hats and march... or do slvt walks, AKA they do NOTHING tangible, and will self sabotage anything they set out to do. Just look at the "MeToo" movement, actually started off as a good thing, bringing attention to sexual abuse. But because it's chicks running this, now they are eating their own, tossing everyone under the bus for meaningless bullsh!t, most of these men are other liberals who support women's causes... the latest Joe Biden, who is likely the best chance the Democrats have to defeat President Trump.

When MEN are motivated, then governments change, Bolsheviks and Nazis take power, they fly planes into buildings, launch religious crusades.

This isn't 'patriarchy', it's testosterone, the hormone that causes men to go out and do something about their condition. Without this trait the human race would have died out eons ago.

All men are like this, the idea that it's White Men that are the problem is just absurd, but the reason why white men take the brunt of criticism in Western Cultures is because chicks know they can do NOTHING without men... and they need MEN to help them. In the US, they can use other races of men, other than white, to help them or shame white men into supporting them.

Having said that, who cares about this stupid course offered in the middle of no-where, in a State that is only known because of corn, good basketball, and the setting for the Wizard of Oz. If you happen to go to Kansas, then just don't take the course... unless you need an easy "A" as an elective... All you have to do is parrot back nonsense, get your "A" then flush when you are finished.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
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White people have it way easier than any other race. Boo hoo on them that they are offended that they can be studied like guinea pigs. It's about time IMO


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2011
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White people have it way easier than any other race. Boo hoo on them that they are offended that they can be studied like guinea pigs. It's about time IMO
Wow, that's a hopelessly, hilariously misguided and bigoted statement to make. They don't have it easier than any other race. That's a much quoted and often not supported, type of comment. You have no idea how most white people live and/or how difficult they may have it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
Reaction score
Wow, that's a hopelessly, hilariously misguided and bigoted statement to make. They don't have it easier than any other race. That's a much quoted and often not supported, type of comment. You have no idea how most white people live and/or how difficult they may have it.
I agree

Thisi s the kind of worthless garbage they teach in college.
Worthless.....they are creating issue where here is not.

I would like to see who will.attend those class.
Women and gay.... and low.smv beta that dont know any better.

Teacher is not a women surprising, then lets go for gay or trans.....

Let make a similar course
Angry post wall white women.
Angry single mom..
Angry black man

And see the repercussion the trigger and the butt hurt.
Racist, sexist etc......


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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Truth... anyone that is upset with the direction of their lives has negative emotions, regardless of your gender, sexual orientation, or race. The reason why people are overly concerned when MEN are upset is because when MEN are emotionally motivated to to do something sh!t happens. When women are upset... the put on pink pvssy hats and march... or do slvt walks, AKA they do NOTHING tangible, and will self sabotage anything they set out to do. Just look at the "MeToo" movement, actually started off as a good thing, bringing attention to sexual abuse. But because it's chicks running this, now they are eating their own, tossing everyone under the bus for meaningless bullsh!t, most of these men are other liberals who support women's causes... the latest Joe Biden, who is likely the best chance the Democrats have to defeat President Trump.

When MEN are motivated, then governments change, Bolsheviks and Nazis take power, they fly planes into buildings, launch religious crusades.

This isn't 'patriarchy', it's testosterone, the hormone that causes men to go out and do something about their condition. Without this trait the human race would have died out eons ago.

All men are like this, the idea that it's White Men that are the problem is just absurd, but the reason why white men take the brunt of criticism in Western Cultures is because chicks know they can do NOTHING without men... and they need MEN to help them. In the US, they can use other races of men, other than white, to help them or shame white men into supporting them.

Having said that, who cares about this stupid course offered in the middle of no-where, in a State that is only known because of corn, good basketball, and the setting for the Wizard of Oz. If you happen to go to Kansas, then just don't take the course... unless you need an easy "A" as an elective... All you have to do is parrot back nonsense, get your "A" then flush when you are finished.
you forgot the incest cases, I know a lot of people say this but never could bother to check :p


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
KU is in Lawrence, which has a history of being left wing politically that goes back to before the civil war. Culturally, it is the opposite of the rest of Kansas.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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KU is in Lawrence, which has a history of being left wing politically that goes back to before the civil war. Culturally, it is the opposite of the rest of Kansas.
Pretty much every college town is “left-wing,” mostly because modern American conservatism is founded in anti-intellectualism. Exhibit A: The current POTUS has a fourth-grade vocabulary.