"Universally attractive energy" a work in progress...


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
hey fellow DJs.
some of you know that i had a devastating resent break up with a gf I thought was gonna be the one for me (boo hoo) ok well moving on...

It's been a month, and I have decided after doing some meditation, that I already possess significant amount of knowledge, and it should be enough to attract any woman I desire... well reality seems to differ.

I just saw a post of Nismo saying that you DO need looks, personality, MONEY!! to attract a girl.. and everything else is B.S

Right now I'm calling this B.S, in my experience, all you need is to be healthy, to be alive, to have a working brain, and a burning desire to succeed.

I said BURNING desire to succeed which is greater than fear of rejection itself and at its worst.

I have a theory that am about to put to the test.
there have been times in the past where I was skinier, younger, more shy, introverted... but one time after doing approaches, I realized there is an energy that we all have which is inside, and if we learn how to tap it and increase it, we all can attract the kind of girls we are only dreaming about.

this energy is bigger than $$$, bigger than looks, bigger than personality... like I said its an energy, a vibe, something about you that makes you magnetic, electrifying, alive, vibrant!!! and instantly pulls people into your reality.

yes, i have experience this energy at small occasions in my life, and now i know exactly what i did before that cause me to experience this energy...
doing meditation helped...

i am a very shy and introverted person, but there is a side of me that longs to become a superman.... there have been times when I have let go of inner barriers and something amazing came out, an energy that for a few minutes pulled people and attraced them like magic.

It happened once when I did a singing competition in front of a 1000 audience, and I jumped out of the scenario into the judges faces and sang to them... it felt amazing, I had the whole crowd cheering and clapping and whistling... it wasnt about the song, it wasnt about the words i used.. (which was crappy cuz english is my second language)... it was the energy that came out of me, it was MAGNETIC so positive EVERYONE in the crowd surrenedered and liked it..

we are all looking for people who have this energy, specially women!!!! this type of energy is self sufficient and generates from within.. it goes out and gives and its shared to others, this type of energy never seeks to validate itself, never seeks to be aproved and is not empty trying to find ways in the environment to be fulfilled with happiness.

it happened at another point in time when I was doing cold approaches left and right... now Ive never been aproached in my life by any girl... even now that i look better than back then... but 8 years ago I was a little midget, and i started learning about pick up, I went to the mall I did so many pick ups that I was feeling incredible, I felt like a superman, it was amazing... electrifying,,, and for some reason, girls started approahcing me.. a group of girls approached me and asked me for an autograph, another group of girls appraoched me and introduced themselves, another group aproahced me and asked me if I was famous or who I was, another girl came running back to me because she had to say hi because of how I looked at her....

mind you, this girls where HOT.. the kind of girls I've only dreamed of having.. heck not even my past 4 exes were as cute as those girls that approached me back then...

THIS REALLY HAPPENED, i have no intentions of lying... this happened 8 years ago.. in a month.. i got so scared of that power that I never again used it, and i never again experienced it.... I became my inhibited self again who always longs for those few days where i became "universally attractive"

well today I'm 26, i feel mature enough to handle that energy, and i'm going to put it to the test for the next 3-4 months. its going to be full blown finding ways of get into that state and make it a part of me... and if the amazing results from before come back again, and if I prove to myself again and again that it is definitely this energy that is giving me this amazing success which i barely experienced 8 years ago... then I will have a theory with me and I will share it with everyone here

I will explain exactly what to do and how to cultivate this energy.. its not about the looks, its not about personality, and not even what you say...

in 8 years I have not had 1 girl approach me again or compliment me, heck my gf just dumped me, and i reached bottom....Right now I have nothing... NOTHING... but then again, now I want that energy back, not just any but the one I had back when I was a kid...

so i'm putting this "universally attractive energy" to the test starting today, I will be back in a few months with input, yes I will become that energy... and if it works great I'll keep it, and if it doesnt, I will report it as well...

so let the journey begin!


Master Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
not here. in the real world.
Sure man, people respond to those who are outgoing, positive, inviting -- that persona surely attracts people. Hard part is keeping that positive persona and vibe alive -- I have somewhat been a bag of turds lately and am hoping this will pass soon -- it is in those moments that being a positive dude can be difficult.

Keep reaching for the good stuff man. There is no harm in reaching out to the people around you -- never know what you may find -- women, job opportunities, many potentials. Keep creating that positive energy in your life.

And re: old bishes; Stay up brother there will be a new lady in your life in not so long.