Unique Guy situation with family as Potential Blockers...Advice Needed...


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
Hello everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

For starters I'll give some background...

I'm almost 22 (Sept b-day), the guy = "N" in which this post is about is 25 and his roommate also my uncle is in his early 30's.

N and my uncle have been roommates for about 3-4 years I guess. When I first met the guy he was really shy and would barely say anything to me. Well in my fresh year of college that changed slightly. He joined my uncle and my dad and I on a camping trip. That night when everyone went to bed he and I stayed up talking and it seemed to be clicking. He told me that he was engaged to a girl when he was in his late teens but for some reason she dumped him I believe. I really felt I could relate to him and learned that we had stuff in common messing around with computers and similar music tastes. But our nice little chat got interrupted by my uncle saying we needed to get to bed, but I was left with the urge to try to get to know him better. The next day it was still rather tricky to get a convo going with him with the family around. I somehow felt that my uncle would disapprove of me having anything to do with N. He and N did and still do everything together it seems.Flash forward to now. I don't really see him now except for when I am home on holidays visiting my grandma. He's still somewhat of a quiet guy and will only speak to my dad, step mom and uncle at first. Usually though if I get him off to himself we have no probs conversing.

Like this past December he showed me his new palm pilot bc I had just gotten one myself and he let me play around with it while he went to the store with my uncle. I found his phone # list and I was so tempted to put in my number, but the fear of everyone in the family or worse yet my uncle getting upset about it stopped me. (This is speculation. They are pretty tight and I am not sure how he would feel about N developing a relationship with me).

Well I got to see him this summer but yet again we didnt have the chance to talk bc the fam was around again and he had just come over to drop off his dvd collection for me to watch.

However, I got to see him this weekend. It was my little sisters b-day and he, my uncle and grandma came over to give her gifts (she's 6). When he and my uncle came in the house everyone else was outside and all I got was a hello from my uncle. Then a few minutes later my grandma came in the living room and N walked by and she asked if he had spoken to me. I think he said yes quietly to her, but I hadn't heard him say anything. It was no biggie to me at the time bc he does this everytime I see him until I say something to him.

Well a little while later my sister was all excited about a new barbie computer game I had intalled and wanted N to play it with her. He's very good with her and she always so excited to see him. So they went in my room to play. Well I continued to watch tv and about an hr later I went in to check on them. He was still playing the game which was amusing to me. My sis runs over and says Shhhh don't tell anyone he's playing a barbie game. I responded with no one will care that he's playing your game. So she's still all its a secret. The next thing I know she slams my door and I hear my grandma coming up the hall. She asks whats going on in my room and why the door's closed. I suddenly got nervous and said Nothing's going on. At that point moves from the computer desk and lays down on my bed on the other side of me and in the meantime my sis is still excited so I decided to tickle her to ease the sudden tension. He gets up and leaves my room and I am still flustered over my grandma's innocent question.

Shortly after its time to open gifts and I was playing Super N Monsters Inc game of my sisters and I get called in. So I am looking for a seat and someone says you'll have to sit by your dad and N can you handle that. I am like sure. So anyway we're sitting there and we hear my sis's baby doll cry. It's supposed to be real life like think the homeck baby they send you home with. Anyway N picks it up and starts shaking it and punching it and he says quietly to me she makes sounds like from a porno. My sis is sitting at my feet and I am like Hush N. I wanted to say so much more but I couldn't but it made me laugh. He continued to make strange comments but I didn't respond. Man was that a test or what? Shortly after my uncle decides they need to leave to take my grandma home so I decided to invite my uncle down to visit me at school. Why you ask? because if he comes so will N.

I've discovered that I still want to get to know N and perhaps see if he will go out with my excluding my uncle and fam but I am not quite sure if I could pull this off smoothly with out my fam making a big deal. So do you think he would be open to my suggestion based on the above info or what? Too risky?


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
Only one way to find out. Ask him on a date (IE coffee) and find out what happens from there. Only you can decide if that's too risky.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Hey Dreamy.

I would first say its a little weird.

What is your family's relationship to this guy? Is he your uncles good friend or what?

Anyways, you may as well just go for it..see what happens.

However im willing to bet that your family will stick their nose in it..as is usually the case in these types of situations.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by SLIKKER_THAN_AVG
Hey Dreamy.

I would first say its a little weird.

What is your family's relationship to this guy? Is he your uncles good friend or what?

Anyways, you may as well just go for it..see what happens.

However im willing to bet that your family will stick their nose in it..as is usually the case in these types of situations.

Well my uncle and N do everything together he has lived with my uncle ever since my uncle divorced his wife. For awhile my uncle made it impossible for me to get any time alone with N. Was he being protective of me or was it just that he was in the closet? I feel bad for thinking that but every time I see my uncle N is around. I ask my dad all the time if they date people. He says they do. I just want to make sure ya know. It truly seems like a sticky situation.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score

Are you implying that you think your uncle and this N guy are gay?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
You're 22, he's 25. You don't need anybody's permission to suggest a date to the guy. If any body gets mad, that is their f'ing problem.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by SLIKKER_THAN_AVG

Are you implying that you think your uncle and this N guy are gay?
I wonder yes. It would be my luck. :)


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score

Well lets hope its Answer number one.

But if not, maybe you have what it takes to swing him back to your side of the fence hey? :p


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by DreamyChick
Hello everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

For starters I'll give some background...

I'm almost 22 (Sept b-day), the guy = "N" in which this post is about is 25 and his roommate also my uncle is in his early 30's.

N and my uncle have been roommates for about 3-4 years I guess. When I first met the guy he was really shy and would barely say anything to me. Well in my fresh year of college that changed slightly. He joined my uncle and my dad and I on a camping trip. That night when everyone went to bed he and I stayed up talking and it seemed to be clicking. He told me that he was engaged to a girl when he was in his late teens but for some reason she dumped him I believe. I really felt I could relate to him and learned that we had stuff in common messing around with computers and similar music tastes. But our nice little chat got interrupted by my uncle saying we needed to get to bed, but I was left with the urge to try to get to know him better. The next day it was still rather tricky to get a convo going with him with the family around. I somehow felt that my uncle would disapprove of me having anything to do with N. He and N did and still do everything together it seems.Flash forward to now. I don't really see him now except for when I am home on holidays visiting my grandma. He's still somewhat of a quiet guy and will only speak to my dad, step mom and uncle at first. Usually though if I get him off to himself we have no probs conversing.

Like this past December he showed me his new palm pilot bc I had just gotten one myself and he let me play around with it while he went to the store with my uncle. I found his phone # list and I was so tempted to put in my number, but the fear of everyone in the family or worse yet my uncle getting upset about it stopped me. (This is speculation. They are pretty tight and I am not sure how he would feel about N developing a relationship with me).

Well I got to see him this summer but yet again we didnt have the chance to talk bc the fam was around again and he had just come over to drop off his dvd collection for me to watch.

However, I got to see him this weekend. It was my little sisters b-day and he, my uncle and grandma came over to give her gifts (she's 6). When he and my uncle came in the house everyone else was outside and all I got was a hello from my uncle. Then a few minutes later my grandma came in the living room and N walked by and she asked if he had spoken to me. I think he said yes quietly to her, but I hadn't heard him say anything. It was no biggie to me at the time bc he does this everytime I see him until I say something to him.

Well a little while later my sister was all excited about a new barbie computer game I had intalled and wanted N to play it with her. He's very good with her and she always so excited to see him. So they went in my room to play. Well I continued to watch tv and about an hr later I went in to check on them. He was still playing the game which was amusing to me. My sis runs over and says Shhhh don't tell anyone he's playing a barbie game. I responded with no one will care that he's playing your game. So she's still all its a secret. The next thing I know she slams my door and I hear my grandma coming up the hall. She asks whats going on in my room and why the door's closed. I suddenly got nervous and said Nothing's going on. At that point moves from the computer desk and lays down on my bed on the other side of me and in the meantime my sis is still excited so I decided to tickle her to ease the sudden tension. He gets up and leaves my room and I am still flustered over my grandma's innocent question.

Shortly after its time to open gifts and I was playing Super N Monsters Inc game of my sisters and I get called in. So I am looking for a seat and someone says you'll have to sit by your dad and N can you handle that. I am like sure. So anyway we're sitting there and we hear my sis's baby doll cry. It's supposed to be real life like think the homeck baby they send you home with. Anyway N picks it up and starts shaking it and punching it and he says quietly to me she makes sounds like from a porno. My sis is sitting at my feet and I am like Hush N. I wanted to say so much more but I couldn't but it made me laugh. He continued to make strange comments but I didn't respond. Man was that a test or what? Shortly after my uncle decides they need to leave to take my grandma home so I decided to invite my uncle down to visit me at school. Why you ask? because if he comes so will N.

I've discovered that I still want to get to know N and perhaps see if he will go out with my excluding my uncle and fam but I am not quite sure if I could pull this off smoothly with out my fam making a big deal. So do you think he would be open to my suggestion based on the above info or what? Too risky?
I was mentioning in another thread how much chicks love to talk. The above is a perfect example. You gotta let them keep talking. They love THEMSELVES more than anything in this world.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Your grandma is 6?

(my advice is the same as Shiftkey´s)


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
Sacramento, California
I dont know about this one
Its kind of "odd" that your uncle and his "friend" come over together , and are always witch each other, Do they ever bring over any females to family functions? In my opinoun they could very likly be gay. Maybe The older members of the family are hiding this info from you? I could be wrong, you should try to get at him, but it all seems fishy to me


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
lol now I think you should ask him on a date just to find out if him and your uncle are gay haha


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Shiftkey
lol now I think you should ask him on a date just to find out if him and your uncle are gay haha
LMAO!! You guys are just too much. I'll see what I can find out. =-)


Nov 1, 2002
Reaction score
My first impression after reading your post dreamy and without reading the responses was that your uncle and N are gay lovers. Its just too weird for those two to be hanging out all the time and for N to be coming to all of these family functions without it being so. Plus, something just doesn't seem "right" about the whole thing. Kind of a strange story. Definetly gay.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 18, 2001
Reaction score
Agreed. That was the impression I was getting. Roomates don't bring their roomates to family get togethers.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Let me clear this up very easily for you, DC. This isn't hard at all. "N" is your uncle's gay lover.

Let's check the facts.

  • "N" was engaged once in his teens, but she broke it off
  • "N" and your uncle started living together after your uncle got divorced
  • "N" and your uncle have been living together for 3-4 years
  • "N" accompanies your uncle to camping trips and family get-togethers
  • Your uncle gets irritated/angry when you try to hit on "N"
  • "N" spent an hour playing with Barbies with your little sister
  • "N" goes wherever your uncle goes
  • To avoid social stigma, many gay couples call themselves "roommates"
  • You need counseling to figure out why you insist on sabotaging every single relationship before it can even start and/or going after unattainable men.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by Giovanni Casanova
[*]You need counseling to figure out why you insist on sabotaging every single relationship before it can even start and/or going after unattainable men.[/list]
GET OFF THE RAG. She didn't know for sure, so she's not trying to wreck a relationship. You either can't think logically or have issues if you are getting this pissy about it, so knock it off and go find an emotional tampon.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by DJ IronGirevik
GET OFF THE RAG. She didn't know for sure, so she's not trying to wreck a relationship. You either can't think logically or have issues if you are getting this pissy about it, so knock it off and go find an emotional tampon.
IG, I'll give you a pass on this because you have no f*cking clue what you're talking about. Pam (DreamyChick) has a HISTORY of this sh*t... it goes back at least a year or so.

She picks a guy that she KNOWS she can never have (because he's taken, or he's gay, or he sees her as a sister -- anything to guarantee that it won't work out). And if she ever gets into a situation that MIGHT lead to a relationship, she does something to destroys it or finds a tiny little nit-picky thing to warrant tossing it aside.

I'm not getting pissy about it, I'm serious... she needs to get to the bottom of why she continuously does this if she ever wants to have a normal, healthy relationship. So quit being a b*tch.