Unemployed dutchbags from highschool got money and game.


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
The unemployed doutchebags from my old highschool have money somehow.

I see them out, with HBs, going on trips around the world.
In school, I was told to work hard and make it into a top program,
get a full scholarship. finished with a bachelors degree, now busting my azz for a lousy 60K salary.

These guys from highschool who never went to college,
never went to post-secondary, somehow got mad money
and HBs. they never gave a sh1t during school and behavioed
like the people on jackass literally.

The guys who act like guys who are ON jackass the show,
only in real life, u know what im talking about.

How did they still manage to make money without post secondary?
They are still being doutches and macking HBs.
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Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
..Why don't you ask them yourself?

If I had to take a guess, to me it sounds like they're probably successful because they're doing what they love/enjoy.
Where as you're doing what you were 'told' to do.


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Mr.SomeoneElse said:
..Why don't you ask them yourself?

If I had to take a guess, to me it sounds like they're probably successful because they're doing what they love/enjoy.
Where as you're doing what you were 'told' to do.
I actually asked one of the doutchebags how he had so much money, he responded to me "pimpin aint easy" and never offered in insight into how he came across such a fortune.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
gspshields2 said:
The unemployed doutchebags from my old highschool have money somehow.

I see them out, with HBs, going on trips around the world.
In school, I was told to work hard and make it into a top program,
get a full scholarship. finished with a bachelors degree, now busting my azz for a lousy 60K salary.

These guys from highschool who never went to college,
never went to post-secondary, somehow got mad money
and HBs. they never gave a sh1t during school and behavioed
like the people on jackass literally.

The guys who act like guys who are ON jackass the show,
only in real life, u know what im talking about.

How did they still manage to make money without post secondary?
They are still being doutches and macking HBs.
lol i am that dude you are describing to a T. I was in a talented and gifted program so I wasn't stupid but by comparison to my other classmates in the same program i was clearly in the bottom half of the class.. i mean i had a 3.0 something my senior year but i was the class clown, didn't give 2 ****s about anything but getting ***** and breaking into the computer lab to down load **** off napster so i can make burned CD's on my external CD burner that i took to school and make money selling them. i had an A in history beucase i actually liked history but that's it. B - C student across the board. good enough to where my parents couldn't ***** about my grades, but not so much where i actually was spending any free time doing homework or anything that would take me away from basketball or getting laid.

Like I had AP calculus my junior year and like that class was right before gym / basketball practice so like, i hated the class with a passion beucase i saw it as 2 hours (we had block schedules) of hell before i can get to basketball pratice. i would go to class and do anything possible except pay attention. write love letters, flirt, read pc gaming magizines... c- even flirted with a D, then the teacher would say well backbreaker i'm going to call your mom if you can't get your grades up,a nd i'm thinking oh **** i can't have that, she will then ground me and then i can't go get any lol so then i 'd pay attention for 3 weeks and get an A minus on the next test, then go right back to not doing **** lol. i just didn't' care. i really didn;t. i probably should have. but i did not. i did not see any fiesable reason for me to give a **** about calculus for my future.

for me, i don't know.. i knew something was happening with me in my senior year that's when i really feel in love with computers. i knew i had found something i gave a **** about. but.. really.. it's like something just clicked in my head and i just grew up once i got out of school.

the thing they don't tell you in school is that school prepares people for different htings in different ways. like, you couldn't pay me to do homework but i would tear **** apart and fix it all the time, that's how i figured out my way around a computer.

i didn't even bother going to my 10 year reunion, not worth my time but i run into some of my old people i knew from them from time to time and you can see the look on their faces like are you fvcking serious lol, YOU? WTF man you didn't do **** in school.. i'm like yeah pretty much, that's school this is the real world.

probably my best trait of my personality is that i am the most creative / imaginative person you will ever find. i'm constantly trying to improve ****, rather it be my computer rig or my business operations or my sales pitch to clients or make my schedule more streamlined, they dont' teach that in school. and i also have the balls to try **** and fall on my face. they don't teach that either.

ironically enough the other "most successfu" guy in my class was a guy i was in kingagarden with and we had every class together every year until we grauduated. it's like this dude's only point in going to school was to sleep lol. but he was brilliant. lke seriously, like, foreal br illiant. like Good will Hunting brilliant.

we actually had a pretty deep Graduating class. one of my class mates is a teacher at Julliard's in NY. I remember when i was beating her ass in solo's in 7th grade on the violin now she's teaching in the best school in the country. A few engineers, like big boy engineers, one guy is in his last year in medical school to be a neurosurgeon

but some of the people, like the guy that everyone just had pegged for success, the dude that did not do anything but eat/sleep/live school, freaking middle management job at energy. and this dude i don't think i ever saw a B on his report card. i know he got into duke. I don't know what happened after that. I don't know what the hell happened. i mean that's not funny but, just.. it's life man. **** is cold blooded.

life is life man. no guarantees, the real world does not give 2 ****s about your report card. either you can contribute or you can't.

actually if you think about it it makes perfect sense. guys who aren't at the top of the class (like me) once they get out of school, beucase they really don't have **** to lose have no qualms about taking risks that other people wouldn't take... i mean who the fvck cares lol if i fvck off 2 years trying to start a business it's not like i was a MIT student or some ****. whereas people who are at the top of the class who have a more traditional path to "life" so to speak, are usually not willing to risk it by doing anything risky like, taking risks lol. they have been told throughout school to make good grades, go to college, get a good job work your way up. do my thing, get my HB7.5 wife, have 2.3 kids, go to college football games every once in a while and vacation once a year, that's life and **** by the time you are in college you see the finish line now, that job is right there waiting for you to grab it.

that's why the douchbag has more m and money than you do.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
you need to snap out if this scarcity/deficit mindset. at least if you want to change something about your situation.


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
flashpoint said:
you need to snap out if this scarcity/deficit mindset. at least if you want to change something about your situation.
Anyone else notice a similar trend?


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
I don't get it. I work so hard and study so hard. How come guys like this get girls while guys like US get nothing?

My mom says if I eat more vegetables more women will like me. But I've been eating vegetables all my life.

I'm foreveralone


New Member
Jan 17, 2012
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Its not difficult to find a $60k/yr job without a college degree. You do, however, have to do manual labor for that kind of coin.

Is it possible the the dbags make just as much as you? Is it possible they make just as much and live in a ****hole apartment so they have more disposable income? Is it possible that they make just as much as you, live in a ****hole apartment, AND put everything on credit?

All I'm saying is don't take things at face value. And just know that, if you're working in your field...you probably have significantly more earning potential over time than someone working a manual labor job. That's part of the reason that dude's SMV goes up with age: we have the potential to continue to increase our income. However, without education your earning cap comes a lot earlier.


New Member
Aug 10, 2012
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gpshields3 said:
I don't get it. I work so hard and study so hard. How come guys like this get girls while guys like US get nothing?

My mom says if I eat more vegetables more women will like me. But I've been eating vegetables all my life.

I'm foreveralone
Please mods, BAN gpshields3, this is NOT me.

I just don't get it, I think I stopped liking women? Should mama know?


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2012
Reaction score
While you were working on your career, these guys were building and maintaining social circles. Don't expect to be able to just drop in out of the blue and expect to be slaying ass just because you have higher social/professional standing than unemployed kids.

Those guys who you think have a lot of money probably don't. I'm not sure if you're trolling but a lot of people buy expensive stuff on credit...

...or they sell drugs.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Yea... The dutch get all the women. Life is so unfair. :cry: