Understanding the difference between Direct vs. Indirect Methods


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Guys new in the game should learn Direct first as a confidence building exercise, and then once they get that they can temper it with Indirect methods as need be, which can be a tactically superior choice, especially in clubs.

This is tantamount to working on inner game before incorporating the best outer game tactics.

Hardcore Direct style is the perfect way to build a strong inner game and sexual confidence around women. If you make a point of being sexual with every single girl you are with, no matter if she seems to like you or not, that will set the foundation for developing true alpha qualities.

In the past year I've been trying an extreme form of Direct (take no prisoners) which UPPED my confidence and ability to escalate at the drop of a hat. I can now WILL IT to happen, whether or not it's a good thing to do that

I have taken the 100% direct approach so far on dates that women barely had room to breathe. Technically it was well calibrated because they were enjoying themselves, and laughing at my BOLD flirtatious humor, and sexual kino. It was a thrill for them yes but UNLESS there was a REAL IOI from their end I got massive resistance to isolation and sex (at best I got a makeout session). And a second date never happened. Does that mean they hated me?? No, but something felt off for sure simply because I didn't give them a chance to choose me, despite showing all the "alpha" qualities women like.

I have done the Natural/Direct approach many many times and here is what it comes down to:

- it's ok to assume rapport before getting the IOI
- it's ok to screen before getting the IOI, and will even help you get the IOI (example, telling her I don't do relationships is a very good way to influence her sexual desires causing her to IOI me)
- it's ok to flirt and talk suggestively before getting the IOI
- it's ok to bust, and in fact encourged, before getting the IOI
- it's NOT ok to aggressively kino, or kiss her, until AFTER the IOI (some light kino is okay, but save the caveman stuff until she gives you the go ahead signal)

This is as close to running a solid style of Direct game as I can come up with. If you go for the serious kino or try to kiss before that IOI you will run into MUCH resistance and will at most get a makeout, and that's only if you're super smooth.

The crux is this. If you don't realize this ONE CRUCIAL THING you will never fully understand the difference and philosophy behind Direct/Indirect:

Whether you are using "Indirect" or "Direct" methods, the female MUST be allowed to play her part in the selection process. She must be allowed to choose you as well. If you run 100% Direct where you choose her before she has a chance to give you the green light (ie. give you the IOI) you will encounter MASSIVE resistance to taking it all the way. This despite the fact that she will most certainly like your outrageous confidence for "going after what you want". She MUST be allowed to play her role in the mating dance. Period.

Now here's the counter-argument: Women know you want to have sex with them so may as well be direct about it. This is a BAD mindset and has screwed me up many times. It is a bad mindset because, as I said, it neglects the role the female has to play in the mating dance. Sure she will SUSPECT that you want to have sex with her, but internally she wants you to play your cards so that you don't fully ACT on that desire until she gives you the readiness signals.

The advantage of proper Indirect is that you allow for the women to give you those readiness signals, by making her work for your attention and time, after you display value and personality.

The disadvantage of Indirect is that it works badly for teaching guys good inner game. Indirect too often results in new guys leaning on it for the wrong reason - lack of confidence around females. Indirect is wrongly seen as a way to avoid acting masculine, and protecting your ego from rejection. Psychologically, the AFC mind will lean on indirect methods for the WRONG reasons.

This is why running a hardcore direct game like kino'ing when you want, as much as you want, and going for the kiss when you want, is great for confidence building and crushing the fear response in you. And once that is dealt with then you can focus on more effective seduction strategies which make her do some of the work.

If you decide to use a direct style then feel free to be as masculine as you want, flirt, tease, hold your frame, use light kino, build anticipation etc. But don't go for the "kill" until she gives you the IOI (her touching you, her giving you longing looks, her leaning towards you etc).

Totally direct game (I like you...I want you NOW) works only in the case where she has already chosen you based on some value you demo'd from a distance, or because of your looks.

Otherwise by running full Direct you are assuming that the confidence in going after what you want is sufficient to get her. And although she might appreciate the confidence and enjoy the fact that you took a risk, the fact remains that you chose her (went in for the "kill") BEFORE she chose you. Women know this intuitively. And she will hold this against you - you disrespected the natural process after all.

If you meet a woman from the internet the same dynamic applies. You assume a "zero" condition when you meet her in person - meaning, you attract FIRST, get the IOI, and THEN you can plow through direct if that's your style.

Some will think, yeah, but if you have super inner game then you can do whatever you want. This is not realistic.

Going in confident and doing whatever you want when you want risks putting you at a strategic disadvantage. I've done this and I know this first hand.

She has to play a role in the selection process and you have to set it up so that she does just that. Women are enablers in the seduction process. That is their JOB. You make the first move(s) and she gives you the IOI which enables the finishing moves (sex) to happen.

So it's okay to telegraph sexual desire/masculinity. BUT YOU SHOULD HAVE THE ABILITY TO HOLD BACK AND LET HER DO SOME OF THE WORK. Show all the masculinity you want - flirt, tease, display higher value, hold a frame. BUT don't go in for the "kill" until she IOIs you. It may mean that you have to persist and tough it out (not eject) until she gives you the IOI (forcing her to flip the selection switch because you hung in there and kept hammering away until she finally submitted

Example of good Indirect style. You ask a girl for directions to store xyz. She tells you. You then make a comment on how it's quite a walking distance. Then you ask her where she's going. She answers and you say that you're going in the same direction and you'll walk with her. You then start teasing her (push/pull) on her clothes. She starts giggling and pretty soon starts asking you where you are from and touching you. You start kino'ing her back, escalating. You then invite her to your place (which is conveniently closeby) for a drink. Once there you have sex with her.

Example of good Direct style, a girl is at a bookstore, browsing the section on spells and witchcraft. You go up and ask her what she is reading, she answers, and then you comment on how spells can work in different ways. And then look at her seductively, and insert some innuendos. You start to move in closer. She warms up more, looking at you a certain way. You then start kino'ing her, nuzzling her etc. You keep moving in this direction and then isolate and get it on.

So you see, both methods are really quite similar, especially after the IOI from the female. The distinction between the two is MOSTLY in what you do before you get the IOI, and HOW you get the IOI.



Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
That was surprisingly prompt. :up:

Boner da Stoner

Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Iqaluit Nunavut
Yes it was prompt!

Damn, I'm breathless... Jestor, you surprised me, you were a Brute DJ in other threads... You've appealed to my intellectual side.

I think I have worked on my INNER game too much, holy crap... I want to go out and direct appraoch till my **** goes numb...

I've done so many cold approaches but never forced closure...

Wow... I can see. Again.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Thank you Jestor! You just pre-emptively answered a bunch of questions I was going to ask & more!


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2005
Reaction score
when you keep saying "go in for the kill" do you mean asking for her # or having sex?


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by MVP
when you keep saying "go in for the kill" do you mean asking for her # or having sex?
I mean going for sex, or just showing a lot of sexual interest


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Going in for the kill means different things depending where in the "dance" you currently are. If you see the girl for the first time, going in for the kill means making an approach. If you have developed rapport for a few minutes and she shows high IL, going in for the kill means saying, "Let me put your digits in my phone. (displays phone)". If you are calling her for the first time, it means planning your first date. If your on your first date with her, it means escalating her interest. If you are getting IOI, it means going for the kiss close. If you are further along then that, it means bringing her to your place and then its up to you. Let your dominant side be bold.