Attraction is a very strange thing, the majority of times you will see the majority of HB7-10's attempting to allure the top %30 of the hottest dudes, who they have rated as being high value males due to their Wealth, Status, Looks, Confidence, Charisma, Carreer, and other similar type things.
However in a small percentage of cases a HB7-10 can become magnetically attracted and fall instantly in love with some dude who does not normally attract these types of babes.
When this happens this particular dude is much better of than the dude who has to use his Status, Wealth, Popularity or Game in order to get the HB, as she will in most cases stick with him because she really likes him as a person.
It is fair to say that a dude who can play basketball like, Michael Jordan, act like, Brad Pitt, sing like, Robbie Williams, or has the wealth of, Donald Trump, along with the levels of High Status, Confidence, Charisma, and the Good Looks that these four dudes also have going for them, that they are going to be desired by %99.99999 of HB7-10's than the Average Joe type of dude, no matter how good his levels of Confidence, Looks, or Gaming of the babes is.
The truth of the matter is that, Status, Wealth, Looks, Confidence, as well as your Game can allure a large percentage of HB's for you, the problem is if they are only with you because of these things, they will dump you at the drop of a hat if the opportunity comes for them to date one of the four above mentioned types of dudes.
When a HB7-10 is strongly attracted and in love with the type of dude who does not normally have these types of babes desiring to be with him, he is more likely to keep his HB if a dude like one of the four above mentioned attempted to allure her because for some strange reason she just loves this dude for who he is and as such will want to stay with him.