Ultimate day2/1st date guide for college


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2011
Reaction score
Read it today and thought it was money. Copied here so you dont have to go anywhere

heres the original link


Day twos
I think alot of my game is getting to the point where it is very solid. One thing i think i have almost perfected is the day 2 meetups. They almost always lead to a lays. So since some people asked i will break down my day 2s by one i just had that went amazing from the initial text.

Leading up with call or text
Sometimes i call, sometimes i text. I got really good text game so i usually text. One thing that i always try to do is make there be a reason to meet up, regardless of whether its logical. If you refer to the text above its a good example.
My favorite things to do in text are

-Put us in roles. I will do that with pretending that shes already my girlfriend(super tim)

Me- I love you
Me-But we cant be together anymore
(leads to me saying we have to get divorced, i have a very sexual tone throughout.. I end with)
Me-Awww i really miss you, maybe this divorce is a bad idea, but im going to be at starbucks with the divorce papers anyways. Bring some crayons so we can sign them

Another example is my muffin bit
Me-Your such a player
Her-Wait what
Me- I saw you last night after we met, flirting with all those guys, my heart is broken, im in a ****storm of emotions
Her-haha oh im sorry
Me-Look ill let you make it up to me
Her-oh yeah?
Me-Im a ***** for blueberry muffins and starbucks has amazing muffins.....I demand a muffin to forgive you for being such a player
Her-Okay lolol

I completely avoid basic conversation and set a tone and thing to talk about the whole time making it ****ing fun and interesting to get a text from me. These are best case scenario text. ill post some epic text convos later

My day 2 from today broken down
My day twos always go down at a stabucks or a bar right next to my house. go there to read and draw all the time so its congruent to how I am. Im comfortable there and know the staff. Its also in a shopping complex so theres so many venues to pull her to. Same with the bar. But i work nights, so i have to rely on day time meet ups alot. If they are under 21, starbucks, if they are over 21 bar. If you can get the 18 year into the bar and get them not to card her, even better. (do this if you KNOW, big mistake if they end up carding)

Okay so I meet her there, we will call her cal, first thing i do is hug spin, arm around or holding hands. (THIS is SO IMPORTANT, if you wait to touch her mid way through the date its a OMG BIG MOMENT, and itll be weird. I almost try to never break contact with the girl. She might resist this, some girls just do, DONT LET IT PHASE YOU. Just try again in 5 min. I am instantly leading her inside and being highly energetic.)

I sometimes buy her coffee, i sometimes dont. It really doesnt matter. She will usually buy me my muffin, again doesnt really matter.

Anyways,The beauty of that first text message i showed you is that it instantly puts us in couple roles, im instantly calling her boogerbear and honey and shes doing the same. We can role play the divorce thing for a bit, and as soon as we sit down im holding her hands from across the table, playing thumb war, poking her nose (dont just start poking the **** out of her nose, do it like when shes shocked from something you just said, this is just me though, dont be like OMG POKE NOSE MANUEVER NAOWOOWWOOW!)

As soon as the role playin is ramping up, shes having fun and the ice is broken. Dont do interview mode. Learn some cool stories and most importantly BE EXCITED about your stories

My favorite is talking about some wild party stories, or past jobs or hell i just make some up. I talk about my old girl roomate who would come home missing pants and throwing paint all over the house (never happened, but great story lol) Ill talk about pets, anything really. Just be into what your saying. I will talk about star wars and Hey arnold (fun tidbit, alot of people in the 18-22 year old age group grew up watching cartoon network and nickelodeon. Talking about a relating to these shows can be a big boost of humor to the interaction. I always do the rocket power handshake with the girl. Because most people never think about this, she thinks its a huge connection)

For instance
My favorite story is one about when i worked a slide at wet and wild and how the kids drove me crazy. and how the indian there would throw there kids who couldnt swim down the slide. My voice goes up and down, im excited i say my opinion regardless of what shes thinking.

The more stories you tell , she will relate to something. She will say something like she loves kids, oh my dog did this, omg my friends have nights like that.

Inside jokes
Make up funny inside jokes with her. With cal, she said she can take in a whole lot of information at once. I responded with OHHHH I BET YOU CAN. for the rest of the date the word information was codeword for penis. Id say things like, so later i have some information i need you to go over, or I bet your like a secret agent collecting information left and right OMG your a information junkee. Funny ****

Then you can start to calibrate to her, DO NOT change who you are, just talk about what part of you would probably appeal to her.

-Hence if shes a retard party girl, I talk about my very social side, my crazy nights (never making me look to bad though) my crazy roomates.

-If shes a smarter deeper girl, i talk about wanting to be a motivation speaker, how i love psychology and sociology and how i want to travel the world pretty soon.

From here be sure to tease her a bit and HAVE FUN, be playful. She will tool you and you will tool her. Stuff starts getting slow, talk about yourself and whats cool to you. She will relate to something, then you relate to some she says. Like with cal

Me-slide story
Her- Oh i love kids though, i cant wait to be a mom, blah blah blah
Me-Haha, yeah but ive had some rough times with kids, when i went to ireland i saw this kids who was doing blah blah blah
Her- Oh wow ireland (or) omg i cant believe that kid would do that
Me- Yeah i love traveling or Yeah id rather stick to my dog, Chewbacca

A big part of having long conversation like this is know WHO you are. This is where being a solid person comes in, if you are a cool great mother ****er, who believes in himself, you will naturally just be able to rattle on about yourself or relate to something shes saying CONSTANTLY

During all of this im still holding hands. Staring into her eyes. Pausing every now and then a creating sexual tension. ALWAYS ALWAYS assume its on, your not trying to get you to like you, she already does. And if she doesnt **** her. I have 3 gfs, that i really like, so if this date goes bad, who cares.

create sexual tension as much as you can, make sexual references when she gets comfortable, ask where her favorite spot to be kissed is, stuff like that. Get sex on her mind.

Ex. Haha, its getting harder and harder not to kiss you right now, or your making me feel funny.

WHAT YOU FEEL SHE FEELS. when you say this, let it hang, dont go back in your head, and bask in the sexual pressure.

Like today, after i said this, i was holding both her hands, pull in, very romantic kiss.

Venue change
Look you dont have to venue change, i can talk to someone for two hours and just keep making it more sexual, while comfortable. But i do like to. Across from the starbucks i go to is a store called LIL BRITAIN. It sells all sorts of weird **** from britian, funny hats and such.

I will usually say, wow ive always wanted to go there lets go. Grab her hand and go. When we get there i put the funny hats on her head, make her laugh, use the weird **** they are selling to make more stories, etc.


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2011
Reaction score
Pull home
At this point, we are holding hands, very couple like, im getting close to her face, little pecks and stuff. This is how alot of girls see a ideal date goin, fun spontaneous and the physicalness just clicks.
During the date Ill always talk about something really cool at my house. My favorite thing is this giant hookah i bought, be excited about it and she will be excited to.
About 45 min into the date i will simply say, lets go smoke hookah, or Movie time! I just got a new big screen. Dont make this a question, just lead her to your car. If shes resistant , this isnt a club dragging her to your car COULD go bad, never really tried it, maybe someone else might know more.

I will simply lead her. My house is very close so i tell her we will be right back. 90% of the time she will comply. If youve built that bond through eye contact and touching she should be all fuzzy inside.

We get there and im like Thhhhhhhheeeeeeeeress my hookah. And will pin her against a door and make out. At this time if you built enough sexual tension you guys will have been itching to touch eachother, so this will just happen. Start a movie, one that shes probably seen before or isnt to distracting. And just keep escalating.

Thats basically it for me, im not going into how to get her to **** on the first date. But this is from start to finish basically everything i do.

I ****ed cal not a hour ago, great cool girl, gorgeus girl, and someone id love to see again. We built a real connection during the meet up because of just touching a creating sexual tension. Those are the keys.

Some stuff to be aware of

-Prepare for flakes from cold approach numbers, i usually will not leave my house till she texts me saying shes almost there. The locations are so close i can just jump in my car and beat her. Or im already up there doing stuff anyways.
Even if you talked to the girl for 2 hours the night before and she gave you head in the BR, she might still flake. And then the girls you talked to for 15 sec will be there in a heartbeat. Theres no predicting it, and you cannot let it get you down, about 40% of the girls i get numbers from flake, but the 60% that do show up its like a insta****. Im okay with that =D

-Alot of girls do not go on a date or meet up with a random guy they just met, when they are younger. Its sort of a big deal for them. Most girls 23 and younger meet all the guys they know through social circles and natural ways. They are in college with a 100 guy friends. They are not used to leaving there comfort zone, so at the start of the date, especially if you met at a bar, they will be somewhat nervous

THIS IS WHY you cannot be nervous or not confident because it will knock her so hard out of a good state if you are. BE YOURSELF, BE RELAXED, BE CONFIDENT

-They will **** test, they will resist sometimes, they will ask you questions that they care about. Be ready for all of this. Know you who are and what you value.

Theres a really good thing brad posted, a series of questions you should be able to ask yourself and answer. If you cant answer any of these in a snap, something needs to change. This will make you powerful on a meet up.

Be physical
Create sexual tension
Have a plan that is flexible
Improve yourself
Be a man of stories, be able to have conversations that dont involve ever asking What do you like, where all you from. Have convos that naturally bring this out. ( I bet your one of those backwood girls arnt you, moooo. or I hate soccer, youve never played soccer have you.)
PRACTICE DAY TWOS, go on dates with the girls your not so into, just to get used to the pressure and flow. That way when your with turbo hottie, your the natural one. Most of these girls will not have the same ego or confidence they had at the bar unless they are solid girls

And have ****ing fun, this is not some job interview. This is basically her seeing if your fun enough to ****, its a mating ritual. Have fun have fun have fun, and she will have fun.

Read more: http://collegeflirting.net/index.cgi?board=new&action=display&thread=53#ixzz1ESoTEvaR