uk bootcamp


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
UK London
Bite the bullet and go for what I do on the trains :D

Originally posted by octane_orphan
Slight problem as I work for a living and at the moment have no social life ... I am however off to london soon ... AND CANT WAIT !!! ... Want to practice on welsh girls before I go ...

As for the camp ... first few weeks will be a doddle ... I am a manager and regularly give presentations, take part in meetings etc ... so starting or making convo aint the problem with your average joe as there is a clear purpose ... ie business .... making starting and making convo with good looking complete strangers and turning it in to a chat up and number close is a problem and something I want to work on...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
UK London
Originally posted by englishcrap
Bite the bullet and go for what I do on the trains :D

It can be very nerve wracking at first...but each time you chat to stranger it just becomes easier until you score



Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
I'm In

I will do it, these things are hardcore but this time im not gonna let my new found arrogance let me drop it.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Gee gods this site has changed!!

I lasted visited about 6 years ago and my god its busy now!

Sorry for possibly stupid question;

what's a bootcamp?

Is sosuave holding seminars in the UK or something?

Acidic Camel

Don Juan
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
I've not been online over the weekend (no access to pc) but I believe we have five peeps on board, and I'm ready to get started.

I'm going to update my old diary thread while I'm at it. Hopefully, I will learn from my mistakes :)

what's a bootcamp?
Check here Jago. The Don Juan bible should explain all.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2005
Reaction score
SW London, England
I find people on the tube are always in a hurry so they aren't in the right mind set to be gamed. The environment isn't fantastic either so any memories of you would probably be shadowed with "mind the gap". Good idea about the waiting for tube though.

Trains are probably better for that. Better, fresher environment. You can sit down and game till she gets off. Plus hardly any-one ever talks to eachother.

Coffee Shops - always good. Always **** loads of them in London too.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2005
Reaction score
SW London, England
Guys, just browsing up on the ol' bootcamp. I noticed this on conversation -

1) “Hi… what’s your name?”
Her saying her name is your cue to extend your hand, once you make hand contact say:
“It’s nice to meet you <their name>… my name is <name>.”

Now, maybe its because I'm young but I think the whole handshake thing would just make her feel awkward. How would you feel if a total stranger came up to you, asked you your name, and proceeded to shake your hand.

You guy's will have to adapt certain things in the bootcamp to fit the uk.

Your thoughts?


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Fellas ,

This is from personal experience -
waiting on tube platform, saw 2 girls. walked over to the most attractive one

me: "i like you" (direct approach).
she was shocked and walked away, other friend remained and shouted to her friend to come back and talk to me.
me: "i like you, you're friendly. come on let's go over to your friend"
grabbed her hand casually and we walked hand-in-hand to her friend that walked off to the other side of the platform.
The girl that i opened eariler could not look me in the eyes so i teased her for being soo shy. turns out they had another 2 friends on the opposite side of the platform. i waved to them and they asked for my name which i gave. they were all giggling and clearly enjoyed the moment.

nothing wrong with the hand shake. it'll get you used to early kino. if the girl doesn't return the handshake, you can bust on her "what, your parent never taught you common coutesy?"
while blantly looking at your hand then her eyes, then your hand ... and so on.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
Hello, quick introduction.... found this site through another similar site that i found about 6 weeks ago. havent had time to read any of the 'bible' or 'bootcamp' stuff but intend to and hopefully this thread will improve my game. i intend to participate cos it sound like fun so give me a couple of weeks and i'll be up to date with what all this bootcamp stuff is about (if thats okay)

I’ll start with a small contribution.

CobaltBlue wrote>

Guys, just browsing up on the ol' bootcamp. I noticed this on conversation -

1) “Hi… what’s your name?”
Her saying her name is your cue to extend your hand, once you make hand contact say:
“It’s nice to meet you <their name>… my name is <name>.”

Now, maybe its because I'm young but I think the whole handshake thing would just make her feel awkward. How would you feel if a total stranger came up to you, asked you your name, and proceeded to shake your hand.

You guy's will have to adapt certain things in the bootcamp to fit the uk.

Your thoughts?

Here are my thoughts on this:

It’s impossible to use this type of opener on every girl you meet, some will think you’re weird (not necessarily a bad thing) and some might try and run away from you.

I’ve only glanced at some of the previous postings and they seem to be going on about eye contact (I will read the bible and bootcamp thing). If you have eye contact then I would suggest using it as an opener if you couldn’t think of anything else to say (just make sure you are unequivocally confident, don’t let any doubt about it seeming awkward enter your mind) if she was totally disinterested in you then you would pick up on this by the fact that you were unable to initiate this eye contact. Also when shaking her hand, hold it for a second longer than feels natural.

Think of it as the other way around, if some girl came up to you and initiated kino would you tell her to piss off. I personally would judge her immediately on her approach and if she was giving off a weird vibe (like she was a goth) then it would freak me out, if she seemed normal I’d talk to her. You have also quickly initiated kino.

Not really into cold approaches yet, I have a different style. I’ll hopefully try this out in a club next week and see what results I get….

Also I aint 16 but i dont think it would be a problem, try it out and see what happens.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2002
Reaction score

Glad to see the thread taking off!

The more discussion we have the better, cause we all know that alot of the material here is biased towards states-side.

Still to be honest cold approaches do work in the uk. Take me and my mate Stu. Stu is a natural dj of the first order. When we are out and are feeling bored we will randomly select lassies we like the look of, walk over, smile at them and hug them. This is a cold approach, no previous notice, no convo, no nothin, just approach and hug!

Now I would say that 7/10 respond positively, the other 3 are close to calling the police. Of the 7, you get numbers of around every 3, while the others have the usual range of excuses. We call this the 'Huggo' technique. Takes balls, I couldnt do it for a long time, but one night I was bored off my ass and thought, 'what the hell'.

As for where and when to approach, I think pretty much anyplace that brings you into close proximity to HBs is a good place to approach. Eye contact is the key as far as I'm concerned, but there's nothing wrong with starting a convo to attract a lady's notice to what a catch you are.

As for the camp, looking forward to hearing those field reports boys, so get busy!

Tonight is time for exercise 2 to begin for me, so I am going to be meetin and greetin :)


'making sure it's not safe to get back in the water'


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2004
Reaction score
I'm up for this, though I can't guarantee I'll keep up to speed, since college, (which happens to be boys only) takes up most of my week. The only real chances I get to practise are walking to and from college every day, (good for eye contact practice) and at the weekends.

People in my home town seem so bloody grumpy, it's unbelievable. I've found that it's mostly the elderly people who will smile back at you, or even initiate the smile. Most of the people I walk past either stare at me funnily and look away or don't even bother looking at me in the first place. It's difficult to understand how people can be so unappreciative of the simple pleasures of life. Sure, I have my bad days where I struggle to maintain a smile, but at least I try.


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
I think the UK in general is grumpy but thats coz of the weather!

Spring and summer my game pics up because everyone is happy and bouncy :eek:)

As for the hand shake, i dunno, havent tried it personally, but I did meat a blind date and she shook my hand and gave a customery kiss on the cheak, and that made things very formal ... felt kinda business-y .... will give it ago myself though :)


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2002
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure you can leave the handshake out!

The point is not to get lost in the details, just get out there and do what you have to. Stop worrying over things like that and just say hi, how u doin?


'making sure it's not safe to get back in the water'


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2002
Reaction score

As far as I am concerned, the bootcamp is in progress!

would hope to have first week reports in by the end of the weekend!


'making sure it's not safe to get back in the water'


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
Hello my fellow UK DJs!!! Fantastic to see a UK Bootcamp post!

I recently tried the first 2 weeks of bootcamp. As some of you know, I too live in the UK.

The first week, where you make eye contact and say 'hi' was quite interesting. I didn't count exactly how many people I tried to make eye contact with, but in general I noticed that most people won't look at you as they are usually in a 'world of their own' etc. But plenty WILL look at you if you look at them too. I found I got better responses from girls when I did not break eye contact first AND gave a big smile. I found the opposite too - if you break EC first and don't smile (or give a small nervous smile), then you will only get a lukewarm response from the girl.

As for saying 'hi' to anyone, it didn't quite feel right.

The 2nd week, making conversations with strangers, wasn't too bad either. I find that a lot of UK people are perfectly happy to talk to strangers in most situations, but only if you initiate the conversation first.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Yo Guitar_Whizz, you're also from manchester?

think i've tried getting in touch with you via PM?

would be cool to meet fellow DJ's and hit good old manc.


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2004
Reaction score
I thought the Bootcamp was starting tomorrow? I am gonna start tomorrow anyway and use sharkman as my inspiration for the week ahead.
As so many people start the Bootcamp then drop out after a week or two I think it would be beneficial to post our own goals and maybe a view of the person we will be after finishing the bootcamp. This way we can look back on them when we are struggling to gain motivation and remind ourselves why we are doing this.

I want to:
Break through my social fears and fears of women.
Be able to express interest without feeling guilty or trying to hide it.
Have a higher opinion of myself fix self talk and self image.
Become more of an outgoing/ friendly person.

After finishing bootcamp I see myself as being
More confident in social situations.
Having more relaxed body language/ confident posture.
Not afraid of rejection at all.
Able to set more advanced DJing goal (ie running openers, establishing rapport quickly etc)



Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
UK London
It really doesnt matter what you say...just make strong eye contact and walk upto her then speak...I have situations where the girl just ignores me completely and doesnt say a word. Most of the time women are polite the UK its common to make some fluff talk about the weather or how the trains or so bad..u could even make a funny remark about the trains being like third world taxis or somthing...this can lead into a full blown conversation..

Originally posted by pen
Hello, quick introduction.... found this site through another similar site that i found about 6 weeks ago. havent had time to read any of the 'bible' or 'bootcamp' stuff but intend to and hopefully this thread will improve my game. i intend to participate cos it sound like fun so give me a couple of weeks and i'll be up to date with what all this bootcamp stuff is about (if thats okay)

I’ll start with a small contribution.

CobaltBlue wrote>

Guys, just browsing up on the ol' bootcamp. I noticed this on conversation -

1) “Hi… what’s your name?”
Her saying her name is your cue to extend your hand, once you make hand contact say:
“It’s nice to meet you <their name>… my name is <name>.”

Now, maybe its because I'm young but I think the whole handshake thing would just make her feel awkward. How would you feel if a total stranger came up to you, asked you your name, and proceeded to shake your hand.

You guy's will have to adapt certain things in the bootcamp to fit the uk.

Your thoughts?

Here are my thoughts on this:

It’s impossible to use this type of opener on every girl you meet, some will think you’re weird (not necessarily a bad thing) and some might try and run away from you.

I’ve only glanced at some of the previous postings and they seem to be going on about eye contact (I will read the bible and bootcamp thing). If you have eye contact then I would suggest using it as an opener if you couldn’t think of anything else to say (just make sure you are unequivocally confident, don’t let any doubt about it seeming awkward enter your mind) if she was totally disinterested in you then you would pick up on this by the fact that you were unable to initiate this eye contact. Also when shaking her hand, hold it for a second longer than feels natural.

Think of it as the other way around, if some girl came up to you and initiated kino would you tell her to piss off. I personally would judge her immediately on her approach and if she was giving off a weird vibe (like she was a goth) then it would freak me out, if she seemed normal I’d talk to her. You have also quickly initiated kino.

Not really into cold approaches yet, I have a different style. I’ll hopefully try this out in a club next week and see what results I get….

Also I aint 16 but i dont think it would be a problem, try it out and see what happens.