Guys, the problem is:
- an ugly girl being confident of her capability is ok, but it's unbearable when an ugly girl thinks she is so pretty.
- this girl looks so ugly. When shes young, after make-up, and with her effort being so slutty, She got some SP and one or two of them are really handsome. Problem is she thought those were her really bf, and she thought she was damn hot
Omg what's wrong with her?! I rejected her many times. She asked like "I look good, why u reject me?" "The girl you like is so much uglier than me". "Ok this girl looks good, but she must have done plastic surgery. I can look like her too"
(I wanna say my ex gfs are all very hot, you r totally out of league)
Omg she's crazy!!!!! But the reality is, I'm temporarily broke, have no family or real frds here (new city), so I may have to live at her place for sometime. She said she didn't mind I don't like her, but at the same time she's always asking for kiss, hug, sex. Within 1 or 2 months I won't be able to get enough income to live elsewhere. What should I do?