Uber Feminists.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by dharmabum512
Yeah, its funny to jack with their own hypocracy; it just sucks
that so many hot ones have this mindset.
It lets them sort the good stuff from the weeds. I suppose if you let a feminist aura scare you off then they're working lol!!!


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Baltimore, MD
it seems like this forum became a feminist forum this week. Four or five threads are running simulotaniously (sp) with questions on feminisms.



Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by comic_relief
it seems like this forum became a feminist forum this week. Four or five threads are running simulotaniously (sp) with questions on feminisms.

Too many guys on here have become obsessed with feminism. I've been noticing it happening for quite some time now. It's getting worse every day and now it's to the point some of the guys are starting to notice it, too.

This is a very dangerous thing to happen to this forum. Allen needs to start a Men's Rights section and limit all the feminism discussion to that section. Too many of the younger guys are being taught to be obsessed and radical with the topic, and that's just as bad as being a radical feminist. I'd hate to see a dating forum turn into a radical anti-feminism ranting forum, but slowly that's what it's becoming. Too much blaming feminism (or women in general) and not enough taking responsibility, learning and growing. It's really quite sad.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
I know a chick who believes in that sort of thing. A total control freak, needs to push her "correct" view on people all the time...

So one day in class I just totally rip apart her whole viewpoint. Deconstruct the whole thing and point the finger at her (of course, while being entertaining).

Now she feels the need to be around me constantly, and laughs at any semi-jokes I tell. It reinforces that belief that all women want to be sumbmissive ultimately.

In fact, I've done this to a few girls with radical stupid viewpoints and it's worked every time. Try it.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
I see that feminist is scaring alot of men who don't

So because they don't believe in theirselves and believe because of feminist I will say reading some books that will destory you of this fear. I agree yes their are alot of spoiled men and women and I agree with wildfire and comic relief, that men are letting feminist sacre them, turning this fourm into a anti-feminism fourm.

Lets talk a little about FEAR!!!
Fear holds you back from your dreams and goals. Fear will jump in your path of becoming a real man and say " I think thats dangerous you should turn back" Fear is 1 of the reasons people are failures in LIFE and never never get follow their dreams. To let fear hold you back is saying " I will accept not follow my dreams"

Next up
Napoleon Hill - Think And Grow Rich

This book what told me that nothing is impossible. When I hear people say " I'm mexcian, america won't let me get rich" means he saying "I will accept failure". How can you let feminist hold you back ?? Feminism been around since you was born !!! I will repeat


Many of the PUA And Master DJ's knew about this ?? They knew about feminist, did they come crying saying " omg i met 1 feminist girl I'm so sacred" did they post stuff up like this ??
Of course not !!!
Napoleon said that a man or woman really wants something they deeply desire, they are gonna get it. Nature will just hand it over to them. WHy ?? because of their mind frame. I can see alot of men worry about bad women, women who hate men, women who like other women. Stop letting fear get to you. Yes their women who hate men. To me personally I DON'T CARE !!!.
Are they at your door ?
Friends with you ?
In your car ??
Then wtf are you sarce of ??

NExt up
Art of War, The prince, 48 laws of power and other war books

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need
not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the
enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know
neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. ~ Sun tzu

Sun tzu teachings are powerful. Start learning them for your life and don't go outside saying every woman will like me, go outside saying I'm ready for the battle. If you was 10x time bigger then sun tzu and had a higger I.Q and come beat up 2 men by yourself. You would still lose to sun tzu. For him to write such a great book, he learned from his mistakes and movatied his troops. The movation I'm seeing around here is fear feminism. If I was the leader I won't want men to fear feminism and be against it, I would want them to understand it and move on with their lifes and goals. The best way to beat a enemy is to understand your enemy. If you fear feminism then take your head and put it into the book and start learning what it's all about, where it came from,and why it happened.

Final Words
No one is perfect. To me women who hate men are women who been hurt by jerks. Why do so many men fear or even against feminism ? because it's their way of getting to us. Wanting attention, wanting us to know they exist and that we are the bad guys in life. Don't hate your enemy, understand your enemy, don't fear your enemy, understand why they are acting the way they are.

Stop worrying, Start living


"It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges,
and I believed in myself."-Muhammad Al

Knowing is not enough; you must apply. Willing is not enough; you must do. [Bruce Lee]

"Do not be too timid or unsure about your actions. All life is an experiment." --Emerson


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by seanchai
You know what might help guys who feel like their game is messed up by feminism? Taking some time to actually figure out what feminism is. I suggest a women's studies course if you're in college, or reading The Second Sex by de Beauvoir if you're not. Thinking about what actually happened historically and why, instead of complaining about what's happening today, might help you guys get a hold of your life better.
The tone of this post seems to chastise the men on here a bit, and although I wouldnt recomend taking a womens study course ( in fact id fvcing really not recomend it!) I gotta say that i agree that knowing how women got these fvcking strange ideas is probably usefull, although when I read femenist literature It did the opposite of making me feel empathy for em, rather I thought it was like reading jehova witness literature that kind of thing......


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: Uber Feminists.

Originally posted by Wyldfire
The expectations of women are no more unrealistic than the expectations of the guys on here. People are more demanding and selfish than ever. It has nothing to do with feminism. It's simply because both men and women have a sense of entitlement and want something for nothing.

If having unrealistic expectations makes one a feminist then 95% or better of the men here must be feminists.

ok Call me a BIG FAT HOG DIKE with a shaved head femanazi!

This has got to be the most retarded thing I've read in a while on here.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
Too many guys on here have become obsessed with feminism. I've been noticing it happening for quite some time now. It's getting worse every day and now it's to the point some of the guys are starting to notice it, too.

This is a very dangerous thing to happen to this forum. Allen needs to start a Men's Rights section and limit all the feminism discussion to that section. Too many of the younger guys are being taught to be obsessed and radical with the topic, and that's just as bad as being a radical feminist. I'd hate to see a dating forum turn into a radical anti-feminism ranting forum, but slowly that's what it's becoming. Too much blaming feminism (or women in general) and not enough taking responsibility, learning and growing. It's really quite sad.

Most guys who come to this forum are AFCs. When they start to lash out against all the crap that they have heard from the media and popular culture they realize that feminism is to blame for their AFCness. this is a natural reaction after years of being brain washed by all the feminist social markting.

Developing a distain for feminsim (not women) is the first step towards becoming a man. Feminism encuarages AFCs by discouraging men from being strong and masculine. The joke is that these women are not attracted to the very men that they created. They are still attracted to the more masculine men dispite what they say.

You see, in an effort to discourage masculinity and the "patriarchy", the media began portraying men as mean, vulgar, dumb slobs, and Jerks.

They thought this would promote feminism, the empowerment of women, and help break down "opressive" gender roles.

They thought if they portrayed men badly, it would help discourage boys from adopting an "chauvanistic" masculine identity, and help create an "equal" gender-neutral culture.

In a sad irony, this didn't work. The agenda may have caused some boys to become weak, effeminate, and even gay. But not most. Instead of being disgusted by the bad caricatures of masculine men given in the media...the boys adopted and embraced these distorted images of masculinity.

I suppose this speaks to the resiliency of the human need for strong gender identification.

So, instead of scaring boys away from masculinity with their bad portrayals of men...they created their own monster; a society of boys who embraced the very exaggerated stereotypes of masculinity that were meant to discourage them from being men at all.

Rebuking feminism is your first step to success with women.


New Member
Nov 22, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Uber Feminists.

Originally posted by Wyldfire
The expectations of women are no more unrealistic than the expectations of the guys on here. People are more demanding and selfish than ever. It has nothing to do with feminism. It's simply because both men and women have a sense of entitlement and want something for nothing.

If having unrealistic expectations makes one a feminist then 95% or better of the men here must be feminists.
I agree brother thats its a sad fact that people are more
demanding and selfish than ever, the current social
conciousness in the states.I, nor any of my close friends
want or expect something for nothing though, if its too easy,
its usually not any good anyways.Adios


New Member
Nov 22, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Blackdragon5095
I see that feminist is scaring alot of men who don't

So because they don't believe in theirselves and believe because of feminist I will say reading some books that will destory you of this fear. I agree yes their are alot of spoiled men and women and I agree with wildfire and comic relief, that men are letting feminist sacre them, turning this fourm into a anti-feminism fourm.

Lets talk a little about FEAR!!!
Fear holds you back from your dreams and goals. Fear will jump in your path of becoming a real man and say " I think thats dangerous you should turn back" Fear is 1 of the reasons people are failures in LIFE and never never get follow their dreams. To let fear hold you back is saying " I will accept not follow my dreams"

Next up
Napoleon Hill - Think And Grow Rich

This book what told me that nothing is impossible. When I hear people say " I'm mexcian, america won't let me get rich" means he saying "I will accept failure". How can you let feminist hold you back ?? Feminism been around since you was born !!! I will repeat


Many of the PUA And Master DJ's knew about this ?? They knew about feminist, did they come crying saying " omg i met 1 feminist girl I'm so sacred" did they post stuff up like this ??
Of course not !!!
Napoleon said that a man or woman really wants something they deeply desire, they are gonna get it. Nature will just hand it over to them. WHy ?? because of their mind frame. I can see alot of men worry about bad women, women who hate men, women who like other women. Stop letting fear get to you. Yes their women who hate men. To me personally I DON'T CARE !!!.
Are they at your door ?
Friends with you ?
In your car ??
Then wtf are you sarce of ??

NExt up
Art of War, The prince, 48 laws of power and other war books

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need
not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the
enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know
neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. ~ Sun tzu

Sun tzu teachings are powerful. Start learning them for your life and don't go outside saying every woman will like me, go outside saying I'm ready for the battle. If you was 10x time bigger then sun tzu and had a higger I.Q and come beat up 2 men by yourself. You would still lose to sun tzu. For him to write such a great book, he learned from his mistakes and movatied his troops. The movation I'm seeing around here is fear feminism. If I was the leader I won't want men to fear feminism and be against it, I would want them to understand it and move on with their lifes and goals. The best way to beat a enemy is to understand your enemy. If you fear feminism then take your head and put it into the book and start learning what it's all about, where it came from,and why it happened.

Final Words
No one is perfect. To me women who hate men are women who been hurt by jerks. Why do so many men fear or even against feminism ? because it's their way of getting to us. Wanting attention, wanting us to know they exist and that we are the bad guys in life. Don't hate your enemy, understand your enemy, don't fear your enemy, understand why they are acting the way they are.

Stop worrying, Start living


"It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges,
and I believed in myself."-Muhammad Al

Knowing is not enough; you must apply. Willing is not enough; you must do. [Bruce Lee]

"Do not be too timid or unsure about your actions. All life is an experiment." --Emerson
Again, we appreciate quasi-cleaverness, giving lectures about
the basics and saying we are "fearfull" while you are "brave
and understanding is funny. If your a needy MOFO dont
waste your time with "cleaver" insights and quotes.


New Member
Nov 22, 2005
Reaction score
I have too agree with Kevins observations about our society,
this has created the " metrosexual" and very androgynous
males. The way I think to combat it is to tactfully expose it,
instead of the AFC suckup."Chumps are a dime a dozen".

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
This sh*t started creeping in back in the 80's with femboy brit new wave pop bands and bands like Duran Duran who wore makeup and coloured their hair, and worse, Boy George. On the other side of the coin was the rise of the Queen of the hors herself - Madonna.