Types of marriages


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2019
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Women are the decision makers in most marriages. Hence the term "pitch the *****" in real estate


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2017
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I've been married for over 13 years and have seen and been around other married couples for reference.

Here's my take on it:
- There always has to be a bull and a cow in the relationship otherwise, there's going to be negotiations/game playing/manipulation/deception of some sort. You can't have two heads(unless it really just boils down to a partnership disguised as marriage). One has to be the shoulder that supports the head. This will vary on who is beta in the marriage.

- There will be marriages of convenience in some cases and ones that are driven by money. My back yard neighbor is a good looking guy but married a fatty because he can control her emotionally and she has a good job that allowed him to retire early. I'm pretty sure he is the male version of a gold digger and just wants to be taken care of. I don't think he's beta but once again, that manipulation/deception comes into play here.

- There is always one person in the marriage that is going to love the other more than the other. The person that loves more will always have the short end of the stick and will always be sacrificing and compromising. They will not think this or be aware of it necessarily. I see this in guys all the time that married their "10" dream woman.

- When there are kids involved, it can change dynamics either way to favor either the males or females(not legally wise though in the US, at least).

- Women are masters at manipulation(since guys generally are stronger physically) so guys need to be aware and alert on this. It's when guys are too deaf and dumb to know this manipulation is happening gradually, that they get brainwashed in a marriage over time.

- Both parties are responsible and have certain duties as a husband and a wife. It has nothing to do with whether they like certain things or not. For example, if I'm working and I'm the main bread winner, my wife damn better be washing my clothes and have some dinner on the table when I get back. That's a duty of hers. There's a distinction between duty and likes and some people don't realize that or subscribe to it.

- Some marriages are strongly based on the Disney Dream so it's possible that the guy will be totally blue-pilled and be white knighting like crazy and not know it, even though he's not a beta.

- Some marriages revolve heavily on their religious beliefs and teachings/practice so that definitely has a factor in it. Once again some can look at this as brain washing but nonetheless helping keep some sort of order/stability/responsibilities in a marriage.

As a man, you need to provide knowledge, security, resourcefulness, survival, guidance, direction. If this shifts over to the woman, you no longer are a man in the marriage. So just because you are married doesn't give you a free pass to be lazy and complacent. And this is the reason why I think stay-at-home dads are at a disadvantage and generally have lost their manhood.