Two of my encounters with the opposite sex.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Well, the first one was one of the twins that I had mentioned awhile back, during passing period at the end of school I finally loked eye contact with her, but before I could say anything her eys shifted to the bottom left. (I know I'm not ugly)

Second, this girl that has been friendly with me ever since I was a Freshman (touching my arm and stuff) Today, (I knew she did this on purpose) She stood infront of me and started backing up right into my arm and stood there for a few sec, then turned to me and said "Oh hi *name* I didn't see you, how come you didn't say anything!.

the pokemaster

Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
why the hell did you post this? not being rude but what the f*ck do you want us to say? "well done you encountered the opposite sex..." This is natural man. Stuff like this happens everyday once your a DJ. Go use what your learning from the site and then post your success story.

lol but true say i do know what its like when you do first start noticing girls and their subtle games.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Elti Boi said:
why the hell did you post this? not being rude but what the f*ck do you want us to say? "well done you encountered the opposite sex..." This is natural man. Stuff like this happens everyday once your a DJ. Go use what your learning from the site and then post your success story.

lol but true say i do know what its like when you do first start noticing girls and their subtle games.

I don't know, I guess I was looking for some tips on how to handle the twin...the one I talked about in the first paragraph.

I'd also like to add in that these twins toyed with me a bit during my freshman year..2 years ago, but I brushed it off and kinda said I wasn't interested..but not directly. (they was kinda sloppy back then)