I think this is what all of us want, at least at some point in life. We want that chick who's going to reliably stick to our sides no matter what. Good for you for finding one who's proven her worth.
The problem in today's society is women are NOT trained by their families nor society to treat men like this. They've learned to be the independent, strong woman who doesn't need a man for anything. Women who grew up raised by their mothers only are the worst offenders. They have no concept of the responsibilities inside a family unit. Their parents never taught them to be their best to find a good man to support them. Instead, they're taught that they can do anything by themselves and have their girl friends (or male orbiters) support them instead of having one man. We have become irrelevant in terms of helping women through life unless we want to be a beta orbiter.
Screening for red flags while qualifying women are important. Does she have male orbiters? Is her family still intact? How does she view her father? How many guys has she slept with? Does she know how to cook and clean? All this 5hit is important if we are to find a reliable woman. Unfortunately, the majority of women come up short, and the trend is only getting worse as time goes on.
I don't think today's society is the problem Des, its FIRST WORLD society. The women that were the best examples of loyal wives from the first world were post ww2 brides. Women have to suffer through some sort of tragedy to understand the importance of a male counterpart. Pain, Emotional Trauma, Sickness, Hunger and Death, it helps jolt people back to reality.
The problem with the 1st world countries is that we have allowed ourselves to live in a bubble for far too long and most women AND men have forgotten what lies just outside the border. The world is a hostile and in many ways a TERRIBLE place to be INDEPENDENT. People who are independent of the group don't survive very long in the 3rd world no matter how STRONG they think they are. That's generally why WESTERN WOMEN can't hack it in the various 2nd and 3rd world countries. They don't have the skill set and aren't willing to adapt, instead they run back to the bubble after having a quick 'cultural experience'. The ones that stay on for trips longer than 6 months become bitter and resentful of local women. I've seen this behavior now from 1st world princesses in 5 different countries. Its not so much the FOREIGN women are better but FOREIGN women have a higher likelihood of growing up poor and destitute as my wife did.
Most men from the 1st world come over to the 3rd and seek out a bride, the first sets of women they run into are the 'gringo hunters'. These are typically women from VERY WEALTHY families, they speak near perfect English and are looking for a way into the bubble to rejoin the other 1st world princesses. Once they arrive at the first world, they proceed to act just like the other spoiled 1st world women, generally leaving the man in search of someone more 'qualified' to handle her. This is where you get many FOREIGN MEN who swear that FOREIGN WOMEN are the same as WESTERN. Those MEN are usually from the upper class of their own society and have never approached, let alone live near the poverty stricken populace. When I was under a different Tag, I wrote about my exploits in South America with one such princess and the inevitable downfall, cheating and bad behavior that occurred when I brought her back to the West. She had found out about my posts on SS and informed her father. Said man was very concerned with losing face and was not above hiring 'help' to deal with the problem and so I've never been back to that region. 3rd world rich are not to be messed with, they know the game and the rules and they have the money to break them. I would say that RICH women of any society should be handled carefully, skillfully and from a distance. I've yet to hear of a man that is happily married to a spoiled FOREIGN princess. I have a friend who while becoming an overnight millionaire, still suspects his rich wife of cheating and it keeps him up at night. He knows he is a kept man, and when she goes, so does the money.
The best way to test for a QUALITY woman is to ask how long she has gone without FOOD either as a child or currently. If the answer is NEVER, its time to say goodbye. 1 week or more is generally an indicator that she doesn't take things for granted. An absence of a family member doesn't necessarily indicate dysfunction. My wife's father was murdered mercilessly by the local rich gang members and later covered up. The VOLUNTARY absence of a family's father will certainly indicate dysfunction, I have been with women on both sides of the coin. THAT type of woman will be seeking validation through ANY attention her father will give her including (sex, drugs, tattoos or drama) while she sips cappuccino-ices at Starbucks. The former spent most of her early life privately

ing to herself in a dirty corner on top of some hay and vowing to never repeat the mistakes of her family. Another indicator of QUALITY is hardship through WORK. If her only job has been sitting in an office, eating bagels then she won't appreciate your day at the factory. If, however, her job required blood or sweat and didn't have a designated END time, then likely she will be grateful when she doesn't HAVE TO continue to do that. Callouses on women's hands are a good indicator of her work ethic and ability to put her nose to the grind during hard times. Education is not necessarily an indicator of a smart woman, I've known plenty of stupid, spoiled grads. Some of the smartest/wealthiest people I know, never made it past primary. Men that screen women through education, are generally running up against women from rich families. A good question to ask is: "How hard did you have to work, to get where you are today?". If her definition of hard work is studying at school, politely excuse yourself, she is a princess. To the 3rd world poor, school is a privilege, its the life after school where the hard work takes place.
The problem comes when MEN don't leave the bubble and cut themselves off from the suffering of the 3rd world. The suffering is where the character building takes place. Without any sort of hardship we become weak and unable to deal with the realities of life. They are always just a few steps away but its easy to forget that when you live in a country, which looks out for its people. In women's cases the 1st world makes them a protected and honored class. For men to continue to date women in the 1st world is both irresponsible and counter productive to society. The women in these 1st world kingdoms now take offense to what 3rd world denizens know is day-to-day responsibility. You can hardly suggest a woman learn to properly , cook, clean or take care of children without triggering a backlash or 'PTSD', that is an indicator: SHE IS A PRINCESS. Its the reason that 1st world women resent 3rd world women so much, they realize that they are spoiled princesses and in the presence of 3rd world poor they feel that shame. They can act spoiled around first world PRINCES but 3rd world men and women will call them out on their behavior. A princess from the 1st world is the same as one from the 3rd and will have various orbiters (suitors, jesters, butlers and clowns) to bask in her glow. A 3rd world pauper will never experience this and grow to resent it as shallow people generally seek out WEALTH and shun sickness and poverty.
The dysfunction is the decadence.