two girls - decision


New Member
Feb 25, 2005
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so i've been seeing this girl (not "official" yet) for a little over a month - she's 2 years younger and goes to a different school. shes really fun, my friends like her, other guys want her, its good stuff.

but just recently i've been getting to know this other girl at my school a little better - senior like me. we'd been "acquaintance-friends" for a while in that we'd hung out in the same group of friends a few times but not really talked to each other too much. but now for whatever reason we've been talking more and, well, if i wasnt already seeing the first girl i'd totally be going for this one right now. im starting to like her and im pretty sure shes starting to like me.

now, there are no problems between me and the first girl as of now. both relationships are in an upward slope. but soon those slopes are gonna collide and im gonna have to choose to break up with the first and pursue the second, or stay with the first and just become friends with the second. im not really sure which i want at this point, but im pretty sure it would be wise to get some kind of idea in my head going before i screw both relationships up.

i guess im not really asking which i should go for, as you guys would need a bit more information. im asking for help on how to decide, and/or what other things to consider.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2005
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well... you're lucky both of my relationships went in a downslope motion. both of my relations went up to a point and then boom down they go. Go with the one that seems that you have the most friendship thats what I'd personally do. I dunno, you other guys give him better advice!


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
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You are in the almost exact same decision as I am in, but there are 2 ways I can give advice and you have to decide which one is right for you.

Advice #1= The one that I decided to do cause I am in the same situation

You dont go out exclusively with either one. I realized I always tried to get a commitment going, cause I wanted something solid to hold on to, but then I realized I should act like any other testerone filled guy and not commit to either one while trying to get with both. You are not cheating on either one cause you are not going out, and still have good chances with both, and its likely you will break up within a year with whoever you went out with anyway so there isnt much of a point to commitment in high school. And if you dont have a conscious or dont care just go out with both, but that would be wrong and I dont recommend it, but I do recommend trying to get them both while remaining uncommitted.

Advice #2= If you just really, really want a relationship or like one of them. I would go with the one that you feel free to talk about anything wiht, or you feel like you can make a joke and you are not nervous or think she will accept anything you say and not judge you. On one hand you could say that going with the girl in your school is good cause you get to see her more but that can also be a problem, cause you quickly get tired of each other if you have similar classes, and she is always seperating you from you friends, but you can love each other and know each other quckly with no fear of her cheating and a better chance at early sex. Yet depending on the girl, if you go out with one at another school, you by far value your time more, are more likely to make out/ fool around by second or third date of going out, cause its your only chances, and you wont get tired of each other, but you might fear her cheating, you might also have lack of things to talk about cause you dont go to same school.

Anyways its all up to you, good luck but I suggest #1, or maybe #1 and then decide who you want to go out with later, after you experimented with advice #1. Good luck bro and if you would let me know what you decide and how it works out.


New Member
Feb 25, 2005
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thanks man, that was really helpful. i think i'm leaning a bit towards advice #1 - works out good if the girl at my school just turns into a friendship. again, thanks a lot!


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
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No problem man, and if you would let me know how it works out or something over aim or on here or whatever, my aim name is coolguy667767, notice the numbers are in different order than my username here.