I just finished reading The Book: On The Taboo on Knowing Who You Are and just feel like putting some thoughts down while I'm thinking.
There are a lot of recomended movies out there as far as immatating a main character is concerned, but the themes of the two movies Collateral and Fight Club fit in extremely well with the philosophy here.
Collateral has Vincent (cruise) and Max (fox), where Vincent is cool, calm, colleceted and Max is a boring AFC. Max plans everything in his boring, ordinary life while Vincent is always improvising and adapting. Vincent, though, is completely anti-social and lacks compassion and care for life. Max, at the final shootout with Vincent, empties a round of bullets from his gun with his eyes close, completely letting go from control, and this saved his life. Max is the one that found that balance between the two extremes.
Fight Club has Tyler (Pitt) and Nararator (Norton). Tyler has the DJ mindset here, but he takes it to an extreme just like Vincent. Norton is the same as max in a sense that they're just regular, boring guys that end up learning a lot from the psycho they are opposing. Norton actually gets rid of Tyler by actually incorporating many elements of his personality into his own, but not too many; a perfect balance.
These two movies are just movies, but they do follow a philosophy here. The two contrasting characters in each respecitive movie are wrong; an extreme in one direction of the other isn't the way to live; instead find a perfect balance.
There are a lot of recomended movies out there as far as immatating a main character is concerned, but the themes of the two movies Collateral and Fight Club fit in extremely well with the philosophy here.
Collateral has Vincent (cruise) and Max (fox), where Vincent is cool, calm, colleceted and Max is a boring AFC. Max plans everything in his boring, ordinary life while Vincent is always improvising and adapting. Vincent, though, is completely anti-social and lacks compassion and care for life. Max, at the final shootout with Vincent, empties a round of bullets from his gun with his eyes close, completely letting go from control, and this saved his life. Max is the one that found that balance between the two extremes.
Fight Club has Tyler (Pitt) and Nararator (Norton). Tyler has the DJ mindset here, but he takes it to an extreme just like Vincent. Norton is the same as max in a sense that they're just regular, boring guys that end up learning a lot from the psycho they are opposing. Norton actually gets rid of Tyler by actually incorporating many elements of his personality into his own, but not too many; a perfect balance.
These two movies are just movies, but they do follow a philosophy here. The two contrasting characters in each respecitive movie are wrong; an extreme in one direction of the other isn't the way to live; instead find a perfect balance.