A common misconception about "super-elite" women (9.5 and up) is that you can "game" them. You can't.
Super-elites aren’t desperate, and don’t respond to manipulation.
Ok,I'm with ya so far.....
When a super-elite has an interest in you, she will TAKE HER TIME, to see if you are for real. She will generally clear the decks of rival males, and begin PROBING you like you've never been probed before, becuse she is very cautious about making her decisions.
Ok.....uhh.....this whole "taking her time" thing....just how much time are we talking about? You also say that while this time-taking "probe" is going on,she'll get rid of all the other guys. So does that mean while all these other guys are gone that you and her will be gettin' it on? Or does the whole probe session have to be completed first?
With the OTL, it was eight months, but she went through two other guys in that time (super-elites often end relationships after a few months if things aren’t going well). Six other guys were also chasing her, so no they don’ always eliminate all rivals. With Kate, a full month, and NO HINT of competition anywhere. After Kate I never pursued a relationship, so I never had this problem, and used to LJBF super-elites all the time, as I had plenty of them. The reason I had so many was because of what I learned in my LJBF with Kate and the OTL. Each case taught me how to RELATE to women outside the bedroom, a skill that made every target after that more likely to want to fock me, even the super-elites. Think of LJBF as a basic PUA skill which must be learned.
It's the lower-ranked women who wish they were her who will have sex with you in order to get your attention away from her.
Hey,I don't have a problem with these "lower-ranked sex giving" women,lol.
Yes, sure-things have their appeal. Thanks to Kate and the OTL, my sure-things were 8.5s, not the “HB6” that makes me want to cringe.
Woah,woah hold up a sec..... You say that these super-elite/"pharmaceutical-grade women" are rare and don't come around that often. So these women,the ones who are rare and hard to find,when one of them finally does show up,you say to get in the friendzone with her? .....and on purpose? Am I missing something?
Quite a lot. First off, they aren’t THAT rare, but “live” ones are. Keeping them in LJBF adds to your social circle, improving your chances with other targets. As long as you avoid ONEITIS, you’re fine, though while in the VCABM, I recommend pursuing each as a SOULMATE. If they reject you, you go “reluctant PUA” because every woman after that will say “you should give women a chance.” I then tell them about Kate and the OTL and say “already gave them TWO. Been there, done that.” The difference was simple: most men PLAY hard to get; I WAS hard to get. Untamable. Oh and if Kate or the OTL had married me, I’d have won the game in the first inning, something not possible for a PUA.
Ok,question here......You say when a "9" or a "10" shows up,to get in the friendzone with her. uhh.....how? The friendzone normally happens when a guy likes a girl,tries to "game her" or get her interest,and somewhere somehow along the way,he took a wrong turn and got friendzoned.
Says who? Some internet person you chose to listen to? Perhaps you should consider alternate points of view, particularly those from men who specialize in seducing super-elites. Looking back, I can’t believe I viewed these women as “normal.” Most were world-class, inside and out, and still are. Most young guys won’t know how well they pick until 2030 or beyond.
What you are missing here is that being in an LJBF with one super-elite does not in any way preclude pursing other super-elites. The best PUA I ever learned from (PonyTailDude) used to deliberately go for LJBF, to DISARM his targets. He would then talk to them about things like cooking, fashion, relationships, emotions, and just about everything “chick crack” while retaining his manhood. Within a week, they’d always drop and want to have sex with him. Read my book about the parties of his I went to. The guy was SICK, and he took my game to an even sicker level, because he got tired of it all as he was teaching me (the guy married a 7, which I never could figure).
It's basically a pickup attempt gone wrong. So how are we supposed to get friendzoned by this "elite" chick? Even if you're not interested in her,she'll assume by your approach alone that you are. Then once she thinks you want her,up goes the walls,out comes the b!tch shield. There has to be a back and forth communication for even a friendzone to take place. If she's giving off cold vibes and has the b!tch shield up,how can a friendzone happen?
If you approach as a friend, she has no reason to be a betch. If she is one, you can ignore it, which demonstrates you have no agenda. Your view is male-centric. Instead of thinking of it as being her emotional tampon, think of it as PLEASING HER AS A FRIEND, something she values very highly, specifically because guys like you won’t go for this. While you and every other guy like you crashes and burns, I’m developing familiarity, LISTENING to her, LEARNING how she views the world and what she finds important, and developing the “skillz” necessary to get her into bed. On another level, I have studied advanced sexual skills like massage, hypnosis, domination, and things other “PUAs” don’t bother to learn. I just don’t deploy those tactics easily.
There is nothing more HIGH VALUE to a super-elite than a guy who could try to seduce her, but doesn’t, not because he is scared, but because he is QUALIFYING her as much as she him. That’s what happened with Kate and I. It was like watching Karpov and Kasparov go at it in a longterm match, with neither of us making a mistake, until I finally hit the wall a month later, when she came to my room at 3:00 a.m. to get a coat she had deliberately left there, after visiting me alone in my room earlier during a keg party I had thrown specifically to engineer that. I did NOT cash in on the booty call, because I wanted a WIFE. For easy sex, I had six other options. The LJBF with Kate (actually courtship) did not eliminate the other six options; it was a layer ABOVE them, which made me want to explore her first, before moving on. As it turned out, Kate wanted a hookup, and I wanted marriage. She bailed because once she knew this, she would have had to smash my heart after having sex, which would have crushed me. Yes, it hurt, but when I finally recovered three years later, I was twenty-one years old, and one of the best PUAs in the WORLD, after which I improved for another eight years, before age began taking its toll.
And another thing.....Let's say I suceed and do get friendzoned by her. The friendzone,as described here on Sosuave is.......Being a girl's emotional tampon, listening to all her sob stories, listening to her complain about all the other guys SHE'S BANGING who she claim mistreats her, her telling me I'm like a "brother" to her
Reverse the genders: what would your opinion be of a super-elite who comes over for no-strings sex and nothing else? SHE would have all the power. In the scenario above, YOU have all the power, and can pull the plug on her at any time, without warning, if you want to “game” her. If you want an edge over 500 other guys, having her depend on you emotionally can give you that edge, plus, if she isn’t sexing you, you’re free to pursue other women, armed with much greater knowledge that you gain from your LJBF. Read the VCABM section of my book, and how I went to “reluctant PUA” game after Kate. No woman measured up to her, which was a perpetual NEG on the next two decades of live women.
And you're saying to endure ALL THAT for who knows how long is hopes of obtaining this "inside knowledge" to gaming a 9/10?
What am I enduring? The company of a super-elite? If she’s not sexing me, I’m free to seek sex elsewhere. Why do I need to trash a good FRIENDSHIP, and an amazing PIVOT? Kate and I once had a three-hour dinner where wwe closed the college cafeteria, after the original table had twelve. Guys were congratulating me after that, but it also put a target on my back, because I had gotten farther with Kate than any man on campus had to that point, save for her first-semster boyfriend (I arrived in January).
Naw dude......think I'm gonna pass on this one. If I ever do run across one of those "elite" types,I think I'll just come here and ask you what to do,and save myself the time amd misery of being in the friendzone with a hot chick.
Why is this misery? You can have friends and lovers at the same time. In fact, the better you can tolerate the friendship, the more likely you are to sex her and any other target. With the OTL, we were relating like a MARRIED copule, to the point where if we did hook up, we would certainly have married, since sex was the only thing missing from that equation. Does she regret not marrying me? I don’t know, but I suspect she does have a twinge of wonder from time to time. I sure do.