I can't believe I haven't updated this thread in over 3 years, but I now feel the need to do so. Again, I see an alarming amount of people worried about how their lives will drop off once they hit 30.
This post is living proof that it only gets better.
At 33.5, I am now deeply entrenched into my career. I just got a new job with a hefty salary increase. I am doing what I love and now I can begin to branch out. I have to admit, it was a little hard there for a while. There were months I wished I could have broken even, but persistence and perseverence pays off. And I'm only halfway there.
I've almost perfected the art of spinning my own plates.
I always have at least 3 and I don't see them every week. Plate A is the one I've seen the longest and whenever her IL seems to drop, I stop seeing her for a bit and seem to go back to Plate B and C and then Plate A seems interested again. I've added a D and E every once in a while. It's happened naturally, sometimes meetup groups, people at a bar, at events, online dating... doesn't matter.
I am in the best shape of my life again. I've been hitting the gym hard and that's spiked some interest as well from current plates and women that are interested.
I am going to start travelling now, a little more. I sacrificed some time to dedicate to my career and finding a stable spot to live and work in. Time to reap in those benefits. I noticed my passport expired in 2010, so my first piece of business is to renew that this year and start planning for a trip next year. I don't care if it is a cruise, a trip to DC or Boston, or whatever, I am going somewhere with a camera and I am taking pictures, whether it's alone or with other people... I want to see the world, I CAN see the world.
I've noticed a shift in my dating age bracket lately. I used to seem to go out with women ages 32-37. That has recently changed to 28-33. I think I enjoy that bracket much more right now.
All in all, life is good because I want it to be good and I choose for it to be good. I can't believe how much my life has changed since age 28 and I am grateful for it. I don't let women rule my life nor be the center of my universe. I am the center of my universe and they can just be passing comets in it. So far, I can say, life from 30-33 has been spectacular.